Guys it just fucking happened

Guys it just fucking happened

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Cool it man, agung is no more she blew her top[ its literally hapeningh


Will it kill Muslims?

big if true

I don't believe you

This is the end of Drumpf's campaign.

Agung isnt just a bong brand?

fug it was bigger than first expected

Is this Balintore, Vanuatu or Australia?

>am posting as scattered matter

>those digits don't lie

What's the source you're getting those screencaps from?

Mount St. Helens in 1980

fucking fag



St Helens went up again??

Americunts BTFO

Guys i just fucking took this pic from new york , its fucking yellowstone


You had me going there for a minute you enormous faggot. Wasted trips on this

Oy mates, no valcanohs! Cunt thread.

do mods allow shitposting of this magnitude?

in the grand scheme of time 1980 was not that long ago so its technically still happening