Well Sup Forums will you sign?
Well Sup Forums will you sign?
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Link it.
thankyou ninja link poster ^^
but it's amerika only
saved to share when being asked about it
I already did when it was made.
o nvm this is a new one
so drumpfkins like refugees when theyre white ppl
really makes me think
Don't like helping people if they are white?
I appreciate it
Or you know, are actually facing genocide and not just some random darkie
What are these people?
No fuck those racists
Simply put, white people from south Africa who are facing hardship and death for their skin color
anything for my fellow people,
i've spread it around on my fb and linking it around on my kik
thinking of snapping it around too, but i don't know how to put links on snap, i gues a pic of the petition will do?
these are our people
Blah blah bla white people racist blah blah blah I don't actually care people just virtue signaling blah blah blah
There is literally a white genocide going on in South Africa. They need to leave that shithole right now
Appreciate it brother. I think so the title is the link. I will make a follow up thread in the morning and afternoon to get more of my fellow Americans in on it.
NOPE, white are superior they don't need being humiliated to this level.
The Soviets built the Berlin wall retard.
Accepting defeat one day and winning the next is not humiliating
One more bump from myself , thanks to all for the support.
>Well Sup Forums will you sign?
no im sorry, canadian multiculturalism forbids it and condems anyone trying to help afrikaners as racist white supremacists.
maybe they shouldn't have been born as oppressive colonialists and they wouldn't be in any "danger" in the first place
just go for a walk in the desert mohamed, maybe it will give you some inspiration for your new book
> i don't know about the atlantic wall so i have to insult people because i know nothing
You've got the Afrikaaners all wrong. Asking an Afrikaaner to leave South Africa is like asking an american to just leave the USA. They are tied to the land. They have been there since 1652. They want it, they want their freedom there, they want to be independent there and rule over themselves. You don't understand them.
Femanons always easy to spot due to their vapid, predictable posts. Hang yourself.
These are Dutch and English citizens and it is our responsibility to take care of them.
I understand that, I want the offer to be there when they need it
better be the federal government of mexico.
Fuck those cowards, this is the reason we are loosing so much ground lately, half the population will rather move to Canada or Australia and watch it become south africa 2.0 than stay here and fight.
Only one signature so far? Can you sign without being an US-citizen?
Not everyone is made for fighting
It has six it just isn't showing the six
Meant for
And user, the point being there will be a point of no return and that point was in the 1960s and this is so the people without anything left will have a place to go.
I'm against it.
Needs more though.
>Afrikaners and Boers
Change it to "White South Africans" pls. Don't leave me here just because of my beady Anglo blood.
Nope, just like mudshits it's not my fault they were born in the wrong place.
but wont nigs also ask for refugee status?
Working on it, it's at 8
user just say you are, I can't put white in it because I still need the normie support
I'm a white supremacistso yes.
Nigs aren't Afrikaners or boers and aren't being attacked because of their skin color
>because costal defenses nicknamed a wall are the same thing as an actual wall
>inhabit a land that doesn't belong to you
>persecute the native population
>karma strikes back
Oh no.
US and other nations take white south Africans. Natives get their land back.
I can't wait to read all the SJWs spazzing out over this on twitter.
These are white Christians.
In-group preference is a lovely phenomenon.
While native Americans don't.
Them ignoring literally the biggest actors in violent crime while making a big deal out of the smallest contributer should tell you, yes they hate white people and want them death because of their white skin color. Because nothing else makes sense in that case.. like at fuckign all.
how retarded do you have to be to not just link it in the op
Correct, natives aren't being killed for being natives. The white south Africans are losing a fight and need help from somebody. The answer here isn't to take up arms but take them back home or to other white countries.
how do you fight when it seems so futile
Pretty, but it was late when I made the thread so sign it or fuck off. When I make a new one the link will be in the OP
No one inhabited the land when the whites moved into South Africa. It was shitty land made habitable by white people. Then the black Bantu invaders from the Congo moved in. After Apartheid the floodgates opened and niggers from every corner of Africa flooded in.
No shit, it's called white nationalism and not wanting non-whites allowed in.
How is that fucking hard to understand?
Well let them show their true colors and push white people together. Race traitor will be some of the first to go
Aren't Boers Afrikaners?
Yes. Whites created and built America and now blacks and browns are destroying it.
The higher percentage of whites = The better the country, its that simple.
>implying the Khoisan don't get genocided by Bantu niggers as well
poor, poor, ignorant, stupid liberal. Despised, and derided by all. But never pitied.
Yes but boers are farmers specifically, people who are targeted for being white and owning land
Ya'll are doing God's work
Aren't they Swedish level cucks? Why would I want to import people that would just vote for the same shit that they ran from?
The native black population is 0.01% of SA population. The Bantu tribes that make up 99% of black South Africans came AFTER the Boers you ignorant motherfucker.
user, the history is unimportant. They will always be evil white colonists. It is just time to help anyway we can
I doubt there are people on this earth who hate blacks as much as south Africans whites do.
That will never happened. If USA wanted more white people they could easily get them by handing out green cards in Eastern Europe.
I do agree but this isn't about wanting more white people. It is about saving some right now
Can non-burgers even petition for this?
Brotha, we are like the only two fliposter here
>what are reserves
No, but support is appreciated
This is true.
Petition signed.
white residents of SA need to fight.
For them, the race war IS happening and they are laying down and taking it.
Not everyone is made for fighting, kids are not made for it. This isn't about fighting. South Africa is lost and has been lost since the 60s. This is about saving white people who will be stuck in a situation that they can't win
Thank you
krugerrands are so awesome, going to buy 2 soon, just need to save 200 more euros
>19 signed
rip SA
We like refugees when they're actual people.
>hurr durr obstacles stopping people from passing certain points aren't the same thing
Hahahah it probably won't be the last petition I make
Absolutely. And wagecuck anons, you can donate to the effort at suidlanders.org - get them the fuck out of there or they're dead.
>1 signed
Good luck setting up a precedent and then anyone could fire up a petition to take in literally any group(kids of isis members for example) under a refugee status.
How can one be so stupid? Oh, wait...
I know not all of Sup Forums agrees, but I personally think we should also have done something for the Syrian Christians who were being killed by Obama's terrorist goons.
I wonder (((why))) we didn't....
As a fellow commie I think you should sign. All peoples lives matter and they are being persecuted there. I hope you can agree with me when I say white people deserve to be safe too.
Assad did a lot to protect the Syrian Christians from being killed.
We can't save all though, user.
the petition isn't moving from 19 votes even after voting...
agh yes the(((whitehouse)))