
Jews surviving massive Holocaust!

3 million views in one week! HAPPENING NOW!

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Wait a minute, is it georges soros with a wig ?

No, he was the other twin.

anudda shoah


when you realize George Soros has biological twin sister

How can people not tell the bullshit? When I see someone from the USSR talk about Communism they always break down while these Kikes look like fucking liars. I've never seen a Holocaust victim break down.

>holocaust survivors live to be over 100 years old
Years of torture really do wonders for your longevity, it seems.

looks a child from Merkel and Soros

curse of the fig tree

more like their mom Hans

Have you guys looked at the books on Kindle Unlimited? There are tons of holocaust memoirs, I bet a load of them are faked


She does Primary School tours. Same age-group who believe in Santa Clause. They getting them young. All history in state-schools has been dropped to make room for History 101 - THE HOLOCAUST


I don't care about the holocaust, we will have one 1000 times bigger before the century is over.

Those bodies piled up look exactly like typhus and starvation victims. PS: They were piled up there by the allies.
Starvation was suffered by everyone in Germany.
But keep lying jew. Big pogrom coming soon.

I had a friend that at college a jew holocaust survivor of age 66 came in, told the story about how they turned jews to ash in an instant, made pillows from their hair, soap from their fat, lampshades from flesh, tore babies apart. I pointed out that 2017-66= 1951, 6 years after ww2 ended but was ignored.

Later my friend became a huge sjw. They get them in college and high school, now middle school and grade school. Top kek to top it off they teach america lost ww2, aided the nazis and only the communist red army freed europe.

>hurrr they didn't kill all the Jews, they just rounded them up and then they starved to death and died of typhus in the work camps
>checkmate holocaust believers!!!!

Malaysian logic.

Wait a second, that ISN'T a photoshopped image of Soros?

Dude, my teacher told me how we all are servants to Jews and we had to praise Israel every day before they made us say sorry for being white and I had to watch the cute girl I like blow Jamal while I had to sit in the corner.

This is totally legit and true and not made up at all.

Three million! Imagine that, getting 4 million views in just a week.
I'm sure the five million viewers learned a lot.
How much ad revenue is generated by those (((SIX MILLION))) viewers I wonder.

Ah, also this photo has been proven doctored, they wanted to make the pit look EVEN BIGGER.
I think the proof is in ONE THIRD OF THE HOLOCAUST series. Just as you know lots of other doctored photos.

>jews mass muirdered
I quit smoking when I realised I wanted to be old enough to see it.

>All the pictures are fake
>Here are the REAL pictures with no proof at all
>Ignore that they all came from the same neo-nazi sources
>What you don't believe me? Didn't know you were a shill!

Sounds like good logic, you should try logic sometime, nigger.
There is a big difference between killing 6 million kikes because YOLO WE'RE EVIL LOL and rounding up less than a million kikes and having about 200.000 of them die because of bombings, disease and food shortages.

Jesus. See if I was an American I would already be a Lone Wolf American Sniper out there knocking them off one by one without getting caught, and nobody would know it. I would have a normal job, and like a serial killer it would be my weekend hobby.
I would be hoping to set the example and others to follow. Would only take a 100 lone-wolfs to end them. They would all whimper down, as the pattern becomes clear the Patriot Lone Wolfs are targeting lying kikes.

>Hurrrrr they didn't try kill the Jews
>They just rounded them up and put them in camps and then left them to starve and die of disease
>Also hurrr it wasn't the number they said
>I'm gonna deny every facet but then change my views as each claim gets BTFO


This old hags the biggest bullshitter I've ever heard. The way she gloats about her "experiences" for sympathy and shekels is despicable. There were no magical mengele experiments. He was not wanted after the war since he did nothing wrong. The only reasons the Jews remembered him, when they needed to create a boogieman decades later to solidify the hoax, over other doctors was because he was so kind.
Go watch interviews of Mengeles son, compare it to this old jewess hag then make your own conclusions.

>US flag
Something stinks

>Americans can't find or reference sources in Germany, second largest compiler of Holocaust data

Visit that link, the domain changes to your local TDL

You brainwashed dumb huh?
They were originally rounded up to be deported to whoever would take them. Nobody would take them. The British in Palestine even refused to take them, and torpedoed the Struma killing 800 jewish refugees who had just set sail for Palestine, to stop all the others setting sail. Then there was the TRANSFER AGREEMENT, also option Htiler was considering to give them Madagascar.
Clearly from all the evidence Hitler and the Nazis did not plan to have such an evil solution as genocide on their hands.
THEN war broke out, and nobody would take the jews. So the obvious thing was done with them, they got rounded up from the ghettoes they had already been forced into on the german borders, and they were moved to labor camps, one of which was Auschwitz. Indeed if you randomly select testimonies from the 50,000 archived by the Shoah Foundation you will find ones like this below here, which shows you indeed they were labour camps, and not brutal. But the lying elite jews have groomed a few lying kikes to tell gas-chamber stories, and then based Hollywood films on this trash and forced governments to accept it.

In 1944 the allied forces began a campaign to bomb every railroad in Germany, stopping all food transportation to the camps. Not only did the jews starve but whole of germany starved.
You should see the documentary THE GREATEST STORY NEVER TOLD for a jew-free recount of WW2 and Hitler.
Also see photo here of Australian POWs in Singapore who were DELIBERATELY worked to death.

No one cares about your feelings, you fucking retard.
Facts don't change just because you feel like it. I don't care how many died and why in Nazi Germany. I only care that faggots like you care enough to lie about it.

Only about 200.000 to 300.000 died in the camps. The reason why they died was not because ''lol ebil nazis killed them.''
Does that change anything for you politically? Should you become a ''nazi'' or stop being a leftist faggot because of this? I don't know. I don't care. Make your own decisions, retard.
If you can't handle the fact that most of the Holocaust is a complete hoax, that is not my problem.

And here we have our customary good goy burger, out to defend his masters.
Do you believe this Jews account of torture and experimentation by mengele, out of interest?

Mine stays .de yet I'm pretty sure I'm in the Midwest, last I checked.

>Only 200,000 died
>I reject all evidence that proves otherwise
>Anyone who disagrees is a shill

The experiments are pretty well known. We took their data in exchange for asylum. Nobody of actual authority claims the lampshades or soap, morons on Sup Forums set up strawmen and argue against that.

Jews get their asses pogrommed again after mass murdering russian christians.
>Jews use their own photos of those murders to claim Nazis did this to jews.

Here's a thing, retard. You could easily say something factual like ''the nazis imprisoned over a million jews and then because of this 30% of them starved to death'' and you could say ''this is why the nazis are evil''
I'd say ok, they're evil. That's a bad thing to do to people, even if they're the lowest scum that is jews.
You can't do that, you have to lie about the number of people who died, how they died and all sorts of weird details about it all. That is what I have a problem with. What I have a problem with is that every time people point out your flat out lies about muh Holocaust, you double down and you assume everyone who is calling you out on your lies is some kind of a ''nazi sympathizer''

Why not just stick with the facts? Doesn't the fact that they imprisoned a bunch of jews who died from starvation give you enough of a case to push your agenda? Why lie about it?

i wouldn't hold out hope for amerifats to do anything


The photos presented are proof themselves the remaining jews died of typhus/starvation
Was nothing Nazis could do about the railroads bombed out by the Allies.
They did offer the jews to march to another camp, today called "March of Death" where there were supplies. But it was middle of winter and 3 days to walk. Even SS died on that walk. the jews found at auschwitz dead or alive were the ones chose to stay and not risk the march or were too weak to march.
The jews who went on the march, of those who survived scattered across europe looking for food like everyone else after the war had ended. The whole of germany had been bombed to hell.

>"The only reasons the Jews remembered him, when they needed to create a boogieman decades later to solidify the hoax, over other doctors was because he was so kind."

Shows you just how evil the jews are doesnt it.

Hahaha “they didn’t kill the Jews, they put them in camps and they just happened to die!”

This is absolute retard logic.

Auschwitz archvies were closed in Russia until 1990 after communism ended. Once released to the West they discovered Auschwitz had 60,000 death certificates, 40000 of them were for jews.
So now we know how many jews died at Auschwitz. 40,000.
This tells you then that remember the original number being told was 4 million. The policy it seams was to exagerate their suffering by a factor of 100 in every aspect. If you think about it that must be it, 100 times the Holocaust.

>Only about 200.000 to 300.000 died in the camps

40,000 at Auschwitz. The rest were elsewhere.

Don't forget also the Holocaust is called all years between 1933-45 any jew who died in Europe.
This is 12 years. And we know from news papers from 1800s-1922 that there were 6 million jews in Europe.

6 million at a peace-time death rate of 1200/100000/year

1200x60x12 = 1 million.

So you have 1 million jews from 1933-1945 who would have died with or without Hitler.

Without Hitler I think even more jews would have died, I mean if Jews had been treated as nationals of their respective countries, look at the bombings of all the german cities, more jews would have died in those bonmbings that died at the camps.

So actually the jews SAT OUT the war. This is what makes their lies so enraging, murderous rage of hatred I have for kikes.

>there's no evidence because the evil mastermind nazis carefully covered their tracks
abslutely pathetic

There’s shit tons of evidence.... you guys are just ignoring it...

literally the only evidence are (((witness testimonies)))

That dude posted a link with over 500 documents... that’s not witness testimony. At least not in my country.

>Nobody of actual authority claims the lampshades or soap, morons on Sup Forums set up strawmen and argue against that.

And yet they continue to cite the Nuremberg Trials as their paramount evidence that gas-chambers existed, when we know they didn't.
So you give us the Jew Soap, the Lampshades, the Pigmy Shrunken Skulls, all of which were presented as EXHIBITS of Nazi Atrocities at the esteemed Nuremberg trials, but then when it comes to gas-chambers, which have no physical evidence and in fact architectural design of Auschwitz dissuades any suspicion of them existing, you CLING TO YOUR NAZI CONFESSIONS, guys who were in prison and executed and tortured to say whatever they were told to say.

Honest if you a jew I understand you are a liar and a murderer so its expected. But if you a goy, man you are one empty shell of a human. Souless, spiritless, man of wood.

"The mass of men serve the state thus, not as men mainly, but as machines, with their bodies. In most cases there is no free exercise whatever of the judgment or of the moral sense; but they put themselves on a level with wood...."

Oh god he’s posting the crematorium fallacy. Guess that means you’re at the end of your chain of stupidity.

I can't wait for the day when Jews in their 40s and 50s are talking about surviving the Holocaust

Exactly! They could easily just tell the truth, but no, no, no, they want to exaggerate it 100 times. Why? Because this is the propaganda that protects them from getting lynched for the crimes they are doing RIGHT NOW and also they know that if they were us they would genocide the jews.

A document mentioning the JQ isn't proof of a schlomocaust.

>a pile of shoes means six million Jews died
>please ignore there not being six million Jews in the areas Germany conquered

Sigh, every holocaust denier... just deflect and cry. You guys never have any actual arguments. Always revert back to the crematorium fallacy and the “the Jews are controlling the world” crap. I hoped I could finally find one that doesn’t rely on the same old propaganda and yet it’s never the case. Always just deny.

How is it retard logic? Less jews died in those camps than would have died if they had been in germany cities under the bombings.
I think you getting retard-logic because you imagining that millions of jews died. They didn't. Its an outright lie.
40,000 jews died at Auschwitz. From malnutrition/tyuphus and it mostly happened in the last year.

>"deflect and cry"
>proceeds to deflect and cry

Retard logic? Here listen to these JEWISH Auschwitz witnesses who tell the truth about what it was like there - youtube.com/watch?v=YVmIaBW-HjI

I’m asking you why that link is bull and you just say “hey it’s bull because I said so. I didn’t actually read a single piece that shows I’m wrong.” You didn’t read anything in that link, it’s obvious. You just repeated your JQ crap and waited to get snaps from your buddies.





As well as the witness testimonies they buried, just like the witness testimonies of 9/11 they buried to protect the pre-written story.



Like I said. Same debunked crap. Random ass people trying to cash in on an event /=/ mass conspiracy.

If I post a story of someone faking their experience in Vietnam, did that war not happen, then? Stupid as fuck...

What crematorium fallacy?
The witness jews I have who explain how 2000 jews per day were gassed and cremated, include these crematoria as the tool. Lols. As if the Nazis would build those to do it. They would have used an industrial meat-grinder and an industrial incinerator.
Here is documentary on the engineering false-hoods of the Holocaust Story.

The problem with trying to argue via copypasta is that it becomes easy to debunk over time.

I'm sorry Shekelstein, I know memes don't come cheap these days but you need new content

It's post war propaganda that served cold war and the Jews

When Jews have lied about other big aspects of the supposed Holocaust, logically the whole thing must be doubted, and that's just from a scientific perspective. A normal human being would understand this concept, but Jews either feign ignorance over the lies, or overtly don't care and call you 'Anti-Semite' as a silencing tactic.

When even the holy book of the Holocaust, The Diary of Anne Frank, now legally has a co-author (not an editor, a co-author), it's only healthy and normal to doubt the whole thing. There's basically no one aspect of the entire tale that hasn't been tainted at this point.

You people make me sick. How do you live with yourselves. Look at this poor woman. Fucking Brlumppfie nazis. 1933 was a bad year in WW2. Sick fucks.



On the subject of those witness testimonies...


>You guys never have any actual arguments.
How can you argue with lies other than expose them as lies?
IF the Holocaust happened, then why are all the stories about it proven lies?

You don't start a lie with, "Prove that 6 million jews didn't die".
No really its up to you to prove there were gas-chambers at Auschwitz and you can't.
Here is your key-witness
Dario Gabbai. its so obvious he is lying I am surprised jews put this out there but I guess now its the children they are targeting at state-schools whilst the parents are busy working paying debts to the jew banks.

This was actually the top of a four story incinerator. The body slowly rode the rails to the bottom being cooked/dried out by burning bodies below over a week. When the body reached the bottom it was dry enough to burn. German engineering at work.

>typhus routinely and severely emaciates the body
[citation needed]
>Starvation was suffered by everyone in Germany
[citation needed]
>proof is in One Third of The Holocaust series

Denierbud's One Third of the Holocaust fully debunked here:

(scroll down to "Debunking denierbud videos and writings")
>Mengele was not wanted after the war
[citation needed]
>They were originally rounded up to be deported to whoever would take them.
>Then there was the TRANSFER AGREEMENT
Correct, but only 60,000 Jews managed to escape Europe this way, what's that, 0.6% of the pre-war European Jewish population?
>also option Htiler was considering to give them Madagascar.
>Clearly from all the evidence Hitler and the Nazis did not plan to have such an evil solution as genocide on their hands.
Moron. Do some reading:
>In 1944 the allied forces began a campaign to bomb every railroad in Germany, stopping all food transportation to the camps. Not only did the jews starve but whole of germany starved.
[citation needed]. Sure, Allies bombed cities to bits, but can you do what NO HISTORIAN has managed to accomplish to date, which is to prove there was widespread disease and starvation outside the camps? Due to Allied bombing? Of course you cant because you suck at history.
>You should see the documentary THE GREATEST STORY NEVER TOLD

TGSNT debunked here: i.imgur.com/nUtifYK

It is you, who holds the silly and delusional religious belief that "only 200,000 to 300,000 jews died in the holocaust". Bring forth your "evidence" that backs this number up, and watch me tear it to shreds in front of your very eyes.
>muh Auschwitz archives
debunked here: i.imgur.com/iDM1rP3


oy fucking vey it's anuddha shoah

All of your JIDF 'info'graphs have been debunked here for years now.

Not random ass people trying to cash in on event. These are KEY WITNESSES recorded and published by the SHOAH FOUNDATION who has 50,000 of them.
This is another one from the SHOAH FOUNDATION -


And these 'witnesses' do tours of schools in America. Every school in America gets a Holocaust Survivor visitor to tell these stories, all of them like this.

>typhus routinely and severely emaciates the body
[citation needed]
>Starvation was suffered by everyone in Germany
[citation needed]
>citation needed for easily publically available data
Neat post, (((fellow white person))).

>still posting the original
It's no longer 2016, kid.

Then here is another one from SHOAH FOUNDATION where the jews are simply telling the truth about Auschwitz -

And THESE testimonies they dont use to make HOllywood films, and they dont ask those jews to do school tours or publish books.

A fucking leaf.... this was the nail used on her. How you feel now?


Kids can remember events before the age of 3 when they’re small, but by the time they’re a bit older, those early autobiographical memories are lost. New research has put the starting point for amnesia at age 7.

If you did not live in freedomsland, you'd be going to jail for denying the holocaust with the implication that the germans intended to starve, not gas their workers.


Funny thing is, that when the next pogrom of the jews comes around, these fictional tales might actually happen to them. If I was SS today and it was jew killing time....let me think. Nope. I couldn't be bothered. I would just shoot them all in the back of the head, pass them to the conveyor belt into the industrial meat grinder which passes into the industrial incinerator.

>Not random ass people trying to cash in on event. These are KEY WITNESSES

Stop lying, revisionist scum. I know lying is your modus operandi but I have to call you out on it.

Look at this picture again who are these people?

None of them have been cited by historians, none of them participated in the IMT, the Auschwitz trial or Treblinka trial. These individuals published poorly researched books immediately after the war (like Eugene Aroneanu or Vassily Grossman), or novels years later, or got 5 minutes of fame in a local newspaper interview like Moshe Peer.

>ze evil Joymanz out to gas six trillion Jews
>about to be gassed too, but collapse from hunger
>ze evil Joymanz put you in a hospital to recover so they can gas you later

What did Germans mean by this?

Jews had caused civil war, it's like the US putting Japs in camps and then not being able to feed them because supply lines were cut to the camps (except Japs hadn't caused a civil war in recent US history).


Did you know that it's illegal in most European countries to point out the falsity in these stories?
You're forced by law to accept ridiculous holocaust fantasies, such as German officers masturbating in public after killing 7 children with one bullet. Or Dr. Mengele training his dog to bite his pianist whenever she played the wrong notes. Or ridiculous gas chamber escape stories

All of these are publicly mandated truth which you are not allowed to question. Ridiculous lies designed to demonize the german people

If the average Sup Forums user can easily justify and facilitate the mass killing of Jews, then the Germans could do. They'd be cognitively dissident otherwise.

The numbers are inflated by a factor of 2, however.

They did use an industrial incinerator.


Lice don't take 48 times the amount of cyanide for lethality. That's fucking moronic.

>easily publicly available data
[citation needed]

Because as we all know, things that are empirically true definitely require legislation lobbied for and passed by Jewish groups in over a dozen countries making it illegal for you to investigate the event or publish contrary findings. That's just what every scientist, historian, and scholar does: Get laws passed so you can't doubt their assertions.

Ya bastids Jews would never lie about de holocaust

kek. Is this the 2017 New Version of the holocaust they teaching? I havn't heard that one before. Are you saying now that Garian Gabbai is a liar? Cause Spielberg used his testimony as the basis of his last documentary about Auschwitz.
here is the whole story as best we can piece it together -

So you got a different version now have you?

Just die jew. Die.

...said an increasingly nervous kike for the sixteenth time