My feeling when I think about refugee children drowning in the sea

>my feeling when I think about refugee children drowning in the sea
I don't understand how anyone has it in his or her heart to become a racist,, and to live with hatred and embrace hatred for people simply based on the language they speak, the faith they follow, or the colour of their skin..... Since this website was mentioned on the news many times now I would like to ask my question here... Think about the poor people who are not as well off as you... Do they not deserve the same chances you got simply because they happened to be born in a different place? Think about the people who are being and have been persecuted for something as meannigless as the colour of their skin... Did they deserve it, for something they had no control over?

How can you have this much hatred in your heart....?? People are dying everywhere... It's time we stood together as one world already...

>I don't understand how anyone has it in his or her heart to become a racist
You've clearly never lived around niggers.

I don't care about just the kid, I like when the whole boat tips over.

spend more time around niggers and spend less time listening to kikes

I work hard for everything I have.

These people are parasites who shitted up their homelands and want whitey to bail them out.

leave this boa-, i mean, country

do something about it then and stop posting muh emotion on the internet

Prove yourself faggot, give up your home and let someone with less than you have it. Fuck off.

>the faith they follow
If I worshipped a man who told me to kill people, you'd hate me for it.
This is the exact problem Sup Forums has with Islam.
Also it's much more practical to work to improve the wealth of other nations through improved trade practices than to bring them all here where our democracy gets saturated with such a mix of values that government is even more hardpressed to please everyone than they are now.

give your resources away or shut the fuck up muh feelings

if animals cared about well being of other animals, they would all go extinct.

Visit London.
You will be a racist.
I guarantee it.

>my feeling when I think about refugee children drowning in the sea

Facts don't care about your feelings.
If Africa and Mid-East refugees continue to migrate to Europe unopposed, they will inevitably turn it into a bear pit at best and then a favela at worst.

>I don't understand how anyone has it in his or her heart to become a racist,, and to live with hatred and embrace hatred for people simply based on the language they speak, the faith they follow, or the colour of their skin.....
wisest words OP. whites truly are evil. they think nothing of racism. it dominates their minds. there has never been any such thing as a "nonracist" white society.
keep your head up though, we will be free of them soon. there are more of us than there are of them now, and so their days are surely numbered

>my feeling when I have no czech woman sitting on my dick

there is a reason for everything

you cumskins are so obsessed with your precious "IQ" and yet if you're so smart then how come you're all dying off being replaced by "the evil jews" and "the evil brown people" huh?

checkmate, cumskin

fuck off with your bait copypasta
i saw it yesterday.

yet you feel nothing when those same people rape and kill. you hate white people so fuck off

You don't even have to deal with minorities FUCK OFF your opinion is invalid.


If they couldn't make it work in their country then how could they contribute to making the best country on Earth better?

>Do they not deserve the same chances you got simply because they happened to be born in a different place?

Yes they do but the West can't magically give them that without causing tremendous damage to itself, its people, and the culture that produces the kind of prosperity that allows it in the first place. You can't save the entire world.

Because Im Chinese

>mfw I think about refugee children drowning


(I didn't post an image, because I don't think about it)

>wah wah wah they couldn't make their country work
you say as you simultaneously whine about how all of your people are dying off because they're soft, flabby and mostly sterile or can't get laid.
white people are nothing but slaves. that's the reality. they've worked for so many years in teh US and they BRAG about "muh work".
you guys BRAG about how you give your paycheck, in the form of tax dollars, to minorities.

guess what? you shouldnt be PROUD of that. that doesn't make you a WINNER. that makes you a SLAVE!

you are a slave to brown families everywhere. you pay for us to raise our children and there is nothing you can do about it because if you resist or refuse to pay your government will come and haul your ass out of your house and imprison you lmfao aaaaaaaaahahahahahahaahahahahaahaahhahahahahahahahahaahhahahahahahaaaahahahahahhahahaahhahahahahahaahahahahahahahahhahahahahaaaaahahahahaaahahahahhahahhahaha

You know we are responsible for that, right ? We destroyed their countries

Yes, for decades we've brutalized them and its wrong. And to invite them over en masse, loosely controlled, unvetted, is recklessly endangering the lives of and communities and culture of the citizens in our own countries. They have good reason to hate us, no doubt, which is why it is not smart to play it liberal in this instance.

There are 7 billion people on this planet and that feels like too much already. Were expected to have 15 billion. How depleted will the world look then?? Were locusts...

Quit acting like human life is sacred and we all need to stick together to keep each other alive. Nigerian women are expected to have 7 children over their lifetimes and make less than a dollar a day. They are expected to have a billion people in nigeria alone by 2100.

How big does the pile of shit have to grow before you realize that people are not above animal infestation would be dealt with harshly. Humans are just backing ourselves into a tighter corner until shit really hits the fan.

Think of what the first ACTUAL food crises will look like when you got 15 billion people and a depleted ocean/depleted land.

Goodbye Elephants. They will be extinct.
Goodbye Tuna. They will be extinct.
Rhinos. Wildebeests...Somehow niggers havn't found out how to domesticate but I promise you they wont have a problem obliterating those species when they need to.

europeans literally just invaded every single country in the world and committed unspeakable atrocities against the natives and now they refuse to accept the blame when those groups have problems?

lmfao INB4 "everyone did slavery" no they didn't. grow the fuck up.
INB4 "everyone had wars" no they didn't. POC actually lived in peace and harmony with nature for thousands of years before whites ever arived on their shores, with their "boomsticks", and kidnapped them and brought them pain and misery and suffering!!

I don't care about your feelings, why should I? They only exist between your ears.

You're a narcissist that wants to save the world because you're fucking full of yourself and don't expect to do any heavy lifting. When was the last time you helped people in your community? Did you help your local council when they needed volunteers? Your aging neighbors with something difficult? Of course not. You're a piece of shit.

You've been given an inheritance by your ancestors, something they suffered and worked very hard for, and now you're giving it away it instead of preserving it for your own children. You're robbing from your own children.

awwww "wah wah wah wah wah but im sorry for slavery" TOO BAD. it doesn't work that way. you don't get to just enslave my ancestors, oppress my people, and then say "im sorry, everything is fine now".

tell me whiteboy what you are going to DO for me. tell me what you are going to DO for me to make it all better so that i should find it in my soul to TRY TO FORGIVE YOU

Being anti-racist while white is equivalent to hating your grandchildren. Importing diversity will ruin their quality of life. You are not moral for giving away their future, something which isn't your's to give

Youre a fucking idiot if you think that.

They destroyed their own countries.

As if to illustrate:

What is your point exactly? Drunk?

oi, fuck off cunt

Try floating on a door to one of their countries and see how welcome you are

LOL this cant be serious.

If it is, nobody cares about your nigger ancestors. You should be juiced they went through slavery so you can have a legal leg up on all the whites that are naturally superior to you.

>tell me whiteboy what you are going to DO for me

Do nothing for this boy. Let 'em rot or thrive by their own effort.

natives did not develop the appropriate defence systems to protect their resources from a superior enemy (but were just as violent and territorial with each other). end of story. chimp out bitch. so sorry.

>"im sorry, everything is fine now"
But I'm not sorry

Nothing you were never a slave we could put you on a boat back to Africa if you like

First of all they are NOT refugees they are ILLIGAL human garbage, inferiors how cant even use a toilet yet come to get free handouts, they are the the unwanted parasites who come to reap what they can never sow because they are so dumb and limited by their inferior racial IQ yet they keep breeding, when is open season on those barbarians?! I want to start shooting. I HOPE THEY ALL DROWN.

>in the sea

they knew the risk,fuck off parasite

>I don't understand how anyone has it in his or her heart to become a racist
Move into niggerville or any shitskin variation. Live there for years. Try to not be extremely racist. Do it, faggot.

Keep talking. There is no mention of this in my school history book
Yes. This was truly horrible. I can't even imagine the degree of resentment and legitimate hate they feel toward us.

We destroyed Africa by upsetting its natural ecological balance giving 60IQ nogs vaccines and clean water and food aid. Nogs wouldn't have been able to extinct black rhinos without guns. By the time their population is done swelling gorillas and elephants will probably only exist in zoos

>Thanks Christianity!

Stop LARPing... geez... I mean it's not like POC achieve anything and the cold hard reality is that you poor people of colour won't survive climate change, the water wars will be soon upon us all and you niggers have the least equipped and armed militaries... as history has shown time and time again for all the hot air you spew forth from your arsehole and your crazy fantasies and imagination you don't stand a chance against European "boomsticks". There will be no enslavement when the resource wars start just extermination.

I wish we could sent them poisoned aid to cull them

>There is no mention of this in my school history book
There is literally nothing to write about. They were living in mud huts throwing spears at each other when whitey showed up with sailboats which could travel thousands of miles, hundreds of years worth of written literature, maps, compass, etc etc etc etc etc etc
>I can't even imagine the degree of resentment and legitimate hate they feel
Then kill yourself

something like 100k people die every day. where is your sympathy for all of those people?

You make the best out of the cards you've been dealt. You don't deserve anything. You get what you earn because you earned it not because you were born unlucky and have a sob story.

Surely, not even and uneducated nigger like you can't actually believe this shit.

>Not racist

Op, you're a disgrace

>1 post by this ID

Why you leaving out their racial inferiority you kike fuck

>simply based on the language they speak religion they follow color of their skin


Racism has NEVER been based on those things. You sound like a 6 year old.

I was literally taught this exact bullshit in elementary school.. "don't hate because skin color!!"

Well it isn't their fucking skin color, it isn't their language, and it only involves religion where Muslims are concerned.

It's about intellectual capacity, violent tendencies, and the sacrifice and destruction of our own culture to accommodate these fucking savages.


>It's time we stood together as one world already...

Look at US niggers. Ye Gods. They are barely human and make zero effort to become part of society. And society hates them. Racism? Normalcy.

>Do they (everyone) not deserve the same chances(?)

No, guaranteeing equality of opportunity does not override freedom from my viewpoint.

>Think about the people who are being and have been persecuted for something as meannigless as the colour of their skin...

Thus why ethno-nationalism is the best form of governance. Indeed, one of the earliest arguments in favour of the creation of the state of Israel was that it would provide Jews with at least one country in which they weren't persecuted.

By guilt-tripping ethnicities to accept waves of un-assimilate-able immigrants who will override their autonomy and leave a bleak future where their children will be a despised minority within the land of their forefathers is evil.

>How can you have this much hatred in your heart?

Because I've seen what they've done. I've seen what they're doing. I know of how they treat little European girls and how they're too busy browsing through the technology we invented to look down upon the Britons slaughtered by their ideologies.

And yet, I would still not will my fate upon them. There lies the difference.

>People are dying everywhere

It's good to see that you've paid attention to the string of terrorist attacks in Europe

>stand as one world

Except we won't be standing. We will by on our knees as others stand upon our shoulders.

Well stated.

boring and unoriginal shitty bait, kys OP

Funny thing is this.. Jews have proved time and time again that they are the superior race. They subvert and rule countries that they infiltrate. Its just nature rooting out the weak. The refugees or immigrants will not stop coming. They are going to keep bringing them until they are satisfied. They dont care about your culture or the fact that you want to keep your skin color, because frankly you are not in charge of anything. The jews run the world and the quicker you all can accept that, the easier your life is gonna be. They dont care if you dont like it, and it really dosent matter if you want to stop it. They will squash whatever little uprising or coup you attempt. Just be glad they let you keep Sup Forums to post and have a little group therapy so you can let your fi fis out. Have a good day lads.

Yawn, sage

>Do they not deserve the same chances you got simply because they happened to be born in a different place?

They don't deserve the same chances. Their trash parents decided to have a child in a violent, retarded shithole desert/jungle with no economic hope and no way to care for the child. Why the fuck would we offer these people a spot at our table when they're going to eat everything, make a mess, then blame us and force us to clean it up at gunpoint?

Try living with these animals and u would undsrstand

I think he is actually this stupid, they do exist you know... on the same IQ level as those monkeys as they want to flood us all with

You sound like one of them, juden.

Colonialism gave them what little structure they have.

They enslaved themselves for European goods.

And even if your false rhetoric is true. You are the one implying that I am somehow responsible for the wrongs of others hundreds of years dead because I share the same skin colour as they did. And you'd call me a racist.


Well im not wrong.

They are savages. All they do is show up and rape and rob. I hope they all drown.

Czech women belong to black men.

Join us brother!

>live with hatred and embrace hatred for people simply based on the language they speak, the faith they follow, or the colour of their skin
Are you completely brain dead? Do you not understand how these things make people act and live differently? Color of skin is also a meme, since it's more than skin deep, it's in their genes. They are less intelligent and in many cases their inherited genes cause them to be more violent. Like they hate me, I will hate them if they choose so to invade my space.
You need a serious wakeup call, sounds like you are living in a bubble and don't understand how reality works.

>Do they not deserve the same chances you got simply because they happened to be born in a different place?
No they do not. I work my ass off for what I have given my country and situation. Anyone who thinks they simply deserve a chance or deserve an opportunity is very mistaken. That's not how things work. You either work hard and earn your living or you die. If you run away from your country to another because of handouts you are scum. You are not entitled to anything.

You need a wake up call sweetie. Welcome to the real world.

>Yes. This was truly horrible. I can't even imagine the degree of resentment and legitimate hate they feel toward us.

Grow up, user.

Out of America: A Black Man Confronts Africa by Keith B. Richburg.

>He uses this memoir from his three years as an African correspondent to debunk the idea of Africa-as-glorious-motherland. Instead, he maintains, black Americans should be thankful their ancestors escaped this chaotic, violent, and "strange" continent.

>As the hacked up and bloated corpses float in the Kagera River, victims of Rwanda's genocide campaign drifting on the water toward Lake Victoria, Richburg writes that "if things had been different, I might have been one of them." The prospect leaves him thanking God that his ancestors were snatched away and survived the voyage to America.

>Implying there is anything to destroy in Africa that wasn't created by the west.
Whites giveth and whites taketh away.

>Stabbing someone in the back because you gained their trust


If we stop the boat, nobody will drown.

Lack of iirational compassion is not hatred

*whispers* let them drown, Dues Vult

There has never been more of an effort made to elevate subhumans than with american blacks. It would have been much easier to go the route of native americans.
Slavery was the best thing that ever happened to niggers.

>You have to
>It's not fair if
>What about

Fuck your notions of morality. They're yours. I don't care.

For every one that drowns, another gets picked up by an (((NGO))) and shipped to Europe.
Stop the boats.

You dumbass, the children were thrown in to the sea because, the Muslims and other terrorists thought they didn't believe Islam.

This is pretty good bait. And 6 posts, way to stick with it.

If we kill everybody, people will stop dying. Prove me wrong.

Their degenerates they dont care it's an ugly world! Seeing starving children should break anyone's heart! There is no compassion or humanity! The world needs to step in and help them get home! We are the world we are the children we are the ones who make a better place so lets start giving! Like they really wanted to leave their homes. People dont understand till it happens to them! Ask yourself why are they running, what is making them leave their homes?

my point is that you are myslave, whiteboi

Their running because the 3rd temple is up and in their religion this means that the antichrist is coming, the tallest building is up, their prophecy are lining up!

Why is the English being used in this thread so rough and generally horrible?

>Yes. This was truly horrible. I can't even imagine the degree of resentment and legitimate hate they feel toward us.
i don't feel any hate. i just want justice. i just want my people to have back what is rightfully theirs. and soon white lands will be in the hands of my people and they will have back what was rightfully theres.
stolen from africa, brought to america, where were tortured and punished, but soon we will become kings here and there is nothing you can do to stop us. your own people have denounced your pathetic "white supremacy" cause and your own women have more respect and attraction to US than they do for you.

You're not entitled to the first world opinion you race mixer jiggaboo

Are these "your" people?

Oh boy , now we have niggers who can read and write .
The end is near lads .

To be a good person you should cloth the naked, feed the starving, and help the suffering! Be like Jesus love everyone! Helping someone who is in need will feed your soul! These people dont know what it's like to be hungry they cant even skip a meal! It's not about skin color its about being human! I would have greater respect for these stupid race groups if they helped all kinds of people! I get black groups and all white groups but come on be human! Advanced civilizations would have compassion for every color if you dont your a degenerates!

Go to Africa already dumbfuck, you have nothing here but what white people GAVE you, including your freedom. Stop being an utter drain on white society, and go chimp out on your own damn continent's soil.
You're just afraid to be around all those black people because you know damn well they'd shoot you faster than a white cop ever would.

They're terrible people with terrible cultures, thus they live in shit countries and want to leave