ITT 90s Goat
Street Fighter 2 was a dope movie.
ITT 90s Goat
Street Fighter 2 was a dope movie.
there was a two? hah
>Street Fighter 2: The Animated Movie
Yeah it was fantastic, one of my firsts since my mum got it from the video rental place for us.
i'm a fan of the series, i wish there was more sf anime, the ones mad house did for sfiv were decent imo
All of the OVA's and Movies outside of SF2 were trash.
The first Alpha one was kinda OK, I suppose. That's being lenient towards it though.
Given that the pic of OP came from Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie, who here enjoys Ryoko Shinohara's "Itoshisa to Setsunasa to Kokoro Tsuyosa to"?
chun li fighting vega to Ultra
>chun li fighting vega
Wasn't that the one with Ryu's "little brother" and more dark hadou bullshit (the whole 'surge of murderous intent' is one of the worst plot concepts of the series, its like a tumor that never goes away and Ryu is constantly "struggling with it" in the same plotline over and over with no conclusion)?
And the final boss of it was some lame original shit?
As far as I remember they even jobbed Sakura, having her not able to take on even a couple of generic thugs right??
When I rewatched it a few years ago I was amazed at how shit it was aside from Chun Li tits and the final battle.
shit nips
your tastes are shit. Ryu Feilong was godtier.
Fatal Fury was better.
The movie is good but not without faults
>Cammy does nothing
>Sagat just vanishes and does nothing
>Balrog's eyes
>Guile the canonical winner of the SF2 tournament does nothing
>The random battle between Gief and Blanka that had no real reason other than they needed to fill out the roster
That being said Chun-Li was top tier qt in the movie, to the point it makes you wish you could marry and procreate with her.
I was in love with her.
You're right about the writing, but it still looked good, had some great action sequences and the Akuma scene was fantastic.
>As far as I remember they even jobbed Sakura, having her not able to take on even a couple of generic thugs right??
To be fair it was kind of her 'origin' story. She hadn't even got into martial arts until she saw Ryu mop the floor with those thugs at the star of the movie.
Never seen it. How are the SNK OVAs?
a lot better than trash nips you see in newest anime.
Don't listen to him, the Fatal Fury movie is bad. You literally only watch it for Mai's tits, but even that is ruined because she has that 90's cheekbone face.
Also where SF2 was about Ryu AND Ken with a sprinkle of Guile and Chun and Honda (for some reason.) The FF movie is pretty much Terry's show.
Andy does a few things, but Terry basically solos the movie.
Also Terrible Non Canon Villain doing stupid stuff WHILE GEESE IS JUST DOING NOTHING.
>Mai's face
Bost it :DDD
I don't feel like saving it but here
Remember the Tekken movie? Now that was a laugh.
Thoughts on Street Fighter Assassin's Fist?
The Ryu & Ken vs Bison fight was so awesome it even inspired a special game mode in the vidya just to replicate the moment.
Actually the animated movie was what Alpha took a hell of alot of its inspiration from.
Cammy is just a total jobber in the new SF game-related anime stuff, she only exists to get the shit beaten out of her by the new female character to try and show why they are such a big deal. It happened with both Crimson Viper AND Juri.
>Posting links of pics on an imageboard
It has some of the best fight scenes in anime.
Those combos, man.
The worship of the SF2 movie keeps the Street Fighter fanbase from appreciating the good elements of the later stuff. It's a good movie but extremely safe; in fact I generally get the feeling that people are only ok with anime adaptations of games if it's 100% safe and not trying to inject any kind of style into it. At least SF2 was safe and GOOD and had some well executed fights despite not taking any creative chances; meanwhile the Ys anime, for example, is bland as fuck and yet the fanbase likes it.
The Alpha movie might be stupid in terms of story but then Street Fighter itself is stupid in terms of story. And while obviously the art style won't appeal to everyone, that's what comes naturally with HAVING an art style. If you find the story stuff unbearable then just fast-forward through it and watch the fights (I'll be honest, I found myself wanting to do that with SF2 too). It's directed by the Casshern Sins director before he stopped giving a fuck with Merry and thus they feel totally unique in the way they're shot and timed.
Because I don't want this garbage on my hard drive even for a moment
Watching anything with Obari designs for "sexiness" of either men or women means you must be a very, very bizarre person. His design sense sucks for humans, it's everything else about the visuals that's good.
Check out this Yoshinari (Little Witch Academia) animation
Or this scene by Obari himself
But then I don't watch adaptations of fighting games for a good story and don't treat fighting game universes as some kind of magical doll house that mustn't be tarnished or else I'm gonna shit blood, so I'll be ok with a movie that's not 100% accurate to the "lore". I'd understand caring about that in adaptations of games that focus more on story but for me fighting game stories are just fluff.
Also you have no sense of observation if you think Obari's designs are just "stock 90s style". Slayers is probably what people think of when they hear "90s anime style" in a negative way and its designs look totally fine in the anime and great in promotional art (also in one of the Naga OVAs, forgot which).
*rad movie 690