
PV anime:

PV game:

>the game look better than the anime
What the hell went wrong?

Other urls found in this thread:

Oh fuck nigga that looks good can't wait to be the blacked swordsman



in comparison


looks like shit

The game looks 10 times better than the anime, bravo japan.

Why do people keep asking this?
You aren't actually surprised are you? CG Anime almost always looks terrible compared to video games.

do you agree with this question; cg in anime looks ass

Videogames confirmed for better than anime

Since both use CGI, why didn't they work together?

Different companies, different budgets
Game was developed in Japan
Anime was made in China/Korea

>Anime was made in China/Korea

Every anime ever is made in korea you newfag

>no source

So new chapter came and nobody is talking about it? I'm kinda disappointed.


I see, all of them died conveniently almost at the same time. Should've checked the archive, but thanks.

>New anime. New game. New chapter release.

>3D animation
Why do Japs now want to copy western animation? Haven't they learned that it's shit and therefore should stay 2D?

Its cheap

>all shit

You will never be happy, won't you?

I'll be happy when we are off the boat and story will start progressing.

But it's not, it's more expensive even

>That Dark Souls Sword


overused bait.

So looking at the game trailer again, dismemberment happens but only when the mobs dies, which means they've got a health bar?

That's kind dumb, that would have been perfect without that, and dismemberment gives less room for ton of mobs having exactly the same animation at the same time while being attacked.


A lot of berserk stuff coming out this year. Is this our reward for holding on for so long?

Any news about a Hirasawa track for the game?

there is about to be a time skip in the comic book so muria will probably take about a year and a half off, so it's for holding on so long now and for the next one

ps2 game looks better too

Especially if you want to have different outfits.

I would love this.

I'm pretty sure it's gonna be the usual musou buttrock instead

Doesn't seem like it though, the trailer has music that sounds like the PS2's OST.

>PV anime
>mfw I could see Farnese's tits

do you also masturbate to barbie dolls?

>not masturbating to barbie dolls

>caring about the game
>caring about the anime
Every chapter we get is good though since maybe after we get 10 or so of them the story might progress a little again.

>caring about moeserk

>What the hell went wrong?
Budget ad time


We are off the boat, the story is progressing, and Guts is set to meet the Elf King himself next chapter. It's creepy to think Casca may actually be cured by the end of this year.

If she gets cured and goes back to Griffith, she's a traitor and a bitch. Not just because she's betraying Guts, but because she'd be betraying all of the Hawks who died in the Eclipse.

I really hope she doesn't do that shit.


Japan sure loves the whole "lets take a popular IP and slap it onto Dynasty Warriors and call it a day," routine.

I was actually kinda fucking hyped for a bit,

Had they gone a Devil May Cry/Bayonetta route? Yeah, the game would've been fucking tits.

Fuck Dynasty Warriors games. Legit if you've played one, you've played them all.

Berserk manga hasn't been good the last 40 chapters don't delude yourself

Reminder the anime is solely to promote the game.

Nah, both are to promote the manga and try to force Miura to pump out chapters.

Everyone is trying to force Miura to work.

Don't think the anime will push him to work more when it won't even adapt near the current chapters

the stuff in Falconia with Griffith and Rickert was good though

I guess it's a good thing I haven't played one before.

I can see why Griffith did what he did

this game is pretty much the budokai/ Naruto ultimate ninja storm of hack and slash games. Only fans of Berserk will care about this.

Well, at least it seems like it'll retain blood and gore, unlike most DW games which have none of that.

Hot damn, it's an overall improvement over the PS2 game models.

Was it true that the western release will have the sexuality toned down and more gore?

>new anime
3d that looks like shite

>new game
repetitive musou shit

>new chapter


That's what I've heard.

we don't know anything about the western one yet.

So is the game like dynasty warriors i like those games.

>Not seeing the giant Koei Temco and W-force in the trailer
Pay attention next time

My only thought for why it's all coming out at once is to give the series some momentum while it (hopefully) starts to come out more regularly.

No, it's cheaper, you idiot. Don't act like you know what you're talking about. If a cheap CG anime is how we get anything besides Golden Age animated, so fucking be it.

RIP Rosine, arc too controversial to be animated or made into a game.

You're fucking retarded, aren't you?

>I'll be happy when story will start progressing
>Story isn't progressing right now

>so fucking be it.
You think so, huh? I'm still trying to decide if I would have been happier with nothing.

New chapter looks like it's packed with new content and plot progression though. Looks good.

not really. island is a witch academy, puck was already annoying people back then, wickerman-summoning witch hates island, hinting on leaving. Elfking might be able to heal Casca.

why the fuck would you think this is the case, stop hanging around Sup Forums

Why is Guts head so small?

Looks like its finally time to commit sudoku bruh.

Are they gay?



I was hoping for this. Video games are the best story telling media because it's much more immersive. Berserk takes too much effort to animate, and a video game is OK to go 3D.

Game Guts looks too asian.

I have no idea how to feel about Berserk. I want to get into it, and I decided to watch that Egg of the King movie on Netflix, but now I'm confused about where I really should have started. The manga? Some other anime/movie? Where?

Manga. It will be the best ride you'll ever get in. After you catch up it'll be slow and painful..

AO rating in japan is still more strict than anywhere else, like changing blood colors.

I just want Lost Children.

If you're lucky you'll get it in an ova or movie. Since it's stand alone, I could see that happening, actually.

First post is once again the best post

I was hyped as well until I saw it was just Dynasty Warriors once again. DMC with Berserk characters would be fucking awesome and fit the series well, but why bother when fans will buy generic DW-clone number 3485 anyways.

>fans will buy generic DW-clone number 3485 anyways

Damn straight, motherfucker. And I'm gonna have a hell of a time because this is my dream come true. Musou games are FUN and for anime games it's a much better alternative to another fighting games.

FACE THE FACTS. Your stupid idea of a DMC/adventure game just aren't plausible in real life unless you have a few dozen million to donate to some developers.

not Madoka
that was made in india

Here come dat guts

they said they would balance the sex and gore so it could get an international releaese
