One Piece 830

Is out

First for Aladin's wife.


Here's an addtional objective stated

Nothing happens: The chapter

Nothing on panda.

Where can I read the chapter?

What do numbers on the wheel mean?
Also Aladine's wife a cute.

Nice. Will Jinbei lose an arm or a leg? His head?

Is there anything Big Mom won't fuck?

jimbei is ded

Kill yourself kid

nigga stream

Niggastream. Ever since the hardening of security measures on OP they get the earliest version.

no u

>lives in the information age
>Doesn't use Google to find things on the Internet
Get your shit together user

Big Mam is justified to fuck anything that moves to make awesome snacks

Best waifu.

Is this the first yandere in One Piece?

>oda finally drawing a girl without the sameface syndrome

thank god

>half mermaid
She doesn't look like it.

She's so fucking cute.

Interesting chapter I'm on page 8 about t...

Holy shit. Week after week Big Mom is being best yonkou.

Who is this person?

I don't wanna see nerfed Jinbei join the strawhats.
He's the one standing at the coast with a missing limb, isn't he? Is this arcs time limit Jinbeis missing limb? Like Chopper tells them they need to get their shit done in 24 hours if they want to reattach his arm or leg.

So her wheel had arms, legs, Small face, big face.

Do you think big face means she chops your head and small face means she kills your friends?

Ah you fuck I was just about to post that

masterfully written cliffhangers as usual oda sasuga

I say leg.

I mean, they're so thin already, it's a miracle his shins haven't collapsed under the weight of his body.

So I get the body parts.
I don't get black head vs Crown head.
I also don't get the numbers.

Van der deken would win so hard at this game though. He would probably hit the center and walk away safe.

nami you moron

Any combination will do I can see him as the person standing at the coast. It sucks we didnt get a image of the person standing there.

I could see it going like this they reach the coast and see him with a missing arm leg or worst case head and Liffey goes into a rage and decides to fight big mom.

But there are a lot of what ifs in this section since Kaido could launch a attack on all the yonko's and cause some whitebeard war style chaos

Honestly I think an assistant got Nami's outfit wrong and nobody noticed before the printing.

>someone is waiting on the coast
>it's a half-dead jinbe with losing leg/arm>one piec ehas just become g0re

No clue. At first I thought maybe it's pudding but then why would she give them a map and shit?

But Nami has a reaction shot on the same spread already.

Estimates of Pedro's bounty? If he and Pekoms were equal then surely it'd be pretty big too (Pekoms' is 330 mil)

Black head = your head will be cut off
Crown head = your homeland will be destroyed

Why is that stupid slut dressed like Sanjj

is that her laugh?

Black head is just a body part.
Crown head is big mums head, so maybe she gets to do whatever the fuck she wants.

I'm tempted to say arm just to nerf him or something?

No, it's another day. She just changed clothes of a knight because she is scared

>Oda forgot
>1000 chapters left

we apologise for this poster contracting parkinson's disease

I think because they went to sleep while the ship was stuck in syrup, and the ants were all around them and only asleep for a little while thanks to Brook.
Maybe she slept in the armour for safekeeping and changed out of it shortly after once they set off again.


>if they want to reattach his arm or leg.
Implying Big Mom hasn't eaten his limp right away.

which one of you did this

Nah, the arm or leg is gone for good

BM probably turned it into candy and ate it already honestly.

As shitty as nerfed Jinbe joining is, this will appease all the retarded "Muh monster 3" posters who are so dedicated to a concept Oda himself doesn't even give a shit about to keep their dumb power level crap in line. Old Jinbe would without doubt beat Sanji in a 1v1 so you'd have a new "Monster 4", but now without a leg or arm Sanji should have the edge and Jinbe will now just be above Franky

w-why cant she be real

I wonder if Big Mom has any Giant (actual giants, Big Mom is just big because Oda) or Mink husbands.

>inb4 Pedro will wreck shit up and stealing the Poneglyph for himself
>Pedro is a traitor


He's just using them for his own purpose

I got broads in Atlanta

Curse all of you who want Jinbei maimed. I like him the way he is.

calm down hambone

But in the next panel she's back to normal clothe.

At least check before posting man.

>Planning ahead

if luffy finds out she fucked up jimbo this will be a long fucking arc

I mean if he lost a leg 99% of his body would still be there.

>haha jinbei is joining the crew guys
>but I'll have to make him less powerful somehow lmao


does this make big mom a mermaid?

It's a shame if you ask me. I was looking forward to see Jinbei wreck shit with everyone else, but that looks unlikely now.
>Zorro isn't even the first strawhat to lose an arm

I'm gonna actually cry if Jinbe lost a limb for Luffy, because you just know Jinbe wouldn't care while Luffy goes on a warpath against Big Mom for it. Please be safe whaleshark man

No, it means she likes fish sticks.

I was assuming she just fucked a fishman.

What was the rule there? Didn't Oda cover it in fishman island arc?

>oda already needs to split crew in half to give everyone enough screentime
>people still want Jinbe to join

>not going to betray the crew

she fucked hammer head merman i guess
or a regular shark

Good to see Jinbei finally showing some personality

Merfolk father.

Every week brings a new waifu.

>Shark teeth
>Devious smirk
Dammit, she's pushing the right buttons!

This looks more like a dart board than a roulette.

>Jinbe losing a bodypart to make him less powerful
The actual reason is that all the straw hats got a different post-timeskip look, so the same must now happen to Jinbe.


>She likes to put fish sticks in her mouth

But her hairdo is so stupid.

Endeavor pls, stay away from the waifus.

I think that the numbers are sums of money (millions of berry?), while the body parts are obvious... idk about the crowned heads. Maybe killing is whole crew? the white spot in the center means you get out of it for free. Landing the shite spot is pretty hard tho, if you want to yuo have to risk losing a limb or your life.. This whole thing seems a little too easy tho... I mean I would have tought that numbers=years taken from your lifespan, but 100-1000 years is obviously too much

He's already taken a fucking magmafist for Luffy. Surely that was enough.
Are you really going to try deny it, even now?

Why would Jinbei need a nerf? Sure, he was a Shichibukai, but Luffy has already defeated 3 of them. Jinbei is around Ace's level, that's not too strong. This is the New World, the Power Levels are only gonna get higher.

Obviously eats him.. the fat bitch

>hammerhead shark
>but her hairdo is so stupid!
Not as much as you are.

Nami wore this helmet and suit because of the ant attack, she just took it off between scenes.

These fishmen are pretty lax.

I mean Jimbei already made an enemy of the WG and now he's making an enemy of Big Mom.

And they're all like "Yeaaaa braaa we'll just run away from now on".

Jinbe losing a limb only nerfs him on land, this will make him strong underwater protecting the ship

Jimbe is so boring holy shit

this guy will cold anything good with the SW

Peg-Leg Jinbe hype train mother fuckers, Choo-Choo!

i always wondering how otohime and neptune fucked

This. They're getting over the ant attack, and Nami chose to defend herself by wearing that suit of armor.

Carrot > Jinbe

Unnerfed he could just split trio into demon duo and monster duo. Luffy and Zoro in their own highest tier and Sanji with Jinbe in a lower one.

It landed on head.
Time for Jimbei assassination.

Time for Jimbei "I wanna libe!"

Also rescue Sanji.

He needs one if Oda wants to keep pushing Luffy+Zorro+Sanji as undisputed monster trio.
He's also the most valueable crewmate on the sea. I mean, I can't imagine what keeps him from just sinking ever single one of a Yonkous ship if he wants to. Sure, he'd bring the whole fishmen race in trouble. But on the other hand, he could almost isolate a whole island if he wills.

Mermen have small dicks

>mfw patiently waiting for Bonney to join

what the fuck is this?

>this incredibly autistic jinbei hater

Yonkou also have fishmen crewmembers.

He isn't the strongest being in the sea. I mean I'm just assuming.