Could someone please seed episodes 2, 6 and 8?

Could someone please seed episodes 2, 6 and 8?

How did I completely miss this show when it aired? Why do I never seen threads about it on Sup Forums?

>Why do I never seen threads about it on Sup Forums?
Because you're not paying attention.

>Could someone please seed episodes 2, 6 and 8?

Get IRC.

>How did I completely miss this show when it aired? Why do I never seen threads about it on Sup Forums?

It's pretty hot garbage. Trainwreck of an anime adaptation of a decent manga. Good for titmoles, though.

there were threads you were just blind dear user

>seed episodes 2, 6 and 8
Why aren't you downloading a batch?

Just read the manga instead. The anime covers like 10% of the manga.

Because I couldn't find one.

Ever tried looking for the romaji version of the title?

I searched for Brynhildr sound I found both.

Fucking phone, what are you doing...