You can only have one

You can only have one

I will have one set of them.


Chiyo a cute. A CUTE.

>side pony tail

the tomboy is the best.

>user used Chiyo-chan
>it's super effective


What an easy choice.

tits > thighs > ribbons


Seo, of course.

I'll take chibi. She might be a bit shorter than my ideal height of ~5ft/152cm, but that's okay.

Seo a cute.

How did they suddenly become the best couple?

They're been great since the beginning.

>Mou ikkai, tanomu.

Why can't I have season two ;_;


Based Seo.

Can I get Seo's personality in Kashima's body?

Waka realized the pleasure of teasing Seo
Seo-sempai always teases Waka
together they have extremely tsundere sex



Well considering they're all shit I'll have to go with middle cause she's least shit


Seo is fun to watch but probably not as fun to deal with in person

Kashima isn't my type

Chiyo is cute and earnest, so I'll go with her

Seo looks like she'd be a good friend but a bad lover.
Kashima is the only option.


I'd prefer Kashima's personality in Seo's body


Chiyo without a doubt.

Oh god, that looks so cute on her



They're all so perfect. As a leg man, and as someone who loves tall, slender and green eyes Kashima is the most physically attractive, she has a fun but weird personality. Seo is voiced by Sawashiro, enough said. Chiyo is endlessly cute and possibly the best girlfriend material because she's the least eccentric.


>Tumblr art

Come on man, you can do better.


Nailed it