Predictions on how Historia will be re-implemented into the story?
Will we see another brief time skip?
Will we actually reach the basement without interruption?
Shingeki no Kyojin
I want Bert to be redeemed.
Second for Annie.
I'm thinking about killing myself. If I kill myself, will I get to see YH become real in afterlife?
Nice falseflagging.
What does that even mean?
>Keithfags exist
>ships Keith/Hanji, Keith/Grisha and Keith/Sasha
>qt art
>Keith face collages
Okay this is cute as fuck.
Who posting should be made illegal
But it's the first time Keith is posted.
Why is this allowed.
This but Keith is okay.
Potato and she was scared of him when the 104th met him again. I guess.
Mule titan deserved better. He should eat Eren and receive the coordinate.
Let's keep it the only time.
That's what Ricofag said. Now there's literally a fucking meme religion about whos.
I hope she gets really angry and wants to go to war with Titans. Properly.
I don't think we're going to see the journey back unless the come underattack from a regenerated Zeke in the hills.
I should bloody well hope so.
>a regenerated Zeke in the hills.
Oh shit I had forgotten that he was still inside the walls.
Yep. That's how BR will escape if it's gonna happen.
Chill user, I was just surprised actual Keithfags exist. He's one of the more developed Whos at least.
Keith is okay. Ricofag is an annoying asshole.
Looks like someone wasn't blessed by the Wholy Trinity
Can I get a blessing?
I hope Rico dies.
I like ricofag.
Ricofags nice.
Falseflagging is codeword for triggering Reddit's moderator of
Got it.
Will these two ever find happiness?
I like how you think.
Odd's are stacked against your headcanon
I still want to believe.
They'll find happiness in their own way.
I want Reiner to find happiness. ;_;
Perfect levels of bully.
Don't worry, his lover is awaiting his return.
Blessed be.
It's a shit ship but that's a damn nice art.
Anyone posting Rico, Hitch or Pisstra will be cursed all their lives. Singles confirm.
I want to protect the chibi Bert from bullies.
Did Bert just try to poke Reiner in the eye?
Thrice cursed by the trinity?
What a blessing!
No, he was jerked off from the milk, he's facing the cup.
I'm no who-poster, but I can definitely see the appeal.
There's the tsun, the funny and the innocent. Is Hitch going for the lip-bite?
Reiner is the one who bullies him the most.
Good art but most dysfunctional relationship if it ever becomes canon.
>you will never have Zeke's musculature
why live?
BR a cute.
Historia would only hug Eren.
I want to gently tap Reiner on the head and tell him to stop bullying the Bert.
Zeke is kind of thick there. If he doesn't work out more, he's going to get a beer gut like Grisha.
me too, Reinerbro.
I doubt that user is a 'bro'
Yeah that "bro" is too tryhard
Story went to shit after Female Titan arc
I meant that user is probably a girl but I guess this too.
Reinerfags like to pretend they're all male.
Annie a shit.
That's what I meant too
Annie is best girl.
Not them. I like Reiner and I hate yaoi.
Good form and blessing.
Still not a "bro".
I can call someone bro and not be male, just saying.
Sure nigga.
Wouldn't be surprised if more than half the people in /snk/ were grills desu
What do you mean?
There'd be more Levifagging
Most manletfags are too underage to find and post on Sup Forums.
We all know Bortfujo tumblrities are in hordes here.
I'd rather not, actually.
In two weeks, one of BR will be dead and Armin will get revived. It is going to be dreadful
Armin will stay dead.
All three of them will die + Erwin.
This si going to be fun.
Rico got gams
Everyone dies but Eren, Mikasa, Levi, Jean, Sasha, Hanji, and Connie.
Either Armin or Erwin get serum'd making them alive again, Levi would pick Erwin and Eren would pick Armin.
Zeke escapes.
We never find that fucking basement.
How about no one dies?
So what the fuck happened to Ymir? Last we saw she was camping out on the wall with Bertolt and Reiner.
Rude, but thank you.
Every time.
>yfw you realized Titan Power is basically being an Apostle from Berserk
I think the author's meant to keep her current fate in the dark and later on reveal that she's been thinking up this whole masterplan to take down the big bad.
Cute but his lover is being fed to titans right now
I missed you
Good riddance to all of them.
With the only exception that almost all of the SL is dead now because she saved the enemies. Ymirfag theories never cease to entertain.
>We never find that fucking basement.
why? at this point it's a given that zeke is gonna escape: as long as shiganshina is secured they're free to go to the basement as soon as they dealt with Bert and Reiner.
More like she is simply dead.
But my aim is getting better
which shingeki do you like, user?
The end justifies the means.
Well, I hope you're having a nice day, user.
Bertolt burned it
Riddle me this...if the anime is predicted to be only two seasons, how are they going to wrap up the manga so quickly? It's getting to the point where the anime could easily run into a third season. Or are they going to say fuck it and only make a second anime season and not continue with the manga.
>.if the anime is predicted to be only two seasons
It's not. At least, it's not by anyone that isn't an idiot