American cartoons lack sex

Why aren't American cartoons nearly as sexualized as Japanese anime? I'd watch more cartoons if they had thick moms accidentally getting into innuendo situations with the shota next door


Murika cant do anyhting rite

>I'd watch more cartoons if they had thick moms accidentally getting into innuendo situations with the shota next door
I doubt you could get away with that in the west, it would be considerated pedophilia or something

I like John K more than I hate him but he acts like the male equivalent of a sex-negative feminist when it comes to sexualizing men for a female audience

Because americans wants to prevent young audiences to see boobs while they teach their childrens how to shoot.

You don't really watch something just because there are tits on it don't you?

I guess they skip English classes too.

Because they are for kids moron

>Sup Forums
>dumb /ss/fag
>THICC poster

Just kill yourself.

Because cartoons are considered a medium for children and Murricans are terrified of naked bodies. The only cartoons you see even hinting at sexual content nowadays is shit you'd see on Adult Swim, Mtv, or Comedy Central.

Because we gave women rights and they used them to bitch endlessly.

This. We should repeal women's suffurage.

>cut a man's head off
>no one bats an eye
>show side boob

Wrong, the usual suspects are finally going full Jack Thompson and rallying against violence too

It took them a LONG time and they acted hypocritically about it for the longest time (if fictional sexualization leads to irl female oppression then why wouldn't fictional violence contribute to irl violence) but now it's happening

Because the western world is influenced a lot by America and americans are fucking prude.
Now look at european stuff like wakfu, it's just as sexualized as some anime

ITT insecure children connect the fact that they still haven't had sex with [current issue]


Two reasons:

First, you're an adult and mainly if not only self exposing yourself to more mature Japanese animation.

Second, cartoons in the west are made primarily to sell toys to children while the anime you're most familiar with is made to sell uncensored dvds and erotic paraphernalia.

it also had more blatant lesbian representation than any "omg look how progressive we are" American cartoon

Because muh Pilgrims and muh Puritans.

This, and also the fact that Americans don't draw attractive-looking cartoon characters.