This girl follows you back home

This girl follows you back home
What do Sup Forums?


Why is she still holding on to a ripped umbrella?

Make out with her. I'm into creepy.

I dont know user. Can you figure it out?

You must be her oniichan first user

I don't get it.

Can you see those trash around her? She's homeless
that the joke.jpg

Report it to the fucking police.

Congratulations you are kill.

This is her face when she's masturbating/having sex with you

What would you do then?

Thrust harder.

Take her to bed while she asks what we are about to do on the bed

This is her having sex with you. Do you enjoy it?

She enjoys it
What now?

> telephone lines cut off
> police thinks you're insane
Your move user

Become her onii-chan.
Try to make her feel loved.

Offer her a pretty balloon.

Walk away in fear

Kill her. It's self defence. Or at least it is in texas.
If someone won't leave your property, and they break or steal things you can kill them,

Show her the creepy waifu threads on /d/, and help her find a boyfriend. She probably just has low self esteem, and is acting out because she knows no other way to express herself.

Also provide pancake after she eats all the eggs.

Those look so delicious.

This is one of the few manga I regret reading. The beginning was nice but the horror stopped being atmospheric and began being body horror and gore. Why couldn't she do more supernatural creepy shit then just beat teenagers with a hammer? Her story with the doctor was okay.

It also gave me the irrational fear of being drugged and waking up with my tendons sliced.

There is an edit of them with cute little animu faces on them, but my pc updooted and shut down as I was about to save it. Sorry user.

Thrust even harder

can't remember the ending to this well, but I think she somehow killed mc's little sister?

What was the point of that even. Shit ending desu.

Ask her if she has a younger sister.

She killed Mc's whole family then crippled him, then took out a fucking CHAINSAW and put him in her teddy bear. And the public blamed the mc for all of the deaths.

Because she's garbage

God dammit, Carlos.

To mock their brain/body's attempts at regret after they finish.

>And the public blamed the mc for all of the deaths.

Why the fuck to nips keep forcing this shitty cliche when ever they can? And why do I keep finding out that that is actually totally believable for people in Japan to do? I want to like Japan but a large part of their culture is absolutely shit.

I'm not going down without pumping that poon




>Just Japan does that.

Yea no.

>I am trying to like Japan but I just cant.

Do you want medal or something?

Shut the fuck up you dumbass nigger

Does going out of your way to point out something like this to somebody who was giving an honest answer to a question have anything to do with anime and manga?


>Reminding the rules to filthy crossboarders is bad

Not a crossboarder just picked the image off of a crossboarder thats all.

>No fun

If you are too lazy use use an Sup Forums related pic then you don't belong in here.

Tell her that I'm not into men

Don't underestimate Sup Forums, user.

> skeleton model
D-dont spook me senpai

Ignore the fuck out of her
Alternatively, I tell her I'm gay.

So why doesn't anybody
just shoot her?

Ok, I gotta ask fot the sauce on this one.

Reverse image searched it and it leads back to a bunch of undertale garbage

Use fire. Nothing beats fire.

>She follows me home
>"This onii-chan looks yummy"
>"Huh, what a run down place he lives in."
>"Does anybody else lives in here?"
>"whatever, this way I can be lovey-dovey with onii-chan"
>"What's THIS?"
>"STooop it...pLeaSe..Onnii-chan"

She's immortal famalam

Go away slit-mouthed woman.

So what happen?

Follow me home.

B-But I don't want a little sister

>being drugged and waking up with my tendons sliced
I'd just forgotten about that fuck

Rattle me bones

I'm enjoying it too