Well i know i'm 20 years late but i just finished watching Lain for the first time and it was glorious, i.. i need to talk about it... can we have a lain thread?
Well i know i'm 20 years late but i just finished watching Lain for the first time and it was glorious, i...
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On the front page we go then
>a Lain thread where the OP isn't angry, confused and demanding answers
It's a christmas miracle
>wanting to talk about an anime that doesn't suck complete ass
Get out, OP.
Man, where to even begin... Can we all agree that Lain is really cute? Also, I find it interesting that Lain somehow came out at exactly the right time for its cyberpunk-ish nature to feel interesting and new, but like 20 years too early for the people who made it to know how spot-on it was about certain things.
I've ignored this show for years since I thought it would be some lame thing that boring people only like for its "literary merit" but by now I've seen enough webms and screencaps to know it's pretty interestingly execuetd so it's on my "to absolutely watch in the future" list
I'll also watch NieA Under 7 which I know is not supposed to be as good but the caps I've seen looked good and I love the opening and its weird-ass vocals
OP here, i was literally you, constantly encountering snippets of lain in all of its formats and had on the backlog for a long time, finally watched it and man, stop what your doing and watch it, it sucks you right in..
it fucking boggles my mind that this anime is from 1998..
I dropped it many years ago some 7-8 episodes in. Well maybe "dropped" is too harsh since I thought it was interesting and all but didn't feel like finishing it then and it kinda stayed that way. Gotta finish it someday
I came here for the pictures, but yes, Lain is in my top 10 for sure.
I've experienced the same shit often so that's understandable
I was confused by the ending but after reading about it I kinda get it
yeah man, that scene in the earlier episodes when shes sitting at her navi in that nighty and her "dad" walks in to warn her..
honestly it feels like were only now getting close to the lain world with VR starting to become available, and its only the beginning.. imagine the possibilities...
the ending is only truly understrood/known by the creator.
It has been interpreted differently by everyone.
How do you prefer your cereals, user?
What was the significance of the housewife lady suddenly being interested in tech and buying the chip thing behind her son's back?
how many bricks would you shit if a few years from now you put on your HTC vive 3, log on to some VR party somewhere online and you spot Lain in there?
i cant fucking wait.
The possibilities could keep one up at night. I was a child, like six or seven, when that show came out. I only saw the first couple episodes, but it stuck with me for years. The girl with the holes in her face haunted my dreams and I already had some fucked up dreams as it was. In like, 2012 I sat down and watched the whole show for the first time. I realized how much knowledge was packed in that show. How did they know? Eye don't know.
It establishes that she is in a secret society.
Welp, that was obvious. I really need a second watching.
Lain best girl.
With milk
I want to fuck Lain's moist pussy.
It is truly one of the greatest anime of all time. A perfect cyberpunk parable.
Is there anything you wanted to talk about specifically, OP?
SEL is the plebeian poor man's Key the Metal Idol.
Thanks for the rec, bait-kun.
Let's all love Lain.
I want to sexually love Lain!
The opening is very comfy
If you liked the OP and haven't looked in to the rest of Boa's music yet, I suggest you do, they're amazing
Why not just hug Lain's moist pussy? (´・ω・`)
Lain is not for sexual.
I bought the box set a few weeks ago but haven't gotten aground to watching more than the first episode. It seemed, idk, boring. Around what episode does it pick up
Get lost cripplekike
Let's all love Lain!
How much was the box set? If you don't like the first episode or two you wouldn't like the rest.
Its quite slow until around episode 8/9 where things start kicking off
Didn't we just have a Lain thread like literally 2 days ago?
That not I mind but still.
>How did they know?
>I find it interesting that Lain somehow came out at exactly the right time for its cyberpunk-ish nature to feel interesting and new, but like 20 years too early for the people who made it to know how spot-on it was about certain things.
The creators took the concept of 'consciousness as an emergent property of the brain' and applied it to the internet. If every online interaction forms a facet of Lain's existence, then certain outcomes would logically follow. Realising that children would worship Lain (ep. 4) was a no-brainer. Understanding that there would (at least initially) be several vastly different Lains was also something which makes sense. Many other predictions they made are similarly logical on hindsight.
The thing I find really fascinating is their prediction of what would happen when Lain 'matures' into a fully fledged ego. Will it have a strict single opinion about the way things should be, operate on a simple fundamental principle, or be perpetually context-driven and nuanced?
I got it for $25 it was mostly an impulsive buy
>Around what episode does it pick up
Episode 2 is where the first 'weird' event happens. Episode 4 is where things start to get bizarre. Episode 5 is where the series goes full on LSD-fever-dream mode and from there the ride never really slows down. I'd say give it 2 episodes and if you're at least somewhat curious after the first two then give it 5 full episodes.
you heathen
Yeah we got a lain thread that lasted 3 days, and now there's already a new one not even 24 hours later, it's too early.
Grown Arisu is the best
I'm glad she didn't become a cake. She deserved to find love.
Yeah I don't mind Lain being discussed more here but it's too early. Like chill nigga don't look too thirsty.
Just let the thread slide then. If OP wants to discuss specific things then some of us will respond and once the thread dies it dies. No problem.
It's worthless; mail it to me.
They're cheap apparently. I picked mine up at a half price books.
we had one yesterday. Wait.
You mean tomorrow.
We have one at the present time.
I ussually dont trust Sup Forums's taste but i'll give you guys a chance
Holy FUCK there's an ungodly amount of shitposting going on in this thread
i just dont seem to understand it.
but it was ok.
in most anime summer there are cicadas on trees
in SEL summer there are buzzing power lines
Recently finished Lain as well, and I can't call myself angry. Confused, maybe a little. I mostly came away thinking it was pretty cool, leaving a lot of neat "what-if" real life scenarios bouncing around my head. It's one of those good open endings, where I didn't feel stupid for not knowing what could put should happen next.
Also, Lain a cute.
>mp4 re-encode
>you gotta work the Shaft
Daily reminder that no-one understood SEL after a single viewing and anyone who claims to have is telling a huge fucking lie.
Leave it for as long as you feel like then re-watch it someday, and you'll notice so many details that slipped by you the first time! SEL is quite possibly the anime with the single highest re-watch value.
>tfw cant find a lain bear onesie anywhere
I just want to love lain more
I understood the series the first time through, just not fully. A lot of the things that happen earlier in the series leave you asking why, and if you binge watch your first time through, those questions are still in mind when you get to the events that count as answers.
Still, if you understand the series as well as you could, you'll still get that there are things you missed through the layers of subtlety. For instance, in the first episode when Lain is on the train to school, when she tells everyone to shut up, people were looking at her afterward not because she shut everyone up, but because there was no one talking in the first place. Something like that is absolutely certain to slide by you the first time through because you aren't connecting the chatter she's hearing with the wires that she's gazing into.
How on earth do people come up with those sorts of images? Are they made with scripts or something?
>Still, if you understand the series as well as you could, you'll still get that there are things you missed through the layers of subtlety.
Absolutely. That's what I was getting at. There are details which are deliberately placed in such a way that they can only be properly appreciated in hindsight or after a re-watch.
You, too, can look like a transgender pedophile rapist with this handmade pedobear costume.
>Not even the right colors
Fucking trannies, cant do anything right
Absolutely disgusting.
>Something like that is absolutely certain to slide by you the first time through because you aren't connecting the chatter she's hearing with the wires that she's gazing into.
Wait- that much wasn't obvious? I thought that would've been one of the easy things to pick up before everything started going crazy.
Jesus Christ. Over 2000 reviews, too. I might opt for the brown bear color scheme and put it through some warm washes to fade the color.
How did lain end up in the real world? Isn't she just a program?
And you don't seem to understand.
Not op, but I missed out on the fun of the OP/ED since my batch has those cut from each episode. It made the trip just that much more intense.
A shame you seemed an honest man
At that point, nothing about the Wired had been introduced yet. If you had looked into the series beforehand and got some exposure to its themes, you might have caught on, but in a blind dive, it slips right past you. You don't even notice anything suspect or ask any questions because you figure the noise is just people on the train talking and overstimulating her.
Yeah watch Haibane Renmei and TEXHNOLYZE too. And don't forget Despera.
A shame.
And all the fears you hold so dear,
So call me, maybe.
>And don't forget Despera.
>And don't forget Despera.
Why you do this?
If you are believe in god and evolution the same time, then you are an ignorant nutjob
The christian bible says that the universe only existed for 10 thousand years. So you retards either believe in god that is not associated with any religion or just become an atheist.
Simple is that? yes simple is that
I fucking love this show
You're misunderstanding the principle. It's not because the electron can't have both a position and a velocity profile at the same time. It's that our instruments, our only way of measuring either parameter, can only work as using light (i.e., electromagnetic waves) can, thus making either measurement mutually exclusive due to the electromagnetic nature of the electron. When you measure one, you can't know the other, and that has nothing to do with the observer and everything to do with our instruments.
Try searching for "Picture to ASCII"
OP here, i also thought she was listening to the wires she was staring at, i had no concept of what this show was about before hand..
what i am wondering about was where did she keep getting more hardware to upgrade her navi with?
Is it bad?