How do you wake up every morning as you, look yourself in the mirror

and say, "yeah, it's women who are the problem."


I want to learn how to blame all my insecurities and shortcomings on other people like Kai from AHS was saying.

You didn't even try

I'm not even joking I'm tired of being overly self-critical in a world where most people don't even take a second to reflect on their actions to develop self-awareness and regrets

Stop projecting. Many people who are harshly critical of others are still both empathetic to their ideas as well as self aware of their own shortcomings. Most people here just want to be left alone, to live and let live, and not have anyone demand what they must believe and feel. And the harder you or anyone pushes them the more determined they become to devote energy to rile you up and drive you crazy. Just for giggles. Take care of your own life

i'm pretty sure being left alone and socially stilted is a majority of the problem. the posts i see here do not align with what you're saying. and in any case, that's not what i was asking for.

It's natural to be self-critical because for 99.9999999% of human existence if you didn't keep yourself to the standards of the tribe they might kick you out and then you might literally starve to death in a bush so humans have been selected for a drive to fit in (this is more likely to be lethal to women so women are more conformist and self-critical than men who at least have a small chance of physically defending themselves and hunting game alone).

However once you realize your impulse to self-criticize is to meet others standards you can then realize that you're not living in a tribe of 50 people in the forest anymore and in fact in modern Western society everyone is so atomized no one gives a fucking shit about you at all (which should be a bad thing to hear but humans are so retarded it's a good thing). You could be a crossdressing tranny freak and most people you meet are not even going to notice they are so unobservant or busy looking at the phones and all the people in your life are too busy dealing with their own problems they wouldn't want to cause any more by saying anything to you because they're just as self-critical as you.

So basically all the things you're insecure about no one else notices or cares about so you shouldn't either. I'm sure you're insecure about your height from being exposed to Sup Forums memes about it everyday but if you offered a million dollars to everyone in your life to estimate your height they couldn't do it because the average person is amazingly unobservant and spends all their time worrying about themselves.

>How do you
Usually flexing a huge pump with my dick in my hand.

you are all fggots kil yurselves

Jews enable women to act the way they do.
Save your hate for Jews.

Just before I get to that point she gives me a BJ and then I am breedy gud for the day.

If you actually had friends, they'd tell you that they have insecurities and are self-critical. It's just that they don't bitch about it publicly, because there's no reason to make it some stranger's problem.

because they can vote things right out of your pocket!

You seem to have mistaken our humble corner of this mongolian basket weaving forum for r/MGTOW....

i have a few friends and yeah they say they're insecure and have social anxiety but i feel like it's very surface because they operate just like normies and if you engage them they're more likely to become defensive and make excuses for themselves and justify their behavior than feel/admit regret.

this isn't about women per se it's just the most common scapegoat i can think of and something i feel truly gets to the heart of a biological psychological defense mechanism

they want equality, but not in things like this. lul

But there really are forces actively conspiring to subdue us "plebeians" and suppress us from achieving our potential biological destiny.

>How do you wake up every morning
I wake up in the morning feeling like P. Diddy


It's the Jews AND the women. Get it right retard.

Because I’m like a solid 7 or 8 out of 10 with a sociable personality and a decent job.

It’s not necessarily any woman you pick off the street it’s the aggregate and it’s actually mainly the fault of men in the past that allowed our society to get fucked and stopped enforcing the necessary social controls and traditions to keep our civilization running and our people contented


You're right, though. It's not the women. It's the men.

Men are constantly told throughout their developmental years that if you're not getting pussy or if you're not desirable, you're worthless. As a result, men will put with any amount of bullshit from women just to get laid because if not, you're a loser.

Modern women have seen this and use it to their advantage, but still, it's men who dictate their own worth.

Granted, this may not apply to most people here, but men put pussy on a pedestal and they need to stop.

How the fuck does that make me a feminist you absolute retard?