Eat your pears

Eat your pears

Other urls found in this thread:

pear shaped is the best

Can't beat the pear

What is the best way to eat a pear?

Bottom up

Fuck you.


Push your tongue in and savor the moistness.

With your penis.

Jack the Ripper is sexy.

Bananas are better than pears.

Yeah, nobody can beat the pear.

Round is a better shape

fucking gross

I want more pears pls

> dislike health

There is an untapped market for pear lovers that anime is missing out on.

pls I hunger

>tfw have a pear folder
>literally only two pics
Post pears I need to fill it.

Wonder what she'll be like in the manga.

Will you accept pears in brown?

Yes absolutely.

How much pear is too much pear?



>being fat
sasuga amerifat

>her breasts grow for no reason
Shit set.

delicious thread

>brown pears


I would do unspeakable thing to Jack.


best girls

satsuki cant be a pear with how big her boobs are

But I don't like pears.

I prefer mangos, peaches, or oranges.

I loved that artists series with those two

Eat your penises

I thought the OP said "Eat your penis" at first.


>mangos... oranges

What would those correspond to? I can understand what peach is referring to but the others?

I want to make mixed breed, abomination babies with her, yo.

DFC plus pear shape.
Absolute god tier.

Can't do it.

>DFC plus pear shape
Pear shape includes the DFC.

I was wrong all along.

It's not as good as I expected it to be.

Made to make babies

I can't explain how happy I am that my fetish has achieved such widespread recognition. Pear shaped girls is what we're calling them? As long as they're adorable little girls with criminally lewd, thick lower bodies then I am primed and ready to fire.


I wanna grow some 'pears' and 'eat' em~!

There can never be enough pear.
Two pears is exquisite

>Their little modest breasts puff out and start leaking milk that she begs you to taste every day.

Fuck off with your shit fetish

mfw I was younger I would fap to her yelps when sprinting as wolf link

Anymore Mavis lewds? Shes top tier pear


is Homu a pear?

No she's a shit.

Homu's a Homu

>B69 W49 H71

That aint pear


The picture is, but you're right.

>Your fetish
Its been around for years, stop trying to be a special snowflake

Literally sex.


Is this a pear, and when do they expire?


I need more thick midgets

dick status: muh

His dick status: Hisuh.

>change perfect boob size with magic potion

absolutely heretical, fuck this shit.


This really dissapointing

But thanks anyway user

Elins are best


My niggas

My niggas. Imp Midna is pure sex.

she's the pumpkin


that's a cake

fuck everyone else, Metsuko is cute.

>Implying you can't have pear cake


There's literally nothing better than small/DFC + wide hips with a nice butt
This is fact

Big tits are good too, but pear allows to focus more on the hips/thighs/ass.

One of these days I'm going to loose my dick to priapism thanks to Mojarin's Elins.

Nah hourglass.

Pear is small top, large bottom.

Sweet jesus I want to drown in those thighs


I take it you've never heard the term "that's my fetish" before. It does not mean the person in specific owns the fetish. And for future reference, if you're ever on a boat and someone says "hit the deck", don't punch it. You'll hurt your hand.

This is why Yukikaze does wonderful things to my dick. I didn't understand it before but you nailed it.



when did ika musume get so thick?

So anybody got some good doujin or doujin artist suggestions?



Too lewd

I want to rape Megumin

with your dick

