Poland should be kicked out of the EU

Poles don't understand European values and act against them everyday. There's no place for them in a civilised Europe. They should be kicked out of the EU.


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I totally agree

France was feeding Polish nationalism during the 19th century, then Europeans and the US did this again during the 20th century, and you can't possibly expect that after two centuries of forming this culture they abandon it.

This is a Black Lives Matter-tier payback

I am skeptical.

Please do it. You're only gonna be doing them a favor.



We'll take care of you lads, or any other European nation who wants to rid itself of the shackles of the repressive unelected, unaccountable EU

Gee I wonder who could be behind this post.

Sage, my friendos.

>France was feeding Polish nationalism during the 19th century
Not really, nationalism was the most popular political ideology in Europe in the 19th century - this is the main reason why Germany and Russia became so strong and Austria-Hungary has fallen. Polish nationalism goes deeper than just 19th century, I’d say that it starts with the Deluge (1650’s), then - partitions (1772-1918), including 2 failed uprises (January and November ones) WW2 and finally - communism. Each of these periods of time boosted Polish nationalism and national identity and as the removing of the postcommunists and volksdeutches from the politics and institutions is going, in the same way Polish pride is being boosted - and the EU only helps in this matter

hopefully they dont leave before i can move their and find a wife

based poland, be strong and save Europe, the west already fell

How about we kick EU out of the EU?

yes please

i wholeheartedly agree


I agree. I also think my country should be kicked out while we're at it.

Poland will get culturally enriched just like every other country

based poland


You are alone now, stay with your pakpak

One of the few sane countries left and you want to spew shit on them? Fuck off.

Yes, enough of these uncivilized, unenlightened, hateful bastard! I want them out of the EU now!!!

Why that?

Yes I have some thoughts.

>European values

What are they?

Turks out


Any opportunity to leave the (((EU))) is an opportunity we should take tbqh

>cuckoldry is now european value
Long gone is the age of civilizing barbarians of the Arabia. Sad.

We alredy took germoney, so ...

That's fucking hilarious, first i thought it was Jews being hateful towards Germans, but it was actually Jews making up fake news.

Guy on the right waving our based old dutch flag
God bless the based Catholic Poles

Poland needs to be kicked out of existence.

I unironically support this.

you have seen nothing
AKTYWACJA FAZY 2. 30.09.17

Fuck off nigger

German uses European flag interchangably with their own. Germany thinks it is Europe.

Dirty kike ive left special torah in the back if my *gas* oven for you, can you go & collect it you, litte rabbi.

>Poland should be kicked out of the EU

pracownikom sklepów również należy się wolne. Nie tak dawno wszystkie niedziele były wolne, a na zgniłym zachodzie jest tak obecnie w niektórych krajach.

It can't. the EU has invested too much into it. Poland (and Greece) will leave only through war or the union falling apart.

>European values
Of being invaded by muslim parasites you mean?

a czemu tylko pracownikom sklepów? a inni mogą zapierdalać?


>Poles don't understand European values and act against them everyday.
Poles do understand German values and resist them.

I really hope we get kicked out of the EU too.

a kto inny zapierdala w niedzielę? kierowcy autobusów?

>implying EU has any power
wow it's nothing

You are a kike. Islam is not a part of european culture.

nah, we will kick germany and france out of EU and make it work right after we burn brussels to the ground and toast marshmallows on high commissar corpse

kick us out and deport all poles.

nice rebuttal slavshit

I vote this inspirational figure to be our Hitler

Tbh my nation should get exterminated

Art. 15110. Praca w niedziele i święta jest dozwolona:
1) w razie konieczności prowadzenia akcji ratowniczej w celu ochrony życia lub zdrowia ludzkiego, ochrony mienia lub środowiska albo usunięcia awarii;
2) w ruchu ciągłym;
3) przy pracy zmianowej;
4) przy niezbędnych remontach;
5) w transporcie i w komunikacji;
6) w zakładowych strażach pożarnych i w zakładowych służbach ratowniczych;
7) przy pilnowaniu mienia lub ochronie osób;
8) w rolnictwie i hodowli;
9) przy wykonywaniu prac koniecznych ze względu na ich użyteczność społeczną i codzienne potrzeby ludności,

kill yourself Hans

shut the fuck you absolute fucking retard. Please leave Poland and make it a better place for all your neighbors

Diaspora isto zeli da hrvatska izade!

I agree completely. Poland should be spared the European Caliphate. Get them out for their own sake now.


ja np studiuje zaocznie wiec przykladowo profesorowanie i sprzataczki tam pewnie pracuja. zreszta to nie jeest tak ze nie maja wolnego w inne dni.

no i jeszcze jedna rzecz jest taka ze ludzie ktorzy pracuja maja tylko te niedziele na zakupy.

Poland needs to be taught a lesson. You want to be racist assholes? Fine, no refugees for you! No Muslims and no black people. No people of color in your country, ever. Let's see how you like it then.

same potrzebne rzeczy do normalnego działania społeczeństwa, może oprócz 4)
tak że tego, inni niech zapierdalają.
but we like fighting caliphates

As a British Muslim living in London, I support OPs message.

Funny how all shills use meme flags.

hey you guys always leave out my brothers/neighbors, the spanish will fight for their land too fucker

>Fine, no refugees for you! No Muslims and no black people. No people of color in your country, ever. Let's see how you like it then.

considering we are no longer a net-beneficiary of eu gibs, since this year we started paying more than we get, sure kick us out

but you still gonna have to pay SIX TRILLION


>Islam is an European value

so do we it would seem. hurry up and leave so we can glass germany

>There's no place for them in a civilised Europe

At this rate Poland and Central Europe are the only parts of Europe that ARE civilized.

Zakaz handlu w niedzielę jest dobry bo zmniejsza się utarg zagranicznych supermarketów.

glass it now, we will pin it on russian hackers

>Kill yourself faggot

1 Post / SAGE

znaczy to trochę z dupy argument bo naszych też

can't, you need to get your reparations first remember, merkel needs that stain.

>no i jeszcze jedna rzecz jest taka ze ludzie ktorzy pracuja maja tylko te niedziele na zakupy.
to kurwa
ogólnie to według mnie urzędy powinny mieć wolny jakis dzien w srodku tygodnia i w sobote zapierdalac

they are actually in the works
germans fucked up with their constant attacks and now ruling party will see that reparations matter resolved

> Poland - not civilised

For you.

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ϟϟ 卐 ϟϟ 卐 ϟϟ 卐 ϟϟ 卐 ϟϟ 卐 ϟϟ

Z naszych jest co najwyżej Piotr i Paweł a cała reszta to obce, więc się opłaca. Jak zdechną z głodu/wyprowadzą się to można się potem odbudować i w niedzielę sprzedawać.

jest to dobry pomysł, zadzwoń z tym do Kukiza
a co do sklepów, no kurwa, są niektóre czynne 6:00-22:00, nie ma bata że codziennie tyle pracujesz
poza tym to mi się wpierdala w religię
t. katol

EU should be kicked out of Prussia and Pomerania.

Stokrotka zdaje się że też nasza jest

>There's no place for them in a civilised Europe
What countries were importing cave men into Europe now again?

No one gives afuck about europa....poland can exist on its own but the EU cannot exist without its vassal states....Should a sovereign nation state wish to determine its own destiny let them do so...alas, here in america we cannot .....

o kurwa cebulaku najpierw idź do pierwszej pracy a potem sie wypowiadaj

ci co pracują w niedziele mają wolne w inny dzien tygodnia do odbioru.
studenciak pierdolony

Grunt że nasze to mniejszość.

After Germany pays what they owe.

kukiz to jest alkus i cwel, sam sobie do niego dzwoń

>americans posting under eu flag
it's that, or a g*rman.

Do it.

o kurwa zajebisty argument plebsie jebany, w dupę mnie pocałuj frajerze
to zostań kurwa aktywistą społecznym i optuj za takim rozwiązaniem

sam sobie zostań społeczniakiem konfidencie pierdolony

>Civilised Europe
>Full of uncivilised immigrants

to kurwa bądź anonimowym aktywistą społecznym pieronie zatracony
rzecznik praw obywatelskich edycja ninja

Muhammad not welcome but Happy Merchant is!

Fucking retarded Poles.

>ogólnie to według mnie urzędy powinny mieć wolny jakis dzien w srodku tygodnia i w sobote zapierdalac

jestem za.

Kick the out.
And kick Britain out while you are at it.

Nazi's are literally retarded.
As if Poles would welcome your opinion after what Nazi's did to Poland.

>muh religion
jesli myslisz że rząd powinien mieć siłe zabraniać biznesa być otwartym wtedy kiedy chcą to wyjedz sobie do israel, jebany podludziu