Mysterious box

Time to open it


Already looks open, but go on.



My condolences.

Nikt z nas nie jest tym zainteresowany, Henryk.


So is it nothing?


First title, maybe some of you even know it


Spierdalaj z tym chujstwem

Fuck off subhuman

>one piece of shit
>one shit man
That's some hot garbage right here

Testing 123

>Implying I have cool name like Henryk

Also new western animu when?

sorry dude

Another niche series

Space robots


Some dude with weird skullhead

Oh hey, you can get the last name and city for the tracking code.

Waiting for you guys, I'm pretty lonely at nights

Shit forget to post another one



And the last one

Wait a minute, you can get electricity and internet in Poland?

Nope, it's slav magic

how much did they cost?

200 złoty so around $50

Nice blog.


It's Space Patrol Luluco thread, get lost

that's pretty cheap, I feel a little jealous.
I wish there was manga in a language that I can read with reasonable price.

Importing Origin killed my wallet already, still need two volumes

Sieg Jaroslaw, Zeon zbaw

Grey grey blue grey
