Homosexuality is natural and it's about time you realize this. It is bound by no race nor species...

Homosexuality is natural and it's about time you realize this. It is bound by no race nor species. It is timeless and ingrained to a certain extent in everybody from their birth to their death. Why do still you embrace prejudice and ignorance?

Other urls found in this thread:


>it is found in animals
>so is incest

Rape, infanticide, matricide, cannibalism and necrophilia are also natural.

Animals also eat their young, eat their mates, and rape those weaker than them. Why don't we embrace those too?

Or maybe we should acknowledge that while we are part of the animal kingdom, we aren't true animals because we have reason, logic, and self control. Therefore, we don't run on instinct, and can actually rationalize and foresee the consequences of our actions. Meaning, we should recognize that homosexuality is terrible for society because it spreads STDs, abuses children, and is incapable of having children through its own power, resulting in a net loss of new and continuing life for our species. Not to mention that homosexuals are incapable of matching the net positive benefits study after study has shown that children raised in a traditional "nuclear" family style home perform better in school and life, cause less crime, and contribute more to society.

Or are you going to ignore the facts and act like the dumbass chimp you are and start hollering and flinging shit at me for smacking you down?


>Animals are primitive savages so we can be too! It's only natural, and there's nothing wrong with acting like an animal.

Unlike those, same sex attraction is a harmless impulse. Why should people be sad their whole life repressing it?

>Study after study reveals that homosexuality, whether male or female, can take anywhere from 10, 20 to 30 years off of someone's lifespan. With all the attention on smoking, which the National Cancer Institute says takes from 7 to 10 years off someone's life, why not the same human outcry on homosexuality? Here's a behavior that's killing people 2 to 3 times the rate of smoking, yet nobody seems to care. In fact, we are encouraging and affirming individuals into the "gay" lifestyle. If you truly love someone, you would steer them away from self-destructive behaviors, rather than towards them, shouldn't you? Homosexuals need our tough love, not blind love, the kind of love that is going to love them no matter what they say and do. We must extend that helping hand and say " I think your worth saving, let's work on it together."

Interestingly, forced conversion therapy also decreases life expectancy by increasing the suicide risk.

if it was natural gays would be able to produce an offspring you ginormous cum guzzling thundercunt

Wolves and Lions form packs and hunt grazing animals. We should do the same with humans that graze on GIBS.

I'm with you 100% my boyfriend in a females body says she likes my female true self even though I'm in a male body. we like to role play in bed though so it just seems like regular sex,

Cyanide and anthrax are perfectly natural too. Why don't you swallow some of that instead?

Maybe we can meet in the middle and never endorse homosexuality, never portray it in media (positively or negatively), and minimize the raw number of folk afflicted by homosexuality?

Keeping interactions with homosexuals to a minimum- if a kid has a gay classmate they won't be told by their teacher that they too could be gay and that it would be okay. Promoting strong masculinity in boys and beautiful femininity in women, as to keep them from being sexually confused by androgynous twinks and pudgy short-haired women, it seems very possible to reduce the number of diseased homosexuals without actually hurting anybody.

I'd rather spend 10 years being dead than being full of hate and misery like most here.

FRIENDLY REMINDER: ((( THEY ))) look like us

> meme
> lolz
> win

also ((( our fellow white people ))) sound like us too also

You're gonna 10 years of your life here though


also and sometimes try to assume the identity online of a fellow white person and tell you homo is good

> also that

its not natural its an adaption to your environment

> when ppl know

>we should recognize that homosexuality is terrible for society because it spreads STDs
Because straight people never spread STDs and never do heroin. right.
>incapable of having children
It's not like everybody is gay and not having children, the population is doing fine. If anything a slowdown in population growth would be good.
>Not to mention that homosexuals are incapable of matching the net positive benefits study after etc etc etc
You know what? On this point I agree with you.
The nuclear family is objectively better, and there are costs to society that acceptance of homosexuality incurs.
I'm not gonna go banging on about "Its natural love is blind love has no whatever" because as you say nature is fucking brutal and we shouldn't be, but the problems rightly associated with homosexuality are not beyond a measure of repair.
AIDS will one day be cured, economic and social prosperity will reduce poverty and reduce rates of crime, including child abuse, and will improve *everybody's* performance in school and life. That economic and social prosperity will come about alot quicker if these people are held responsible for their crimes BUT are made to do something about them! Tell them to use condoms, make them respect the law, allow them to get decent jobs, instead of simply ostracizing them- you do that and they'll contribute *nothing* to society.

One day, hopefully, homosexuals will be on par with the nuclear family in all the areas you mentioned- STDs, child abuse, crime. Then, maybe we can just let them be?

Cus poopy man dicks from poopy man holes is disgusting and infested with disease. Pretty simple really.

The only problem I have with gays is the attention they still get even though no one cares.

Pedophilia and sexually transmitted diseases are 'natural' too.
As is the evolved social behavior to avoid and repress homosexuality, due to the correlation between it and the two aforementioned 'natural' phenomenon.

The more you know!

Some sources:

And from a pro homosexual article:

>Gay men lifespan shorter than non gay men: "The life expectancy for gay and bisexual men is 8 to 20 years less than for men in general. Robert S. Hogg et al., "Modeling the Impact of HIV Disease on Mortality in Gay and Bisexual Men," International Journal of Epidemiology 26 (1997): 657." (Exodus Global Alliance, exodusglobalalliance.org/ishomosexualityhealthyp60.php)
>Domestic Violence higher among homosexuals: "'the incidence of domestic violence among gay men is nearly double that in the heterosexual population.'(Gwat Yong Lie and Sabrina Gentlewarrier, "Intimate Violence in Lesbian Relationships: Discussion of Survey Findings and Practice Implications," Journal of Social Service Research 15 (1991): 41–59." (exodusglobalalliance.org/ishomosexualityhealthyp60.php)
>Sex of women with women at greater health risk than women with men: "For women, a history of sex with women may be a marker for increased risk of adverse sexual, reproductive, and general health outcomes compared with women who reported sex exclusively with men." (American Journal of Public Health, ajph.aphapublications.org/cgi/content/abstract/97/6/1126)

They usually dont hate gays per se (assuming no acne or virginity) its usually more an issue of degeneracy. As a gay man i feel they kind of have a point... gay pride parades are disgusting.

ty user