Different races are not different species

Definition of species is two organisms that can breed and have viable (fertile) offspring.

That being said, I hear a lot of pol'fags saying every other race besides whites are not human and hence another species, yet we can all interbreed...

Red pill me. All opinions are welcome. And please stick to facts not feelings of hatred.

Other urls found in this thread:


stop hating on the Democrat's strategy they gots to get that black vote with their secret hot sauce dontcha know.

Lol yeah... fuckin vampires sucking the life outta black people and their community while they are praised for it.

Maybe one day the nig nogs will wake up...

species, genus, etc a lot of this is arbitrary. there are even some taxons that only exist to dump all the things that don't have a "proper place". Some species aren't even considered to be in the same genus and can interbreed.

The argument you invoked regarding Haldane’s rule is meaningless because different species in the animal kingdom can breed and still produce fertile offspring. Two species of orangutan can interbreed despite having different chromosomal numbers, two horses of separate species can produce viable offspring. The wolf (Canis lupus) and the dog (Canis lupus familiaris), the coyote (Canis latrans), and the common jackal (Canis aureus) are separate species yet can all interbreed and produce fertile offspring. They have slightly different DNA .sequences, yet these small differences are meaningful enough that they lead those 4 similar looking creatures to have have significantly different behavioral patterns, significantly different way of living, gathering food, interacting with their kind and other creatures, etc. Each of the tree (dogs, wolves, jackals) fill a different niche in the ecosystem: the jackal in particular for the purpose of this post fits its stereotype of being.. well, a jackal.

But if a European wolf and an African jackal breed the result is useless for life in the European forests, as it is useless for life in the deserts of North Africa.



>Different races are not different species
everyone's homo sapiens
anyone saying anything different is a retard

and we can't classify anything lower than species, because that would be rude.

Sub Saharan Africans are cleanly separated from the rest of the races. African Americans are also have roughly 20% European admixture. This is actually known to cause problems because of the incompatible genes. Black Americans are a hybrid race of around 22% White ancestry. This 22% ancestry is the cause of multiple negative health effects due to genetic incompatibility.

Mixedrace children suffer from more health problems

A massively well-funded study of over 100,000 schoolchildren found that “Adolescents who identify themselves as mixed race are at higher health and behavior risk than those of 1 race.” Indeed, even when controlling for education, socioeconomic status, and other factors, there is an across-the board higher rate of health risks amongst mixed race adolescents

One study found that White-Asian mixes had a 2x higher rate of being “diagnosed with a psychological disorder, such as anxiety, depression or substance abuse.”

IQ of offspring shifts towards the average for the race

Certain genes for large brains, linked to high IQ, are common everywhere except Africa

Environment accounts for little or none of the USA racial IQ gap:

In standardized testing, the wealthiest Black children underperform all but the poorest White children and just barely outperform even them

Even when IQ is controlled for, Blacks display higher measurements of psychopathy than Whites:

Demography is destiny

Race and species are scientifically arbitrary terms. There are many distinct "species" of animal which are more closely related to each other than Europeans are to Africans.

Then explain how Homo Sapiens mated with Neanderthals you inbred hick

Nice sarcasm kek

Now that I think of it, since Euros are part neanderthal and Asians are part erectus and africans, would that lend credence to the idea that they are subspecies?

U really think some hick would be defending the humanity of non wgites?

But, white and Asian people have some Neanderthal DNA. Sub Saharan Africans do not. How did the others get Neanderthal DNA, other than be mating with them and producing fertile offspring?

>different species
Races are different SUBspecies my friend
Read this:

Also, what's with the old meme name?

Question, your point about blacks having smaller brains, doesnt brain size have less to do with intelligence. If it mattered then wouldnt a sperm whale with its 8000 cubic cent of brain be smarter than us humans who only have 1300?

>Definition of species is two organisms that can breed and have viable (fertile) offspring.

you seriously need to look into Rh negative pregnancy user

>You inherited your Rh negativity. If baby is Rh-positive, he must have inherited his Rh factor from your partner.
>If baby is Rh-negative too, it won’t. But if baby is Rh-positive, your body could start making antibodies to attack the positive Rh factor in baby’s blood.
>This usually isn’t a problem in a first pregnancy—unless you have an abdominal injury, bleeding or your and baby’s blood mixes some other way. But if you have a second baby that’s Rh-positive, those existing antibodies could destroy his red blood cells, causing a condition called hemolytic disease. Hemolytic disease could cause anemia and other problems, and in rare cases, death.

if those aren't problems to breeding between groups I don't know wht is

Hmm didnt know asians had it too. Im correct in saying they have erectus too right?

Then that begs the question, if Afrivans were first humans (although homo graeco might negate that) then would they be true humans and asians and whites the subspecies?

Also did africans mix with any other homos? Or are they, pure blooded sapiens?

>Definition of species is two organisms that can breed and have viable (fertile) offspring.

Like wolves and dogs you mean? Yeah, absolutely no difference in intelligence or disposition there, just the color of their fur.


did you not consider any of this before posting your shitty thread?

Sorry but can you put that in layman's terms I'm not an expert to be honest. Thank you.

What about the coyote-wolf hybrids running all over the place in burgercuckistan lately?

Two different species, but have combined to produce a fertile hybrid.

crucify me for wanting to get redpilled. I'm not a scientist nor do I claim to be I just wanted to get people's perspectives so that I could form an opinion. I knew some things about the topic such as Europeans having neanderthal DNA and Asians having Homo erectus DNA but I am the first to make it clear that my knowledge is incomplete.

I think you missed the point of my thread entirely.

If you don't have a caucasian face Im not attracted to you you might as well be an animal.

We were only able to precisely identify Neanderthal admixture in Eurasians because we recovered intact Neanderthal DNA from cool Eurasian caves. Africa is a poor environment for dna preservation, so we are unable to get reference samples to catalog archaic admixture in Africans, which is certainly substantial.


Not a different species. No one ever said that and I'd like to see some proof they did if you have it. Every reasonable person on here says they are different sub species though. Think about breed of dogs or kinds of cats. Same species, different sub species.

Different sub species for sure.

that pic tho

Now that is interesting...
Thanks for the info!

It's a sub species.
The interesting part is I lived for 2 years in cuba, that's the place that was cut off from western civilization for over 60 years as you might know.
Their population is a even split of 1/3 hispanic/white 1/3 mulatto and 1/3 nigger...

Yet they produced the absolute same results as the US.
The 1/3 hispanic/white run the businesses, farms, teaching/police/foreworker positions, run all the small paladars, own the tourist taxis and casa particulares that actually make money

The 1/3 mulattos do the manual labour like driver, waiter, farming and cigar rolling and they're cool and productive.

And then you have the 1/3 of niggers, that act exactly like the inner city pavement apes in the US. There was pretty much no contact with that culture, even cuban education is 99% indoctrination to be a good citizen and they had to go through it couldn't solve the problem... Yet they hop around like apes, will show up a territorial dances wherever they gather while blasting shitty raggatone form their phone, speak the spanish version of ebonics that is worse than chilean spanish, are responsible for about 85% of cuban crimes and can't hold a job in a society where full employment is mandated by the government.

take your own conclusions from this.

>phone post
>incognito and silent for fear of being caught
>kekistan flag
>asking to be pilled by nazis


All the threads that they said it in are dead. I'm not saying that everyone says that, for, as you probably know, opinions range drastically on this site.

>it's another shill telling us that there's no variation between the species while providing zero evidence

Always expect the Marxist to draw the conclusion and then construct evidence around it. And he will generally not care about its validity either.

La Habana is as segregated as NYC. The socialist utopia doesn't tolerate niggers anywhere near tourists or attractions.
A pack of niggers in the center? They will have Police on their ass. Nigger gather near a hospital? At least 3 police cars park "by chance" near by.

It's like pottery

We're ALL sub-species under homo sapiens sapiens in my opinion. I honestly don't get why this is so hard for some people to grasp. Each race is an amalgamated adaptation made from a multitude of archaic humanoid primate ancestors. We became distinct subspecies due to environmental pressures and natural selection.

giving the thread a bump as OP is a faggot as always.

>not willing to expend energy for some user chat room
>have to work in order to not be a NEET, computer can't comewith
>incognito to save space and prevent lengthy browser history when looking for photo
>non-incognito for Sup Forums
>refuse to even give the slighest hint of identity as to preserve my job and social life
>includes the "red-pill" to indicate I'm open to view points

Niggers aren't human. The rest of us humanoids diverged from the niggers before we were ever human.
Niggers just aren't the same as us.

LOL, always expect a fool to lump all who disagree with him as the enemy.

KEK, how am I a Marxist? Suppose loving free market capitalism and understand inequality as natural and supporting a limited, constitutional government = commie to you...?

And I guess you didn't read my post, I'm trying to get the other side of the story, not my own.

Thanks Yoorofag, may Germany take your country before the Muslims do!

So nogs are fucking jackals. RIP niggers

Nogs are not humans

>Definition of species is two organisms that can breed and have viable (fertile) offspring.

Explain this then


Well someone just said it now...

The overall size of a brain isn't as determinant of a factor in it's capabilities as are the complexities and crosstalk between specialized regions of the brain. Our amygdala (Latin for lizard brain, I believe) is the innermost and most primitive part of our brain, located near our brain stem. It controls our fight or flight response and other very simple subconscious processes necessary for survival. The modern reptile brain hasn't evolved much past that over time - think of it as one simple part of a computer, like a motherboard with no RAM, ROM, or specialized processors. As our brains evolved and diverged, they did grow in size - humans have the largest brain to body ratio of all mammals, and our brains also use the largest proportion of our caloric intake, sometimes 20% or higher, where that whale's brain probably uses less than 5%.

More importantly, our brains developed specialized sections over time that localize certain processes. So, while the whale brain is bigger, ours is much more complex.

Of all of the parts of our brain, what we consider to be higher order thinking - reasoning, abstraction, pattern recognition, perception of time, etc. - takes place mainly in the frontal lobe. And here's the kicker: one of the main differences between us, lower order primates, and, you guessed it - niggers - is that they have a noticably more sloped back forehead due their less prominent frontal lobe. It is literally possible to tell the difference between a Caucasoid and a nigger by examining only their skulls. So, ask yourself: if the part of the brain that is responsible for the most complex mental processes that we are capable of - and what many people would argue is literally what makes us human - is noticeably smaller in black people, what's more important? That few extra ounces of highly specialized brain matter, or the fact that we can still breed with them?

Pic related

>Definition of species is two organisms that can breed and have viable (fertile) offspring.

ours are all hybrids. useless for life in north american forests, useless for life in west african jungles.

What are dogs and wolves? Different species or not? Because they can breed and produce viable offspring. Your definition of species is obsolete in light of current knowledge of genetics.

don't many jews have the same forehead slope as your nigger pic?

Horses can breed with donkeys. Wolves can breed with dogs. Mutts can breed with golden retrievers.

In short, just because two things can breed doesn't mean that the result is going to be an upgrade. At best its a mutt that is somewhere in between. And white + nigger = mud blood. A mud blood is even more dangerous than niggers because it has some intelligence but still has the niggers total lack of culture and character.

Not sure, but a fucking kikes nose would probably make it look that way regardless.

I'm pretty sure the key measurement is where the red line is drawn in the gif, from your eye to the upper crown of your forehead. I'm going to go do some kike profile inspection to see

It doesn't look like it, but when you Google image search "Jewish people," Mel Gibson pops up like 10 images down. And I don't think it's because he is one. kek


I like you. -C. Linneaus

If the blood of the baby is too different from the one of the mother (aka the father is too far away genetically), the mother's immune system might attack the baby's blood cells.


>Definition of species is two organisms that can breed and have viable (fertile) offspring.

There are tonnes of different species that can breed viable offspring together.

Wolves and dogs come to mind first, but there are plenty more.

Science Defying Mongrel-Theist Retard...

Genetics is far more complex than any Imbecile can possibly consider.

After extensive research I have come to the conclusion that the nigger predates the ape. First their were niggers, apes evolved from niggers, humans evolved from apes. So niggers are indeed a different species.

whites can be niggers too

Several different species can produce viable offspring

Shiit they got tanks now? motherfuckahs it takes a motherfucken tank for you white bois to come at us? lololol well stil get yo girls while ya'll are playing call of duty in teh tank lmaao

fuck off kike

polar and brown bears can have fertile offspring, therefore they are the same species

lions and tigers can have babies, does that make them the same species?

>>>lions and tigers can have babies, does that make them the same species?
yes but their kids cant produce offspring, if the hybrids can produce with each other, then yes they are the same species

You can have two different species breed as long as they have the same number and type of chromosomes. It is literally called crossbreeding or hybriding. A perfect example is a liger. A liger is the result of cross breeding a lion (panthera leo) with a tiger (panthera tigris). The lion and tiger are both in the same genus (panthera) but different species (leo and tigris). Another example is the mule which is the cross between a horse (equus caballus) and a donkey (equus asinus).

Might want to do some research there bud.

>Definition of species is two organisms that can breed and have viable offspring
>Dogs and Wolves can breed and half viable offspring

Well shit
I guess Dogs and Wolves are one species, right?

Ligers are not sterile. A female liger can reproduce with a tiger or a lion. in which case a li-liger or ti-liger is the result (respectively). So far those are the only breeding examples we have because so far no male and female liger has been held together and tried to reproduce. SO far tests have shown male ligers have enough testosterone and active sperm to successfully mate if they attempt.

No dogs and wolves were a bad example because most dogs are actually the descendants of domesticated wolves in the first place.

The argument goes like this:
Can dogs and wolfs interbreed?
Are dogs and wolves considered different species?

Dog breeds have different characteristics. Same species.

Not /thread as exampled with my first post

Polar bears and brown bears can breed and have fertile offspring. Same with zebras and donkies.

omg zebra ass is so based. big yummy oreo!

SAGE this kike, plus give this user's hat back


Niggers aren't humans. Neither are kikes.

Death to all non-humans now.

shut up white nigger faggot,
Snow storm somewhere else

Just because two organisms have fertile offspring doesn't mean they two organism had to have been from the same species. There are rare cases of mules that are fertile.