Whats better?

Whats better?
Macross or Robotech?

The right one is from the pachinko game.
Also there's no reason to watch Robotech now that Macross is available.



You posted Gundam.



>Johnny Destiny Space Ninja
I smiled way more than I should have

You take this shit back to /m/, you're going to infect Sup Forums with this cancer with HG shills shitposting for days on end.

Are you guys ready for more Robotech?

Legit question here: whats the deal with Robotech? Its just the american dub for Macross? Its a remake? An american rendering of a japanese classic?

Robotech is a frankenstein franchise: it slaps three different franchise to become one.

It's major difference it kinda misses the point of Macross: Protoculture is a resource and fewer singing.

From what I understand Robotech was a mash up of Macross and two other series. Essentially they had to make the series X number of episodes long but the base anime they used didn't meet that number so they had to merge to other anime into it to make it last long enough.


When will the bullying stop


It is the American and spic dub of Macross in the 80s. Robotech is almost exactly the same as Macross but Macrossfags are so autistic they continue to sperg out over minor changes even to this day. Its worst offense is dubbing over the songs, but otherwise the story is the same and the script is a liberal translation of the original.

>Also there's no reason to watch Robotech now that Macross is available.

This. Robotech was a product of necessity for its time. Everyone forgot about it and it never entered any kind of collective nerd nostalgia the way Voltron managed to. The only people who still even know Robotech exists are Macross fans and autistic men at least 35 years old.

If "Blanca" wins there I'll buy it.


Is this legit or a troll?


Yeah. Mash the series together, sell some toys, and then be completely forgotten about a few years later like most 80s cartoons.

>literally merged three different anime into one
And here I thought I was numb to history's horrors.

I really wish this rise were true,the shitstorm would've been historical.
I wonder if it would ever be possible to gather some anons and create a macross frontier parody in the style of robotech.