Little Nemo was japan's greatest 2d animation effort ever

Little Nemo was japan's greatest 2d animation effort ever.

>35 million USD budget
>Westernized character designs and westernized styled character animation
>Classic TMS massive animation set pieces
>95% of the film is animated on 1s
>Budget and effort was too much for the shit script and nearly killed TMS

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Yeah, I liked Little Nemo too. The NES video game was also quite fun.



that's all, dance thread.

Never heard of it, it probably sucks.

It does suck. But it has the best overall animation in anime

They should have gone with the Kondo pilot. Or the Dezaki pilot.

We almost got these movies instead:

I thought that title goes to Akira?

I loved that movie as a kid.

The scene with the cookies always made me wanted to try some.

>animated on 1s
That's insane. I'm sure the animators called bullshit on those expectations. It looks fantastic though.

I loved the game. Shit was hype in the last stages when you got the dream rod to attack stuff and fight bosses.

It's a coproduction with america, screenplay of an artist-not-writer "moebius" of course it is animated well and has objectively shitty writing

>Budget and effort was too much for the shit script and nearly killed

Japanese animation in a nutshell.

Similar to The Thief and the Cobbler. Gorgeous animation, production hell for decades, plot and script are nonsense, overall product isn't really a "good movie" but certainly worth watching for the animation alone.

There was a lot of bullshit behind the scenes.
Miyazaki worked on it for a little bit but left, calling it the most miserable experience of his professional career.
It was just poorly run and the final product has some great animation and great design in some places, but lots of dumb bullshit in others.

it's because Akira wasn't a kids movie that sucked ass. That's why it was remembered. If this film had succeeded then Japanese animation probably would have been more like Disney 2d films, but Akira trended Japan toward another direction.

But in terms of # of animators and money spent and over all animation, Little Nemo is a lot better than Akira (in terms of animation)

Akira has sequences that trump Little Nemo but overall Akira has pretty stiff character animation.

>Thief and the Cobbler
Richard Williams really cocked that up. His supposed magnum opus, no less. That film was actually a salvage operation after he had to surrender most of the IP to his first set of backers from an even earlier attempt that he fucked up.

Is he the biggest JUST in animation?

All those years of his life wasted on that.

It really is incredible just how much time, money and effort from expert animators went into making what is essentially a shitty kids movie that no one cared about.

Running those character designs with the animation the producer wanted would have put the budget easily in the 80 million range. But it would have been fucking glorious.

And he took most of the few remaining golden-age animators down with him. Like, three guys died of old age working on that?

yup. I want to respect him for wanting to create his vision, but the truth is he never had a clear vision, and did not know when to call it quits. A damn fucking shame.

Little Nemo, is that the one about the kid that goes on dream adventures, based on a really, really old american comic strip?

I'd heard so many good things about it.

Did you see his latest animated film? It's just a short but it's great. Fuck I would have taken a whole movie like it.

jesus christ, how long did that take?

That looks expensive as fuck. Holy shit. Added to my watch list.

I thought he was dead, not gonna lie.

The comic is so fucking far ahead of its time in terms of artwork. The movie looks fantastic too, but it really is a shit story.

Dunno, I remember him announcing it only last year, but who knows how long he was working on it. I recommend watching the actual short, that scene is even better with sound.

In the trailer for it he actually said he didn't know if he would actually be able to finish it before dying.

>Added to my watch list.
I see you are under 30
It also had a video game tie in, and the movie was based on an old comic strip.

that doesn't mean it was actually popular. Many things got video games, and the comic strip ended in 1925.

All I remember from this movie are the amazing dreamlike layouts.

>Richard Williams doesn't even want to finish it anymore
RIP traditional western animation

I'm over 30 actually. Wasn't into Tibetan cave paintings back when this was created and it's hardly an Sup Forums favorite.

Windsor McCay drew the strip back in the early 1900s along with others.

All very surreal.

My impression of that movie was that it could be condensed down in a good animation short but as a film it was kinda shitty. And I mean the director's cut.


I know this board doesn't like recommendations, but what are some essential anime movies or shows known for their animation prowess, aside from the ones mentioned in this thread.

patlabor is well animated.

There's a chart of them on the wiki.

Most greats aren't worth mentioning.

Everything by susumu hirasawa, stuff by mamoru oshii (especially the 1995 GitS film), and I also really liked a bunch of series by masaaki yuasa but some people disliked stuff like ping pong because of the artstyle.

Winsor McCay is also notable for making the very first animations that didn't suck.

For comparison, look at the most advanced animated film in existence prior to McCay, produced just 3 years earlier.

McCay does not get enough credit. Disney gets a lot of hype but he was building on a rich pre-existing tradition of animation. McCay basically invented it by himself, out of nothing.

This looks terrible, the animation is too forced

Metropolis, Redline, Akira, Steamboy, Spriggan, Memories, GiTS 1995, Jin Roh, also OP

>animating on 1s
> forced

stupid weebs

it was released in america, you know. It didn't do well in theaters (limited release possibly?) but the VHS sold really well.

I dislike this movie because characters are too fast; you are watching movie at 2x speed.

please define forced animation.

You know Memories isn't the only anthology to ever happen, right?
Jesus fuck, every low powerlevel hipster namedrops Memories while having never even bothered with any other the other various animation anthologies it's compared against.

Yes, we get it, namedropping any of Kon's work makes you sound "intellectual" and the more obscure, the more nerd-cred you get.

I'm not seeing the problem.

I'm not going to spoonfeed a summerfag

Quell your autism, hipster.

The movie version of Utena. Using sliding glass panels with backgrounds painted on them was a fantastic animation trick.

Holy cow what's wrong with you?

Could care less who wrote the shit, Magnetic Rose and Cannon Fodder were wonderfully animated. The guy asked for good animation, Memories has good animation, problem?

I would also add Genius Party Beyond, Tekkon Kinkreet, GitS Innocence


>Posting Little Nemo
>not The Sinking of the Lusitania

Little Nemo still sucks insofar as only one action ever takes place for any character.

While it's leagues ahead of Cohl's stick figures, it still lacks the motions leading into each other that Disney and Iwerks later animation had

Trying too hard.

Instead of being rude how about contributing to the thread. If there are other anthologies that you feel are worth watching post them.

Yeah, naw. It's not like we don't have a wiki to archive and organize all of our recommendations, or no less than two boards dedicated to it. If you can't be arsed to look shit up yourself, fuck off.

I didn't ask because I didn't have an idea of what you were trying to say, I just think 'forced animation' is a catchall buzzword that retards use when the frame rate is too high, or if they don't like the animation's 'flow'. Do you mean unnatural animation? Stilted animation?

I just get the feeling that people who use the term use it when they dislike the animation but can't articulate why they dislike it. I think in the future you should just say "I dislike this, but I can't quite place my finger on why. Does anyone else get what I'm trying to say?" instead of calling it forced animation because it polarizes peoples opinions and gets autists like me to type out two paragraph responses calling you a dumbass.

You can always go back to gaia where everyone else likes forced animation as well, kid.

I can't fucking stand the new posters on Sup Forums

yo fuck, I didn't mean susumu hirasawa, I meant satoshi kon.

susumu hirasawa doesn't animate chinese cartoon drawings.

>animating on 1s

Yeah pretty much most of all anime is on 2s and 3s. Something like 1s is literally Disney budget tier. It is actually more expensive to do 1s than it is to do detailed frames on 2s and 3s on high budget looking anime movies.

>95% of the film is animated on 1s

Why does this mean exactly?

no, youre newfag

you go back to gaia

I bet you heard about Sup Forums a month ago
fucking newfags

It's always hilarious to see the retard trying so hard to pretend like they know what they're talking about.

Please fuck off and stop trolling.

>no, youre newfag

The ESL gaiafag exposes himself once again, fucking go back.

no you go back gringo

fucking putas

>fall for the kyoani/anti-kyoani shitposting
>tell others off for being new
Get some self-awareness.

full 24fps (which is a cinema standard if you've only heard fps in terms of vidya and "muh 60fps") rather than the 12 or sometimes 8 that anime typically are produced in

You could check out things like genius party or robot carnival.

They're experimental animation pieces if I remember correctly. Robot Carnival is gorgeous.

I fucking loved this movie as a kid. Had no idea it was made by Japs

We have to go older

>thinking forced animation is from that new kyoani/anti-kyoani shitposting

Holy shit have you been browsing for only 2 years

Huh, always though anime was 24 fps, not they low.

Though now that you mention it, it's actually pretty obvious.

no you go back to gaia
fucking hijo de tu puta madre
usted es un maricón

Holy SHit.

when animating, animators draw characters in poses on clear sheets (cels), and take pictures of them. Succesive pictures showsn rapidly imitate motion. The standard rate these pictures (frames) are displayed is 24 a second, 24 fps. animating on 1's, is when the animators intend one cel for each frame, resulting in very fluid motion. By contrast, most western cartoons are animated on 2s and 3s, and most anime on 3's and 4's.

But don't think more frames = better animation. It just means more money. Asukas fight with the MP Evas was done entirely on 3's, and looks gorgeous

Speak English, speaking spic is against the rules site wide outside of Sup Forums

Yo cago en la leche de tu puta madre


I'm not saying it's perfect, or as good as what would come much later. Just that he doesn't get enough credit considering the level of his achievements.

Felix The Cat : The Movie, Asterix and Obeliks : The Twelve Tasks of Asterix and Little Nemo were my fav animations when I was a 7 year old little shit.

They were pretty nice. It's a shame they don't make creepy comfy cartoons like that anymore. It's either completely meaningless lol so randumb bs or cape shit or animu now.

Just another sign of society degenerating into apehood I suppose.

>greatest 2d animation effort ever
There's better. Hell this is only as good as a mediocre budget Oishii film. Shit like Magnetic Rose, and GitS 2, where he has infinite money to splooge looks so much better

It still looks 'wrong'. It was a giant leap up, but it suffered from a lack of multitasking, if that makes sense

Well those were all movies. You can't compare them to series, which are bound to be low budget and low quality. Hell for every decent animated movie there were hundreds of made in South Korea Saturday morning cartoons.

We were always better off sticking to anime for our comfy fix

>there were hundreds of made in South Korea Saturday morning cartoons.
Those were pretty fun as well.
They were "super hero" shit but at least they weren't stereotypical garbage.

Fuck I need to rewatch this. Had it on VHS and watched it all the time when I was a wee lad but then the VCR ate the tape.

Is that a joke?

I thought that was He-Man for much too long

It's better than He Man in every aspect.
It's like WH40K basically. Which I suppose is why it never was too popular, parents thought it was too edgy or some shit.

Animation effort and animation results are two different things.

Nemo has a bigger budget than both Memories and GitS Innocence combined. Twice as many animators as both to keep the consistent fluid western-style character animation at the cost of chacter details.

While GITS innocence has sequences that trump Nemo, it has a lot of still framing at the beginning of the movie. Memories is flawless but at that point it comes down to the type of animation you prefer

> Realistic looking characters with shading animated on 2s and 3s with actions sequences on 1s


> Western style cartoon characters with minimal shading animated on 1s and 2s to maximize fluidity

I feel that watching these webms would be an insult to the animation and I should watch this film for the first time in the highest quality I can.

Otherwise it would be like watching the thief and the cobbler in 480p

I never thought i see this here but this was AMAZING still got the VHS of this and i still watch it from time to time and sometimes bring this to random friends house just to watch and
that Royal Sceptre Pajama Pajama...DAMN IT can't spell the rest of the chant

I feel the same way about people who force interpolate 60 fps onto animation. It's an insult to the original work.

to be fair, the recobbled cut is mashed together mastered rips of any film the guy in charge can get his hands on, and the best releases he can find, so much of it is in 480p

Except for Knights of Sidonia.

Felt so good to rewatch scenes in interpolated 60fps