Burn a Quran Day

Can we start a holiday where anons burn qurans and record themselves doing it. I like seeing towelheads freaking out about this

You shouldn't disgrace a religion of peace

yeah, they might behead you otherwise


So many bigots...

as if we care what a degenerate dicksuck faggot thinks. go blow a dude in bathhouse and get aids

Dont worry. Your sons/grandson will be there. Enjoy your exiction

Nice bait m8

I would totally be in for this

islam promotes the subjugation of non-muslims

Should also burn the bible and the torah

>be LGBT
>support kuran
>kumran says to throw faggots off 5 story buildings
>be first one to take the plunge for muhammed

you faggots fucked each other stupid.

hard to get lit after you poo on the boo

yeah it's called every day

>nazi flag
>suggest to burn kokoran
>not suggesting to burn muslims

Please stop larping faggot.

Just the Quran?

Add the bible too

Fuck off shill.

The bible and the torah

Damn thats edgy as shit.

how about some leaves too

Jew fag

Jokes on you, burning the Quran is the best way and most holy way of disposing a Quran.

>kaffirs btfo

Wasn't there a thread about women getting to drive in Saudi Arabia and you Nazi-Fags joining the mudslimes in their anger against women's rights?

I'm all for Koran burning tho.

how about the date? 10/11? a month after 9/11? its also a date with dubbs. maybe 11/11?

Do Christians care if people burn Bibles?

We really need to get an anti religion meme going on 7/11

has to be on one of their holy days

'Where they burn books, they will, in the end, burn human beings too.' — Heinrich Heine

Get over Islam you faggots, its not the problem.

No your right. The real problem is white cunts defending islam


stfu, faggot. they'd rape yr mom if you went to Saudi Arabia, pussy

What's the punishment for leaving islam?

Just make videos dumping qurans in pig shit on farms.

sorry but that man's image has been ruined by kraut and tea

That was pretty good kek

>using a capital for islam

I'm on board if we include witch burning.

What if I just paste a picture of bacon into a digital copy?

What if I get my computer to continuously make copies of the Koran, paste bacon and porn into the files and then shred them?

You guys know that muslims burn their quran if it's damaged/unreadable etc right? so, it is no big deal

+1 for this.

Two for one bacon and porn
