Tokyo Ghoul:Re

Furuta is a faggot memelord.


New spoiler pic of Furuta vs Eto

>That background
Jesus, Ishida

Wouldn't Furuta be a submissive type?

Eto will let Kaneki eat her so that he can escape from Aura and mmmboi.

Um, no.

Garden backstory when

Etofags on suicide watch

delete these

I love how this new chapter just added more goofy panels for furutaposters to use.

>twirly dance
>kagune kissing

Arima-san pls don't go.

Calling it:

While Furuta is lolsorandom shitposter, it's just one of Ishida's ploys because Furuta is working with Kanou to achieve their version of "peace" that while good, involves doing a lot of fucked up shit to achieve.

Ishida's too obvious. Furuta is going to end up being a "good guy" in the end that just did fucked up shit to achieve his stupid goal.

Yes yes, well done Furuta, well done


>tfw you find that Furuta is more interesting when not constantly trying to be funny

Arima killing himself? So what, he was raised by the Sunlit Garden to be the greatest ghoul hunter ever but he was pretty much the CCG's prisoner. So after Kaneki cut him back in the original series, Arima trained Kaneki to be strong enough to kill him? And in the end, Kaneki couldn't do it, so Arima killed himself?

What if the one that Tatara/Aogiri were looking for ALL ALONG was Furuta. He was in the 20th ward. He has Rize's kagune/kakuhou (would smell like Rize). He's connected to the Washuu's, and he has the kakugan on his right eye unlike Kaneki who was discarded because the kakugan is on the left.

Arima is such an awful parent/person/role model holy shit.
>literally kills himself to mentally scar Kaneki
>next chapter, Kaneki's actual father committed suicide

God I hope not.


[Arima vs Kaneki]

After receiving a strong blow, Arima is hunched over.

Arima: …
Kaneki: …It’s over.
Kaneki: Your Quinque has been damaged, in this situation, fighting is—

As if to block out those words, Arima leaps away.

Arima: …I have to continue until I kill the opponent.
Kaneki: !!

Kaneki lets out his kagune and it gets cut down by the already broken Quinque. Soon enough, Kaneki stops Arima’s Quinque with his right arm, both of them right in front of each other.

Kaneki: This is so like you….
Arima: …

The two take distance again while judging each other’s actions.

Kaneki: (For sure… if it’s Arima-san, he can still fight even with a damaged Quinque…)
Kaneki: (Should I aim for his leg…? To stop his movement…)
Kaneki: (Or his arm…)

Kaneki was keeping an eye on Arima’s right arm which was holding the Quinque but Arima manages to pierce thru Kaneki’s abdomen with the Quinque.

Kaneki: …..The fight… has already been… decided.
Kaneki: Doing something like this…
Kaneki: Is pointless (in vain).
Arima: …

Arima slowly pulls out the Quinque.

Arima: ………………………..
Arima: …So you also don’t have intentions of…. killing me?
Kaneki: …Yes.
Arima: …………………

Arima: ….So this is defeat.

Arima: I’ve been an investigator for 18 years.
Arima: …And this is the first time I became empty-handed in front of the opponent.

Arima: I’ll ask you again one last time.

Kaneki: …!

Arima: So you have no intention of doing the final kill?
Kaneki: …My feelings haven’t changed.

Arima: ….
Arima: Alright.

And using the broken Quinque, Arima slices a part of his neck.



He wanted a good fight.

>I have to continue until I kill the opponent.
He is beyond autistic.

Really dude.
I guess he was just tired of winning.

Why is Kaneki such a fucking beta pussy I swear to god.

The fuck? Why doesn't furuta have an active kakugan with his kagune out? Did ishida make a mistake?

>Kaneki still has no intention of kill
Holy fuck, there has to be a limit as to how much of a beta you can be.
Why does he have to get cold feet now of all times?

>Arima: …So you also don’t have intentions of…. killing me?
>Kaneki: …Yes.
>Arima: I’ll ask you again one last time.
>Arima: So you have no intention of doing the final kill?
>Kaneki: …My feelings haven’t changed.

God fucking beta Kaneki. All Arima wanted was for you to kill him.

Seems he is just militarily conditioned to fight until victory, and accept no defeat.

Taking his life seems to be the most honorable conclusion from this mess from his PoV rather than accepting the defeat and living.

Guys it's his Ninja way

>if Kaneki stays behind to try and help him he'll be captured
>if he leaves everyone will think Kaneki is the one who did it
Why can't he stop bullying the poor kid. Why couldn't he wound himself less fatally if he just wanted Kaneki to escape. Why couldn't he be a less sore loser if his problem was not winning. God damn it Arima.

>Kaneki killing his "dad"

You guys are crazy

>he didn't take the quinque off Arima, knock him out and dump him back at the CCG so he can't commit sudoku

Because he's a good guy MC and Arima is also a father figure.

Yeah, the punishment for failure in a mortal fight is death and if Kaneki isn't the one who punish him then he has to take it upon himself.

Kaneki didn't understand Arima. He never expected him to kill himself.

Cute Takagi poster.


Why do we have two fucking threads I'm a myopic shitposter I can't handle this.


I'm done with Kaneki. Arima fucked him up so badly and promised to kill all his friends just so Kaneki would finally kill him but the god of beta still can't do it.

Superb taste, user.

fucking fuck off we already have 40+ posts in this thread

All this shit happening and one thing is at the the forefront of my mind:

What is Hirako's reaction/face going to be like when he learns that Arima offed himself?

>All those different background screentones that Furuta has been getting (smileys, penguins, flowers)

Please Ishida free us from this scourge.

lol is this fag in love with Rize?

The poor kid got him a tie pin as a gift for fuck's sake. Autismo is such a heartless bastard.

Arima can say anything he wants, Kaneki still sees him as a father and at most he would cut off an arm and a leg to stop Arima. He would never kill him in a situation where he didn't have to and I have my doubts if the situation was of life and death. If the choice was between Touka and Arima I think he wouldn't be able to choose just like with the mother and child. Kaneki didn't change that much and he got too attached to Arima. He spent more time with him than with anyone else.

Short haired megane Eto is pure sex

>yfw uta and furuta are the final bosses

In the end muh victory and muh defeat were more important than what was left of Haise. Worst father of the year.

That'll do Haise, that'll do.

>tfw Furuta fucks Uta as Rize licks his ass.

Tears of happiness


why the fuck he kiss the kagune?

Remember the good times when anons thought Kaneki hated Arima and wanted to kill him?

Now Arima has to force Kaneki to kill him and he still won't do it.

Literally 2 guys posting the same thing every time.

For the memes.

>Tooru fell in love with Haise
>Identifies as a female to be with him
>Willing to give up her strength to be with a man
God do I want this

When will Kaneki's suffering stop?

so furuuta was implanted with rize's kagune like kaneki? that's stupid.

Is that Harobitch? Is she still in denial after Ishida reveled she was a pysho liar?

At the end of the series, obviously.

Hopefully next week when he kills himself.

Yeah,is just ridiculous and how her kagune could be so strong?

It's the translator that doesn't know jack shit about Japanese.

We'll find out when we finally get real information about the Sunlit Garden.

i mean the whole steel beam incident doesnt make much sense to begin with, but why is he in the clowns at this point if he's not even a ghoul yet?


As expected of Kaneki.

Ishida definitely dies from laughter when he draws furuta panels. "This is comedy gold!"

oh shit man this is getting interesting. theres an seeming contradiction here but ishida might do something good with this. i want to know more

Kaneki can't get his hands dirty unless he have to really do it, he didn't even kill Yamori and told him to die on his own or get killed by someone else
I bet he is happy that Arima killed himself without him actually getting his hands stained with his blood.

Uncensored ver?

Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima Arima

I'm sure his hands and face will be covered in his blood. He will at least attempt to stop the bleeding.

So I guess Arima also wanted to die this whole time. I just hope we'll at least get a proper backstory in the future.

Also Furutroll really outdid himself this time. Everyone thought he wanted to kill Eto but no he spares her and goofs off again.

I wonder if he's on Kaneki's level.

Furuta probably hates Rize because she managed to be free from V. Eto probably just reminded him of Rize. The steel beams and this fight were probably his way of dominating them.

>So I guess Arima also wanted to die this whole time. I just hope we'll at least get a proper backstory in the future.
No, he is just autistic, defeat in battle = death to him.

>I wonder if he's on Kaneki's level.

Kaneki got his power ups or whatever in the Arima fight. But let's be real no action manga has anything close to a strict adherence to power levels.

>I guess Arima also wanted to die this whole time
It was heavily foreshadowed. His favorite Kafka work was Crossbreed, a short in which both owner and pet wished to commit mutual suicide because they were tired of living and yet couldn't bring themselves to do it just yet.

He looks like he's been mentally conditioned by V to "fight to the death" and that "defeat is not an option"

Literally brainwashed into either winning, killed in a fight, or committing sodoku if the object of victory is out of reach.

arima must be pretty upset that the guy he brought up to kill him in a fight wouldn't kill him after beating him.

My guess is Arima is known as Undefeated Investigator, defeat is not a choice for him. Also Kaneki won't kill him so he commit sudoku.

But how Eto knows Rize kagune and why Furuta have one?this shit makes no sense

I doubt he's at Kaneki and Arima's level.

He did the same, though. He could have killed Kaneki over 600 times and chose to rile him up instead when he knew it could lead to his defeat. You could say Haise's time was wasted on Arima.

But this would explain why he kept Kaneki alive and trained him. When Kaneki managed to break IXA and cut his cheek at the end of part1 Arima knew that Kaneki had the potential to defeat and kill him so he himself decided to make him stronger. Arima wanted to be killed by Kaneki and now that Kaneki couldn't do it he killed himself because there will never be another person who would come so close.

Shaci did call him a Washu puppet.Just following orders and kill or be killed,I'm pretty disappointed desu.

Arima probably wanted to do it right after the Sachi fight. The only thing he has in his life is being V's ghoul killing machine. No loved ones. Nothing. Plus being sorta blind makes him a defective tool. And V was already trying to find a replacement for him with the Quinx Project and with Sachi noticing his blind spot, he probably realised the end was coming for him.

That's more on ken thinking it's some weird bonding shit and reality probably he is he just kept him alive so that he could be the one that dies since he was the only one that managed to injure him.

poor arima. finally surpassed by his son, but his son is 2 pussy to finish the job

>But how Eto knows Rize kagune
She fought Kaneki.



Iam really disappointed with this Kaneki and Arima fight. It didn't even give half the impact it did with their fight at the end of the original TG.


>tfw another week and not another boring chapter

I don't know why but I'm suddenly loving Tokyo Ghoul. This is amazing!