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the dialogue in that show was pretty damn blunt
still liked it though
Dumb adult big-breasted Kikko
Silly young flat Chikka.
I want to suck Kikko's tits!
He was the coolest superhuman of justice
More autistic than Shirou.
He was just a kid at heart, not autistic
Took him years until he finally found the right cause to fight.
Better late than never, though.
Jiro can be lucky to have an awesome sempai like Hyouma Yoshimura.
Being a time traveller is cheating
Satomi did nothing wrong.
It's all thanks to his time cheats that he undid Jiro's dumb attempt at being a Lelouch when he killed Shirota and saved all the superhumans and yokai at the battle of Ultimapolis.
Except for being a smug motherfucker
All in all, he really didn't do much things wrong.
Except admitting that he's a superhuman being of similar nature to Jiro.
That allowed Kikko to casually murder-torture him where he gets to be broken apart, regenerated, and broken apart again in an endless cycle in dissolved biodestroyer fluid so that he can provide eternal energy to Ultimapolis and allow them to travel between dimensions.
Truly a fate worse than death.
Which is fitting for a guy who planned to do that with all the other superhumans.
Very karmic death.
>all superhumans should become oil
>hey, Satomi is also a superhuman
>let's turn him into oil
Thus, Kikko fulfilled his dream in a very devil-like manner.
It was justified. He broke her wand.
That, and he destroyed Jiro's physical form.
I just want a season of Kikko's kikkos with the occasional Earth-chan.
Now available for 299.99 yen.
Damn they grew more than I thought
S3 when?
You mean S2, it was 2-cour.
What will it be about? Covering alien invasions and jap media featuring aliens? The youkai's adventure in not-Gensokyo?
>Someone saved my picture
The fall of the Berlin Wall and dissolution of the USSR signifying the end of the cold war as seen by Kikko's child Father Unknown, accompanied by Fuurouta the Ghost.
The end of the Shinka era Japan, leading to a new age of economic rise and subsequent decline of the following Japan.
The world trying to find a way how to deal with the changes now that America has become the global hegemonial power, as symbolized by a new American superhuman who is more haughty and different from Master Ultima, demanding that Japan's superhumans also throw their weight into international affairs (under his guidance, of course).
Any updates of those charts?
I know it was 2 cour from the start but the "The Last Song" subtitle somehow makes the 2nd cour seem like s2.
Kikko's magical hijinks, each episode ends with Kikko and Earth-chan sharing a bath, Kikko teaching Earth-chan about being human.
With Chikka serving as Earth-chan's shoulder devil
>Earth-chan, punch that little baby, so that its cries make you stronger so that you can save 100'000 babies
>>ain't punching babies bad?
>sure, but if you don't punch one baby, you have to rely on useless solar energy, and then you can only save 50'000 little babies
Difficult decisions overall.
I miss Jiro and pals
The current one covered stuff like Ishinomori's, Go Nagai and other old works, so what will it reference this time?
Leiji Matsumoto, Toriyama, and Tokusatsu-shows like Supaidaman and his American counterpart Spiderman.
I miss the ConRevo threads.
It's best to let them rest for a while and to enjoy the new upcoming season.
Also, consider it an opportunity to work on your backlog or to engage in other fulfilling discussion on Sup Forums.
I finally finished watching this yesterday
My conclusion is that Earth-chan is cute
Oh yeah, I'm 4 episodes to finish Star Driver, another good Bones offering.
Absolutely correct statement.
Was a final version of the reference chart ever made?
I just finished this. What happened to Jaguar at the end? He went back to his own time by force and then shown in a car in the ending.
Not yet. Reference user probably has to check out what superobscure reference the Japanese on 2ch and frenchtoast-blog can dig out for the end.
The timeline chart has however been updated on the official Concrete Revolutio-site.
Are there actually scans of the Kikko manga?
He forced time to fix itself by removing the red jaguar-bots he spammed en mass to cause a time paradox (too many advanced future tech in this timeline to be ignored), undoing most of the damage that happened during the battle for Ultimapolis.
As for Jaguar in the car at the end, who knows, perhaps he's on a new mission for the Time Patrol.
Time travel shenanigans are always fun.
Truer words have never been spoken.
Getter robo and related old mecha is the only thing I recognise from the Last Song. Man, I know so little of old Japanese media.
>As for Jaguar in the car at the end, who knows, perhaps he's on a new mission for the Time Patrol.
I thought he was on the run from time-cops.
None that I've found.
You can however read the first and the latest chapters on the webpage of Shonen Sirius.
That was his incarnation as Akira of Infernal Queen.
Who knows, perhaps after being forcefully sent back to the future, Hyouma Yoshimura was incarcerated for the time crimes he did as Akira, spent time in time prison, and then got back to his job.
Or his time crimes were lifted since Akira is dead.
Judas get back to your lab.
>No more devil Kikko
Just... deal with it.
>Who knows, perhaps after being forcefully sent back to the future, Hyouma Yoshimura was incarcerated for the time crimes he did as Akira, spent time in time prison, and then got back to his time job.
You missed one.
Despite the city rising from the sea, perspective made it look like the statue of Earth-chan was slowly sinking. I liked the subtle symbolism of Justice dying down.
shut up shiro
This was definitely my AOTS. The writing was a bit hamfisted at times, and certain episodes were poorly executed, but I have to give credit to Bones for doing something so unoriginally original and managing to wrap the show up fairly well.
But Bones did the Bones ending that everyone usually hates. Except this time they made the show that fits.
If you have impure thought of Earth-Chan, she will come to destroy you.
So you're saying that if I was in desperate need of a petit and innocentrobot girl to sexually play with, she wouldn't help? That's not justice user.
spin off when
I mean, there are robots and wacky shit.