Will and Grace

Anyone watch Will and Grace tonight? Jesus! It was Trump joke after a trump joke.

No, you fucking loser.

homosexuality is a mental disorder
gender confusion is a mental disorder

Didn't that show end like ten years ago?

>muh buttcummies
Pick a better fetish.


Wtf I'm gossiping about W*ll and Gr*ce now

It’s a new season

How can we miss you when you won't go away?


Like Trump said, these late night comedy shows should be giving him a check. he's pretty much given them a career again.

Hollywood sucks

Gays really wanted to be bashed don't they.

>a show about faggots and childless spinsters

How is this show still running holy shit

Yeah I did, actually. it was funny as fuck but the humorless mongoloids here wouldn't get it

This show made me gay in the 90s

What the hell did you expect?
And what the hell were you doing watching this queer trash?

2 gay hookers and their moms

They brought it back

its back from the dead
why am I even in this thread?

This show used to be kind of cute. Shame it gets brought back just to be part of the "hur dur drumpf" brigade.

This show gave me the courage to accept myself. Should have let sleeping dogs lie. It's almost guaranteed to be shit now.

This show was my first exposure to american gay culture.

I hated your privileged asses ever since.

Your country still exists?