Why is Cyberpunk such an untapped genre?
Why is Cyberpunk such an untapped genre?
It's not?
Unless you only started watching anime in 2000
Or don't read manga
I mean comparatively to everything else in animango
You know what I mean
It's not really, at least when talking about Japanese LNs, manga and anime.
I would like to see more western cyberpunk books or films being made that aren't taking cues from GITS.
I hope that after Cyberpunk 2077 premiere it will influence the market to give it another try.
>tfw you will never live in a cyberpunk technologic dystopian future
I know that feel senpai ;_;
> implying japs care about some slav game
user, I just spent half an hour in VR with my bulky and wired first gen headset, practising with firearms after loading up the simulation on a PC with a CRT hooked up to it. Speak for yourself.
>implying slav games aren't the best games
Come on, even nips have to notice at this point.
Faggots like you piss me off, cyberpunk world is the last place you want to live in.
Until I watch into a dilapidated downtown of a metropolitan and get accosted by a group of thugs and most of them have robotic arms, legs, or eyes. We will never live in a true cyberpunk future
It's not, it's fairly common in fact.
There's a lot of cyberpunk and neo-noir stuff in 80s stuff.
That's a bit hard since other than Blade Runner, GitS did a lot to define how people perceive cyberpunk. Anything past that will require you to dive into the sci-fi literature of the 80s, which is too much effort for a lot of people.
We already do, we just don't have all the cool shit that comes with it.
You already do.
I'd rather the nips just put more effort into developing an interesting setting in general. Cyberpunk could be just as engaging as medieval fantasy if both are done by talented people. I wish studios prioritized this more. Adds a lot of immersion imo
>memes aren't allowed on Sup Forums
no one wants grimdark anymore
how many usb ports in your skull do you need numbnuts?
it's a fucking shoddy noir with futurology kool aid poured all over it, it's only alive because the hipsters are
Lurk more.
This would make a fantastic OVA, too bad Japan would never allow some half-black mongrel as a Protagonist, even if he is fond of carrying a Daisho around with him
Oh damn, it's been a long time since I've done this, hope I don't fuck up.
Don't use emoticons on Sup Forums.
Well it's a start, alright?
You mean >>>Sup Forumsrules/1, but that's not what frogshit gets deleted for. It's considered shitposting, not offtopic.
You can post Constanza without a problem. Pepe wouldn't be a problem if it weren't for the new memes attached to it.
>>The quality of posts is extremely important to this community
>quality of posts
>Sup Forums
Gets me every time
The problem is that you're expecting most anime to not be an ad for merchandise or source materiel. Manga masterrace isn't a joke, it's just most of that will never get scans.
There is a difference between Sup Forums and whatever board you are used to lurking.
If you don't care about the reasoning behind Sup Forums's moderation, don't bring it up.
But if you post like a faggot, you can expect others to bring it up anyway.
I know that you have a point, but let's not derail a thread just because one guy is acting childish.
Report and ignore.
Haha oh wow
Are you upset?
I want to hack Dorothy
They loved witcher 3 if i remember correctly. Ciri best girl (especialy voiced by miyuki sawashiro)
They liked the first two as well. They even made fan translations for them.
because you'd have to put the challenging problems today and put them at the forefront of the setting
and that triggers certain people
>playing a polish game in japanese
Now that is next level weeb
Witcher anime when? I would watch the absolute fuck out of that
Stop, the child isnt in the mood clearly
Back to cyberpunk discussion
I dont follow you senpai
I thought Cyberpunk is always about the problems of tomorrow?
Cyberpunk got a pretty damn good run out of anime. And most people don't really get what cyberpunk is and just throw the label on anything set in the future with a grain of grit to it.
To be really punk you have to go against the grain in every way possible and preferably even find new ways to fuck with what's expected that people didn't even think was possible. For some reason punk culture seemed to really resonate with Japan and I think that most great punk movies came out of there, especially cyberpunk.
Mamoru Oshii and Koichi Ohata are in my opinion two of the greatest cyberpunk filmmakers to ever work in the genre. Their works deal with dehumanisation, globalisation and industry which are all important thematically, but more important is the way that they tell their stories.
They don't just break the rules or push the limits with content, even the way that their stories are delivered is completely off the wall. A good punk piece of art should feel like a giant middle finger to everything that is conventional, and I think that Genocyber and Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence are two of the genre's greatest successes in this. GitS2 gives no fucks and moves at Oshii's pace, it goes where he wants when he wants it to and fuck what a proper movie is supposed to do. Genocyber on the other hand is Ohata taking convention and narrative tropes and stomping them into the concrete over and over again. Part 3 of Genocyber is particularly interesting and satisfying if, like me, you found Fritz Lang's Metropolis to be visually interesting but ultimately sentimental and kind of stupid.
Cant agree with GITS 2
I absolutely adored GITS 1995, its probably my favourite movie. But GITS 2 just seemed like a mess. Also I really detested the aesthetic change.
>GITS 2 just seemed like a mess
If you aren't offending your audience on some level you aren't really making punk are you?
well said.
Instead we live in the era of applepunk, sjw and multikult
Since when was Cyberpunk meant to be offensive? You're missing the point entirely
Its supposed to make dystopia appealing to the audience. It shows the broken side of humanity but turns what would usually be perceived as depressing into something beautiful and inviting.
Blade Runner is the pioneer of the genre, some could argue the father of the genre, and its not "offensive".
GITS 2 is just a badly made film in my opinion. There is more to a good film than just being controversial.
Kikokugai anime when
Keep that sjw can of worms closed please.
I think you're taking the term punk in cyberpunk a little bit too literally
It's probably taking the punk ideology of being abrasive and in your face. It can work in cyberpunk, but it doesn't have to be synonymous with it.
Not for much longer friend. Populist revolution coming.
I'd rather picrelated
>Molecular nanotechnology
>Diamond-based structures everywhere
>Vacuum dirigibles
>Neo-victorians with a Queen and aristocracy
>VR book that has a whole country with Castle Turing inside of it
>A noble engineer protagonist character
You already live here. Also you don't yet understand that true dystopias are miserable to live in but fun to read about.
I'd rather live in Utopia.
Yeah, sorry...
Only stupid burgerbrains consider Blade Runner cyberpunk. It's a noir story with a science-fiction setting. If I had to name one movie that started the genre it'd probably be Burst City. That movie had actual punk music as its central theme and was a completely anarchic mess of rebellious glory. I like Blade Runner but it's not cyberpunk, it's The Long Goodbye with a shitload of neon and cars that fly.
And Ghost in the Shell might be Oshii's best animated movie. He peaked with his kerberos trilogy but Innocence really feels like another attempt at using his visual finesse to get more that just slick action. The first Ghost in the Shell is an objectively better action/sci-fi/thriller movie but Innocence wins overall. By breaking the rules it surpasses genre and becomes what I would have called kino before Sup Forums destroyed my favourite meme forever. Instead I'll call it a very bold and unique experiment in prioritizing the audio-visual and thematic experience above narrative and convention which I think is very good and gives the movie much greater depth, making it more rewatchable and in my opinion more enjoyable if you can be fucked with it.
If we use it loosely it might as well not exist since in its common usage it pretty much means sci-fi/action.
>it doesn't have to be synonymous with it
It doesn't have to be but what's the point if it isn't?
>Only stupid burgerbrains consider Blade Runner cyberpunk.
Stopped reading there
Why? Do you happen to live in a cyberpunk world?
What the fuck are you talking about. There was plenty of cyber punk Anime in the 80s and 90s.
>Only stupid burgerbrains consider Blade Runner cyberpunk.
The only parts of a cyberpunk setting I would take, other than the technology, would be the arcologies and it raining almost 24/7. And 80s synth.
The punk is supposed to denote that while technology is high, society and people are low. Come to think of it, if a lot of cyberpunk is supposed to evoke the feeling of "society has collapsed, or is on the verge of it" was that a reflection of societal attitudes during the 80s? Between the Cold War, consumerist materialism culture as a way of ignoring societal ills like poverty and rising crime, or possible nuclear war?
>tfw you'll never mix drinks and change lives in a cyberpunk technologic dystopian future
>tfw you will never pander to Sup Forums and reddit with a mediocre game about gender politics
At this point I wonder if this thread was linked somewhere.
>The punk is supposed to denote that while technology is high, society and people are low.
What better way to show that the world as we know it is ending by not only showing decay through your plot, but through the very medium of storytelling. A proper punk story should be falling apart at the seams.
Sorry if I seem a bit hostile
The devs have been shilling this game hard on Sup Forums lately
It honestly ruined the fun of the game for me
Then don't browse Sup Forums. I've been enjoying it so far when I went in blind.
They shill it on Sup Forums and Sup Forums too
>Sup Forums
That is not a place you should go to, or return from.
Don't worry about it. Just ignore it, report obvious shills and enjoy the game.
Really? I've been busy playing a lot of VNs so I didn't notice them.
I'll try senpai
Aw does people having different opinions hurt your fee fees?
This is the first time I've seen it talked about here, but maybe that's because I'm not up during burger hours.
Damnit kohai, just ignore them. Just stick to the cyberpunk.
Listen to retrowave synth to relax youtube.com
Its probably just my autism detecting it more than most would
>why is one of the most heavily used genres of the last 30 years an untapped genre
Are you fucking retarded?
I really, really like this image.
Its all yours, my friend.
Aw shitchair
I like vapor to go with my cyberpunku though
>tfw no Neo-Victorian future
cyberpunk is so 20th century, plebe taste...
>victorian-era politics and societal norms
>modern/future tech
fuck no, that'd be miserable
Kind of a running theme in that book, actually.
Neo-victorians from the diamond age developed their norms as a reaction to wasteful anarchy of snow-crash age.
Social norms are not such a bad thing if they are sane.
The book has a lot of deep ideas about humanity, society and technology hidden inside. Also it describes plausible technology and even acknowledges Feynman, Drexler and Merkle, nanotechnology pioneers.
Get in line.
>Victorian social norms
These norms were rooted in the desire to see humans as something qualitatively different from animals. This idealism produced harsh restrictions on revealing bodily functions and other potentially indecent behavior. If you respect these norms you see yourself and others as civilized human beings. (Of course all of this is mostly about aristocracy, plebes don't have the time and energy to live a decent life).
They were harsh but there was a system behind these norms.
Part of cyberpunk is taking current social problems and recontextualizing them.
>It's a noir story with a science-fiction setting
You do know that this is literally the definition of cyberpunk, right?
fuck off, what do you know?
Ever read Neuromancer?
Of course you haven't.
>Internally, the New Atlantis phyle is a corporate oligarchy whose "equity lords" rule the organization and its bylaws under allegiance to the vestigial British monarchy.
We still have cyberpunk, but moe has overtaken it and now it lives on as robutt waifus.
Your a fucking retard. Blade Runner is and will always be cyberpunk
Let's not forget
>forehead mounted concealed carry implants
I just think Snow Crash fits the anime paradigm better
>MC is half Japanese and chuuni as fuck
>Sword fighting
>YT fanservice
>Giant Siberian/Inuit badass villain who carries a nuke around on his motorcycle
>Semi-mmo setting
>Cyborg rat-dogs
>Character who is basically a brain in a jar
Replied to wrong person?
Cyberpunk's been done to death. New cyberpunk shows are just too similar to the old ones. They just mix and match the same elements of the dystopian setting, mind-controlling computer chips, A.I. robots, huge buildings with blinding neon lights, etc.
It's not a problem unique to cyberpunk. Isekai fantasy harems suffer the same problem. Instead of wanting more of the same genre fiction, it'd be nice if we got something new and different.
cyberpunk is shit, you have a bad taste
>Ilya and Kuro
Nice desu
It had it'set moment in the sun in the 80'same to 90's. Then the trend changed to other forms of sci-fi. Altered reality is now what we'realike stuck in. I do miss cyberpunk though because even the bad shows were enjoyable.
more like society has gone so full retard that you can more easily draw parallels.
Remember when transracial was a joke?