Space colonization speech about to begin

Space colonization speech about to begin.

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what if ayyliens takes this as a declaration of war and mistakenly assume we are out to colonize all planets within our reach with humans?

why is australia involved? i don't want them shitting up space

IAC 2017 is there

Is this guy even speaking English or am I just bad at understanding?

He's got stage fright it seems.

coo. 25K watching as of 00:41

this guy is bombing

I'm happy he was just the opening announcer, this second guy is much easier to understand.


poor elon. I guess even the best of us aren't perfect.

ho. lee. fuck. this guy is nervous and fuck. he's stuttering, forgetting words, talking very choppy, awkward pauses, this is sad.

That's probably because he's their public speaker.

why does he seem nervous? He should be used to this by now


It's only human. I've seen him more normal than this.

public speaking isn't easy. if anything shakes your confidence, you're not going to get it back on stage.

i dunno, you'd think he'd be excited. maybe he's just so euphoric that he's tripping. i don't fucking know. i could do a better job than this with a couple notecards.

Aliens already aimed and accelerated a 20km asteroid to 1/10th of lightspeed towards our planet shortly after the USA nuked Japan at the end of WWII. If a sentient race develops WMD's of a certain power and demonstrates the willingness to use them, the protection of the 'developing sentient protection' treaty is nullified. Only peaceful or rational sentient life is allowed to evolve. Warlike or very stupid races are simply exterminated before they have a chance to use their weapons on other species.

The asteroid will arrive in another hundred years or so. We have a pretty small window to avoid extinction, but even then, the moment our colonies potentially grow large enough to be detected, they will be wiped out also. What's done is done. Humans showed their monitors that they are happy to nuke other humans just for the sake of expediency. This is proof enough that we would wipe out anything else in the galaxy without much forethought.

Humanity is already doomed, it's just that most of us don't know it yet.

Stage fright is irrational.
You need to get away from video games.

how fucking nervous is this dude

This is cringy. I'm leaving.

Id be fucking nervous if I were him

he's so nervous that even autistic neets on Sup Forums can pick up on his emotional state.

He's nervous because no one has done this before.

God damn, Elon's stuttering like a highschool nerd infront of a girl.

Is he sick? I've seen him speaking on stage before, and while he's never been an amazing speaker, I've never seen him floundering on stage like this. This seems out of character for him.

What's wrong?

Hahaha wow, what is wrong with him?

He's not launching tonight, he's just giving a stuttering speech.

His etheric implant is being dissolved.
His conscious is tangling with what he was programmed to say. Should get interesting the longer he talks or hes just nervous.

i really don't know. he's an accomplished man and as far as i'm aware he's made his way in the world without anyone thinking of him as a nervous wreck in front of each other.

i'm betting he's just super emotional right now. that really seems more likely than him being in absolute terror right now, which is the second best explanation

He's 'emotional'. Oh okay then.

elons been a good public speaker. my guess is he didn't rehearse


nasa is for the public

Cosmic security clearance


Who gives a fuck if he's a good public speaker. All that matters is his ability as an engineer. He's only doing this shit because he's famous and society says he must speak like Steve Jobs did and shit.

holy shit is musk speaking right now? he sounds like a total sperg

i don't think he's even nervous, he's just socially retarded


Who is Nikola Tesla? Though I agree. Public speaking is fucking hard. Wheh i'm giving presentations, a single fuck up or lack of preparation on my part ruins my confidence.

>Space X colony

We /EVE Online/ now.

I mean, you ever listen to his interviews or other talks he always stutters, nothing different here, just nervous

>his ability as an engineer
what? i thought he just provides the money and financing and general direction. does he actually do real engineering work?

He's gonna seppuku after this.

I think he's legit on drugs, and not handling them well to boot.

100 people per flight to Mars.
-Elong Musk

can't say that I have.. but jesus christ why doesn't this guy have a teleprompter?

what the fuck is going on with him?

He probably has to do this shit to encourage funding and if anyone else spoke on his behalf would seem not authentic or accurate even if it was his words written down.

haha, why didn't he just write something up and then read it off a teleprompter? there's literally no reason to do it like this when this is essentially a marketing event.

he has a speech problem like stuttering. his presentations are always like this.

even the video is fucking stuttering

He's the Chief Technology Officer. Basically an engineering project manager. While you aren't calculating the details, you are making large engineering design choices and balancing schedule/cost. It is incredibly hard to find people who have all of these skills and are good at their job.



the new hyperloop



Poor guy, too awkward to watch for now.

I just can't watch Elon speak, it makes me nervous.

When will we see a mars vs earth cold war like the tv series 'The Expanse'? Then have nigger colonies on random moons.

Jesus Christ Elon, how lewd can you get
Cover your eyes kids

If the asteroid takes over 100 years to reach here at 1/10 the speed of light, doesn't the method of observation to transmit an image from Earth to such a distance rely on similar distance and velocity? So, an alien that remote would take quite some time to see that an atomic weapon had been detonated.

Your schizophrenia isn't consistent with physics.

No bully, pls.


>hurr, but Elon Musk is a fraud!! WWAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH
Sorry faggots. SpaceX is a private venture, and they're doing it in the name of capitalism. Just like the internet, it started as a government project, but those days are over. Get fucked.

Elon Musk is surely one of us, judging by his overwhelming awkwardness on stage. Poor guy would fit right in on /r9k/

I want to hug Elon

Why does anybody take what this guy says seriously? He's a scam artist.

You know, you can fit a lot of rods from god in a 9 meter wide satellite.

>>be Elong
>>studder during public speaking
>>basically be Sup Forums
>>still get shit on

Obama funded Elon with Billions for Tesla.

DARPA worked on the internet project too. Example: Internet 3, Internet 4.

>2018 is the year the us colonizes the moon



>moon base alpha

the lunar base

>It's 2017 we should have lunar base by now, what the hell is going on

Year 2140

this is what reformed stuttering looks like. It probably used to be much worse when he was younger. I can tell he learned to stop himself from doing it more.



>here comes another chinese earthquake

He thinks we dont have one already.


>Snake, Snake

>we dont like people using wmd so we kill them off with our wmd

Yaah, he's scared if someone asks if they can take a shit on mars.

Neil Armstrong was the first person to land on the moon.
"Neil A." backwards is "Alien".


disclosure in 90 days

Unfreeze me when we reach Star Citizen levels of space faring.




Sup Forums get excited

5 years

If you do it fast enough your ass and balls won't freeze.

They dont want to colonize mars anymore after that kill shot.

No vidya on Mars.

So what's going on, I can't watch it right now.


Play the Doom games and take a guess.

If a 20km wide asteroid could be instantly accelerated to 1/10c, and somehow kept on a perfectly straight course to its target, you would be correct.

You are less clever than you think you are, but still probably clever enough to figure out why you are only as clever as I know you are.

>100 years
>1/10 speed of light
>10 light years away

Assuming their communications are optical then it would only take around ten years for their observation platform to communicate we used nukes. Not that I'm defending this but your attempt to look smart backfired.

is mars the ethnostate we've been looking for?

We Total Recall Now
