Girl of the Season

I think we can all agree on Ako.

Other urls found in this thread:

tfw no Ako of my own

1. Makoto
2. Machi
4. Akane
5. Mumei

wholeheartedly agree op

Not even the girl of her series.

Cumdump of the season sure

Not even the best girl from the show

but ako smells like hamburgers and grease, user

Got that right

I proclaim Lovepon to be most a-gore-able memegirl of Spring 2016. No matter what you think of Mayoiga itself, she definitely was one of the top-tier crazy girl.

I don't know but Ako a cute, would net wife.

Netoge S2 when?

It's obviously Maya or Hane. Any Unhappy is acceptable too.

I would call this a forced meme.

Has she said anything funny in the dub yet other than lel normies ree?

>2. Machi
Yes she is sexy as fuck but she so deluded and probably schizophrenic

>very cure design
>procreable body
>cute smile
>can cook
>has her flaws, but still very very *insert fanatism*
10/10 would play games with her, then go to the bed, tonguekissing, handhold her and fuck her just to calm our lust If a kid comes out then I am just accepting and keep procreating with her, same process like I sayed before

>not sensei
what a mistake

Not even best girl of her show.

Pig, Mumei, Machi in no order for top 3.

Nope. Claire is best girl of the season.


Claire a shit.


>liking the most retarded character of the season who is actually worst girl of the season


Literally worst girls of the season.

Claire a SHIT, A SHIT

How's that shit taste?

Mainly for the design, to be fair.

>unpopular opinion.

Same cuck.

Mumei with Emilia-tan as runner up. Hipster contrarian edgelords will get butthurt but cant be helped.

Seriously, is there a shittier girl than Tamaki Ako in this season?

>Is a horrible healer despite that she has played the game for some time now
>Is dumb enough to use her real name online, even goes with the same appearance
>Complains about normies despite being a normie herself, essentially being a typical fake robot
>Even though she managed to get into high school somehow, she's a ridiculously unrealistic retarded waste of flesh that can't even distinguish real life from a fucking video game
>Constantly triggers everyone's spaghetti due to this
>On top of that, she's that autistic and borderline retarded at the age of 17, making it even more unforgivable
>Again, AGE OF 17

How is so much retardation even achievable in a single person? This cunt is ruining a show that could have been way better. Seriously, remove Ako but keep the rest of the show's premise and the quality would surely go up significantly.

Other than for her breasts, she has no value whatsoever because she's likely also a baby that can't do anything by herself. Ideally she should be brutally beaten up and then banned from appearing on the show ever again. That little shit probably can't even defend herself.

Nope. Nice shitpost and mad though.

What's a cumdump?


Everything you said and will say is invalidated.

who saved ace attorney and why was it Maya?

Clairefag, everyone.

I don't get it
>nick named 'perfect queen'
>often making stupid and basic mistake such as slipped off during a battle that almost got her killed

Seriously, Emilia or even Idolshit is more competent than her

>falseflag as Clairefag
>all these guaranteed (You)'s

I now see why people do this.

Agreed. Mastah a best.

you are all objectively wrong

best girl coming thru

>2 week old thread
Nice try.

When multiple men fill a woman's vagina, anus and mouth full of semen. Though, a cum dump is in most cases a continuous process.

The best way to picture a cumdump is like a walking, talking toilet-like installation for dumping semen.

>implying all these people would suddenly change their opinion to the opposite state now



Hands down the best girl of the season

Semen demon

Nishiyama is the best cat

>thinking opinions can't change
>rejecting what's in front of him
She's one, if not is the most popular girl. Stay mad.

What about Yoko-chang?

This is Japan's best girl of Spring 2016 ranking.

You mean Mumei.

Both Emiliatards BTFO.

1. Machi
2. Myaano
3. Luluco

>rezero fags bloating the poll with their fake votes

Im glad kabaneri is going to sell more anyway

Blue demon have the best voice for sure

She's also the most hated. She's the new Shoko.


>all these people

So many people.

Most popular is also the most hated? Who could have thought? Also shoko was never popular so keep trying to force that, minority shitter.

Every season there is at least one character represented by their boobs alone. Gotta love that.

Nope. There's a lot of characters who are popular and barely hated. Mumei is polarizing, deal with it.

Mumei is the sexiest 12-year-old, but her personality is pretty whatever.

Best overall girl this season is Freyja.

That Macross-gurl does have funny reaction faces. I oughta watch it.

But it's Hane.

You should kill yourself before your bad taste spreads

>Kirin still strong

Literally the only saving grace of Asterisk.

>Haters think they are sizable enough to change Mumei perception towards "polarizing"

My sides

Fuck off retard tripfag froooommm frommmm

Nice denial there.

Not even the best in her show.

Vocal minority like yourself. You're like the only guy I see forcing Shoko since last week and so far it has failed.

She's too thick.

I haven't had time to Delta, but I refuse to believe Freyja can be better than a Jenius girl.

>too thick.
No comprendo

>Ako is just tits
Sums it up about right

Ako was a piece of shit.


She's definitely the most hated character in Kabaneri and one of the most hated of the season.

That's Biba, you idiot.

Make way.
Also Ako is worst girl of the season.

desudesu archive is kaput thanks to CP spammers, they moved it to that domain for now until they can get something else

Except Biba is most hated and Mumei is far more popular than 95% of any girl this season.

Wow, couldn't have picked a more cancerous domain name.

>idiots don't realize the Mumei hate started when Biba appeared and is pretty much shared between the two

>She's definitely the most hated character in Kabaneri
Nope, Biba is. Just the same tiny group of autists hating Mumei since episode one, people learned to stop listening to them since it was clear they were autistic and hating her for no real reason.

Nice delusion you have there, hipster

Mumei hate was there since the second episode.

Most people only watch the trainwreck of a show because of Mumei. Butthurt detractors isn't uncommon for characters who are popular as fuck anyways.

It's all they could get on short notice, it's not meant to be permanent.

>Virtual used goods

I don't understand why you don't use pictures from the anime itself.

That really only occurred after she stabbed Ikoman, and even then most say it isn't her fault since she did get brainwashed by the dick Biba. Mumei was the one who got betrayed and used when she thought she was doing the right thing.

No people started hating Mumei since the beginning, mostly in response to how much attention she was getting from people. The earliest posts were full of spite and butthurt over her popularity, like
>why does everybody keep talking about mumei? she's shit

And then every thread you'd have people shitting on her regardless of what she did. If she acted cold they called her a cunt, if she acted nice they called her stupid. It was around episode 4 people stopped even bothering to respond to mumei's haters.

Because I don't want to.

>generic tsundere.
Really user.

But you like Yukina, Emi and Shitoge, Lelouche. Fuck off.

Most of that was normalfags who didn't like how Sup Forums's dick was hard for a loli like Mumei. Normalfags are naturally retarded and petty.

>GOAT black hair/blue eyes combo
>Loyal to a fault
>Enjoys playing vidya
>Soft, curvy body
>Socially retarded but willing to improve for her husbando
>Someone hijacks Russian's account and it takes her LITERALLY EIGHT SECONDS to figure out it's not Russian THROUGH TEXT MESSAGES
>And she still feels guilty for those EIGHT SECONDS she believed it was Russian

Akane is best flying witch. Cute brown genki.
Makoto a cute too.
Chinatsu and Machi a loli, they're not for lewds.
Mumei a shit. A SHIT.