What are some redpilled books. Ever since I have been redpilled I can't enjoy books anymore

What are some redpilled books. Ever since I have been redpilled I can't enjoy books anymore.

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Gulag archepelago
Revolt to the modern world
Crime and punishment
Brothers karamazov
Gates of fire
Bhagavad gita
Hitler by john toland
Confessions of an economic hitman
Churchills war by david irving
These are some great fiction and non fictions books that span a few genres that are worth reading

200 years together

pol should have an anglo translation for you somewhere

Read Ayn Rand books.
Start with Fountainhead and then do Atlas Shrugged.

fuck off kike



>200 years together

This book, is basically forbidden in the Anglosphere (Judeosphere really) and the translation is only on the internet.

Amexica by Ed Vulliamy. It's a good red pill on the US/Mexico border.

Just finished crime and punishment. Starting down the path of my redpilled journey
feels good desu

I think you make a mistake in looking specifically for "red pilled" books. If all you ever learn is what works you're never learn what doesn't, thus you'll be a retard. Read about what you disagree with - Communism for example. Don't just study the politics you like, that leaves you weak man.


Get a copy of the original English translation, pic related.


I'm reading this at the moment. Content is basically what you'd expect it to be, though it's more of a starting point with tons of reference to further reading/study material. Published in 2004, but reads as if it were written today. Would recommend if you're interested in problems with modern academia, and/or hearing people complain about liberals for pages on end.

The fall, Albert Camus.
Blackpills after blackpills. Better than The Stranger, short read.

Try out 1960's-1980's sci-fi.


Good luck.

do people really get red pill on these?
i read fountainhead years ago and couldn't believe how bad it was.

The redpill comes from the realization that Ayn Rand is a psychotic cunt and everything she thinks is wrong -- then being exposed to a massive amount of people who worship her.

Nice one bro. Its definitely the best dosto to start with. I would say try notes from underground next. Then karamazov and demons.

This first book by Stoddard really affected me greatly, made me angry and sad and I realized that none of the things that are happening are an accident. They're going to erase us if they can.

The Rising Tide of Color Against White World Supremacy, Lothrop Stoddard

The Revolt Against Civilization; the menace of the Under Man (untermench)

The New World of Islam, Lothrop Stoddard

The Passing of the Great Race by Madison Grant


Pdf ?

This, stoddard is essential reading.

The Secret Teachings of All Ages
Man and His Symbols
Black Rednecks and White Liberals
Conflict of Visions
Beyond Good and Evil

hitler was a fucking autist