We post protags who aren't pathetic, spineless betas.

Starting with the best example.




on the left

Only the manliest.

Mr. Grope Your Loli


>BTFOs childhood bully
>BTFOs school rival
>BTFOs hero killer
>BTFOs villain with techincally superior quirk
>BTFOs Sup Forums when got second season






More like Mr. Grope Your Sister



>technically superior quirk




Didn't you get the notification grampa? Beta MCs are a thing of the past we are now in the pretty Gary Stu era.


He also have the biggest cock in this thread.

>tfw gappy punches off Damo's head in the middle of the street

Easily the most alpha Jojo, imo, even moreso than Jotaro.


Didn't know there was a jPop anime

> Picks the manliest beta ever born.



Cool and composed. He does what's right.

Face it, he was a rude dude.



All JoJos except for Johnny.

Fuck that crippled bitch.

JoJo is like a play a bunch of gay men put on to try and start a gay orgy.

>Griffith had sex with Casca
>while he made Guts watch
Guts is as beta as they come.
