Is Ann Coulter really /our girl/? Is she just pretending to be a hardline conservative in order to be "controversial" and sell more books. Everyone constantly calls her out on this and I'm wondering if you have any proof or if you're just punching right on an intelligent white bitch whose been fighting on our side owning libnigglets for years.
Is Ann Coulter really /our girl/...
I don't care, I bet that old bitch can fuck like a champ.
She fucks jimmy walker, what further information do you need?
coulter made Trump into an idol (in Trump we trust book) and then abandoned him over potential backroom daca amnesty deal meeting with leftists
>51 years old
>never married, no children
How much you wanna bet Trump banged?
White Girl; The Opportunist
That was a good reason to abandon him
If he actually signs anything that makes DACA legal then I'm done and he's traitor as far as I'm concerned
Seems based to me.
>/our X/
Fuck off r*ddit
>Is she just pretending to be a hardline conservative in order to be "controversial"
Are you literally unironically categorically definitively implying the implication that 99% of women, especially post-menopausal women are anything but attention whores?
"Her standard conservative views are so outlandish, she MUST be faking."
>Standard libcuck manipulation
controlled opposition i assume
her role is to support conservatism for now, until she's told not to, and to change as many conservative minds as possible at the key moments. and also to debate liberals and "lose" in the liberals eyes but "win" in the eyes of conservatives watching the same debate.
just a theory, i don't actually know
She seems to have made it pretty clear that if he starts building the wall she'll be back on board
In her defense maybe shes unable to have kids or something, maybe she'd rather spend time fighting the Beaner hoarders flooding into this country before she brings a child into this world.
she's no better than Rush Limbaugh, also old as hell and childless and shilling his brand for a living. She might be on the right side, but only the choir is listening to her preach, normies are conditioned to disregard her. We need thought leaders who aren't so famous and who can trick normies into listening.
Ann Coulter is a transperson of color. Please leave your bigotry somewhere else
Holy fuck is Melania mad there.
>Young bimbo near her man
>Angrily compete with a sexy model pose
Yeah lots of people hate her, even normie moderate women can't stand the bitch. I always thought theyd be down for a smart successful woman. I never understood why women HATE Ayn Rand and Margrat Thatcher but LOVE Hillary Clinton... oh well.
Tbf, that assessment isn't wrong for the moment
>DHS/ICE announces that the six prototype wall segments near San Diego will be made permanent regardless of which contractor wins out, and that a definitive design and its construction will begin in one (1) month
>Ann reeeees on the same day that NOT A SINGLE INCH OF WALL has been built.
She's realizing that she fucked up by not having kids and having only 2 notable accomplishments
>writing a goat treatise on Mexican immigration that has since been overshadowed by being a cunt
>dating a Jew who hates her
>Unironically thinking media opinoin is the opinion of the general pop
KYS shill, and/or brainlet.
Idk but god I want to eat shit out of that eastern european goddesses asshole. Must be cool to be the president get blown by that. Wonder if Trump or Obama or Clinton ever went up to the roof of the white house and sparked a J alone... shit would be a pretty cool moment to reflect on your life.
>tfw young girls are taught to idolize degenerates like Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, and freeloaders like Hillary Clinton instead of honorary males like Leni Riefenstahl and KAC
The two issues you raise have nothing to do with the manipulation tactics of the media. They claim she "must be faking" because her conservatism (in general) is "extreme."
Her being autism about portential betrayl is a tactical issue. It is either paranoia or sensible caution given republican betrayals, depending on your perspective.
Her stupidity re: relationships is not related to conservatism either. (Incidentally, I think this is why she gets on so well with Milo, they both are making the same mistake in different ways).
>The two issues you raise have nothing to do with the manipulation tactics of the media
You're off to a strong start in the not reading my post department.
>They claim she "must be faking"
Who is '''they'''? Lefty media consistently ignores and refuses to acknowledge Ann because she's a woman that's patriotic and anti-feminism
>Her being autism about portential betrayl is a tactical issue. It is either paranoia or sensible caution
How is paranois a tactical issue? Sure, she has a 100% legitimate suspicion of the GOP Establishment, as did the tens of millions of Republicans, Independents, and blue-collar Democrats who voted Trump.
>Incidentally, I think this is why she gets on so well with Milo, they both are making the same mistake in different ways
Milo is indeed a kike faggot, but he hasn't once committed a mistake except being banned from Twitter. He's not in it for the cause, he's in it for attention.
She shitposts here. So does Tucker. They are both oldfags and we’re shitposting on Usenet before half the anons here were even born.