What does Sup Forums think of Jimmy Dore?
What does Sup Forums think of Jimmy Dore?
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Is he the guy who is always licking his lips
Faggot leftist
I like him. Shits on democrats enough to red-pill the liberals
Not an establishment shill.
Isn't this the guy that got caught fucking kids? Regardless, he should be hanged.
I don't
Isn't he that Brit who diddled 1500 girls in Rotherham? Or is that another Jimmy?
Spit in alex jones face. I have no respect for people who do that, that's not how you win an argument.
Man what a little bitch.
He's ok.
That actually made me like him more.
The least hateable of TYT.
He's what Stephen Colbert sees in the mirror after screaming into a pillow for half hour after doing an 8 ball of catholic child slave.
He's what Colbert used to be.
Even if I disagree about cops and Health Care he's based as fuck. He called out TYT on their HRC shilling on their own network.
He's a cuck but way more rational than anyone in leftist media
HE seems to have at least half a brain, still a whiney "muh minimum wage n shit" fag but at least he presents his points well and talks a bunch of shit about (((Hillary)))
I remember watching a video of him.
It went something like:
>So, according to the news our warships fired a WARNING SHOT at an IRANIAN ship JUST BECAUSE IT GOT CLOSE.
>Guys this is SO FUCKED UP. We're on THEIR WATERS and we're shooting at them!
>[long pause]
>[long pause]
>Also WTH is a warning shot? Do they have water cannons for this? They're shooting water at them? They're just gonna do that?
>Alright, be sure to like to and subscribe blah blah blah.
I'm sure he was thinking of blacks getting hosed down the whole time kek. There's a reason they don't let enemy ships get close and holy fuck how can you not know what a warning shot is?
This guy is a self-admitted moron. But he's not an establishment shill. He just happens to help them a lot due to stupidity. But he's not a shill.
>What does Sup Forums think of Jimmy Dore?
He has a kind of creepy femininity about him. When he spit at Alex Jones instead of taking a swing at him it was a pure bitch move. I half expected him to start ululating.
reminded me of that spic manlet robby palmero or whatever
literally the OG beta manlet 2nd baseman vs. chad umpire
Funny that Dore had a stand up bit a while back I saw on Comedy Central (back when they had stand-up) all about how he "swears he's not gay" but he though Brad Pitt was beautiful. The joke was arguing with his friend about which movie Pitt looked best in, then realizing it was a gay convo.
Dore is married to a Mexican though. He's said that many times.
He's willing to call out the establishment but he's indoctrinated in the marxist ideology
I like him because he is one of the only leftists that will actually admit the truth. He shits on Hillary and Obama when everyone else on TYT suck their cocks. And he argues with Ben who is a little pussy.
I think it's just an Irish trait, all talk but really just a weakling.
I like Jimmy, actually subbed to him a while back on ytube. My only complaint is that he buys into the whole SJW bullshit and he never calls out Israel's role in influencing our politics that I know of or calls out ANTIFA or Soros. He's a true blue progressive but at least he's honest about the problems on the Democrat's side. He hates corporatists but doesn't make the connection that the progressives are pushing the global corporatist's agenda.
he is the least shitty of the young turds
He did a video a couple months ago about Chuck Schumers bill that would make it a punishable offense to criticize Israel so I think he knows he just can't say much because of his progressive base.
Correction, I think he has called out ANTIFA but doesn't connect Soro's to the Anti-American agenda that is in large a big part of current progressive politics.
I like him. And I want to hang this guy.
This basically. He's a total faggot leftist, but he hates identity politics, hillary, and he understands that trump didn't win because of the evil racist boogeyman.
Thin men are scary in xcom.
Jimmy Dore is THE soy bugman, only rivaled by Joe Scarborough.
wait, what?!
he has called them out