Why is the average person so fucking moronic?

>muh football
>muh dogs
>muh vacation to florida
>muh desperately bragging about everything on social media
>muh selfies
>muh basic-bitch political opinions based mainstream media websites
>muh youtube e-celebrities talking about makeup, sports, or completely moronic observations on world events
>muh stupid paper-pushing administration job I got with my worthless B.A. in communications
>muh completely cucked liberal megachurch or no religion at all
>muh brainwashing via television
>muh netflix brainwashing

The average person today does not read books, does not listen to classical music, does not appreciate the outdoors, and just lives their entire lives slightly depressed and doing whatever they think everybody else is doing.

People actually spend time watching television, which is like sticking a tube into your head and directly filling your brain with Jewish propaganda.

What do we do about the normie problem?

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I forgot to mention the biggest Jew of all: Alcholic.

If you tell somebody that you don't drink the liquid Jew, they almost get offended. They cannot imagine that people are actually sober 24/7 and don't live half their life in a foggy haze from the hangover of last weekend's bar binge.

Same goes for not watching television, not watching mainstream media, hating megachurches, not watching football, and not wanting to vacation in Florida or commiefornia.

You can see the look on people's faces, the Jewish programming gets triggered and causes dissonance if you tell them you don't do any of these things

Because they have a 90-95 IQ which is really not that much more than your average nigger. The average American really is nothing special. Quite unremarkable, actually. Fat, lazy, stupid, anti-intellectual, conceited, mass culture drone. Of course, are we really any better?

We may be more "informed" on the world I suppose, but at the end of the day the normies are the happier ones without a care in the world and generally living pretty comfortably. Sup Forums has it's intelligent posters, but there's a lot of bottom of the barrel trash, teenagers and schizophrenics and the like. Anyway average IQ people don't have the curiosity to seek out truth or esoteric knowledge, so they live blissfully unaware and are perfectly content with that. Even if they stumbled upon some revelatory information or artistic masterpiece they probably wouldn't even be able to comprehend or understand it anyway.

Good thread subject. Keep it going.
I will be home in a few hrs and will chime in then

Yeah the drinking culture is something I don't really get. I get wanting to have a drink or two with your m8s to loosen up or if you're at a bar/club, but these people get blackout drunk and pride themselves on it. They want to get to the point of puking, hung over, slurring words, getting raped by strangers because they don't know what the fuck they're doing and are whoring themselves out. Probably some nihilistic reasoning.

I am originally from Wisconsin

Alcohol is not just a characteristic of Wisconsin, IT IS wisconsin. It is what unites people of Wisconsin together, along with the fucking Packers.

It shows too. People are fucking obese, ugly, sick-looking, stupid, they die young, breaking their back at some trades job barely making ends meet for most of their lives.

An absolute shit-hole as a result of the bluepilled lifestyle. If you mention any of this to any of them, they just get angry too.



Muh dog is my battle buddy. now im forced to run 2-3 miles a day. But the rest of the list I agree with

because they don't want to figure things out, they just don't care, they don't want to think about it, they feel powerless anyways, they just want to get their work done, have a little fun, and they all know they're going to die probably a painful death and they just don't want to think about any of it.

>muh books
>muh classical music
>muh outdoors

The final red pill is that nothing in life really matters.