This is the best meme the left can make and its pure cringe

Other urls found in this thread:

every 5 minutes there's another reminder of why you need to hate the left

Make that every minute. Have a screenshot from the thread

>needing to be familiar with manchild television programming in order to get it
already garbage

good point OP, but i got to say, reddit isn't really a reason to hate the left so much as it is a reason to not want to live anymore.

I watch this show to turn my brain off. I'm convinced the sudden oupouring of pro/anti R&M bullshit is some kind of psyop. At the very least, an elaborate advertisement.

Can no one just appreciate a ridiculous cartoon featuring pseudo-sciency thematic elements without making it a whole fucking cringey production?

There was a post credit scene where Rick punches a Nazi so the SJWs of Sup Forums hate it forever.

you guys are triggered lol


Last post makes a lot of sense. Not only will you maybe die of young age, it's just unhealthy to hold so much hate and rage in your body. Shit is toxic . Can't cloud your body of rage over phony outrage 24/7 and think you're sustainable

Nah, it's even more petty than that. Namely that anything "Plebbit" is off limits and all cartoons are unacceptable because it's for children but posting on a Korean pastry forum is for adults.

You're a closet racist beta male

>implying the anime fags won't be the first to go

literally what the fuck has he done though?
the left screams like he's done what Sup Forums dreams of, except he hasn't.

>hold so much hate and rage in your body
Fucking idiot, you come to Sup Forums to release all your almonds, not hold it in like a betacuck.

Only people of culture can appreciate the humor and deep inner monologues of rick and morty.

yah culture of degeneracy

>not want to live
What a waste. Instead let it be hate fuel for the coming civil war. We've gotta get some high scores.

They did it to themselves by getting lazy.

I liked the show because it was full of movie references. Take a movie make it silly and crude and get it done in 23 minutes.

Remove that and then all you have is pickle Rick. The biggest shark jump of all time.


does this actually mean to conflate the existance of natural disasters with Trump's presidency?

that the Russian SSR still exists within the Soviet Union and somehow we're both Communists and Nazis?

Someone should just swap and make jerry a leftist who finally gives up on hilldawg

Perfect description for it. An entertaining shark jump, which was hopefully the intention, but shark jump nonetheless.
People trying to read deep philosophy from the fucking coprophagia counselor monologue and, even worse, the whole "ur not evil ur smrt" bullshit is just...well...yeah.

I do identify with Rick in that I'm usually drunk when I enjoy his adventures.


fugg :-DD

the left are mentally ill. how much more evidence do we need

Retarded and wrong. I liked the first two seasons, haven't watched the third one yet, but a) the show has strong nihilistic undertones and b) the fandom is the absolute worst, glomming on to all the wrong parts of it while acting like appreciating it gives their IQs an extra SD.

It's a show that understands modern progressivism is horrendous but rather than providing appropriate answers it dives into its nihilism instead. That's why it speaks to the big-brain alienation and utter lack of core values of the Redditors.

And that's why, as good as it sometimes is, it's also fucking cancer.

Letting the rage flow through you unhindered has been scientifically proven to vastly improve life expectancy.
Who lives the longest? The kind old man? The virtuous lady? No it's the old witch and the man that curses even the clouds.

Of course moralistic bullshit rage isn't as easy to disperse as 'that guy stood on my foot so I splashed water on his pants' rage.

>Libtards sit around a table dredging up the faggotry from the shitty Philosophy degree that is still present in their drug-addled brains
>Send the heaping pile of shit over to Korea for minimum wageslaves to doodle about
>Release the shit on TV so ledditfags can feel brainy

Don't worry, a decent Korean War will stop this degeneracy

>omg infinite paralel universes=nothing matters

wow soooo deep, have you seen neon genesis evangelion? you should really watch it was soooo deep when i watched at 12 years of age it should fit you nicely.


The left can't meme

Is this the greatest hit of our generation?

fuck that is so bad.

damnit i wanted to post this

Rick & Morty is the church of Nihilist Leftism with some sci-fi and toilet humor thrown in to get the kids while they're young.

If you want to see how retarded leftists are just go on Sup Forums it's like talking to autistic mentally ill retards.
Be prepared for lots of snarky gotcha replies and infantile trolling attempts. It sounds just like reddit or twitter posts from leftards.

>cartoons are unacceptable because it's for children

You think this isn't true? You think it's normal for adults to watch cartoons?

Yes, have you watch the original looney tunes?
That shit will always be funny.

>shop pickle rick onto the interracial porn dicks
Get those redditirs hooked onto cuck porn and destroy their lives. They can giggle squee all the way to hell.

But people are literally dying.

Where's your empathy?

>You think it's normal for adults to watch cartoons?

Only mature chinese cartoons

Why shouldn't it be?

To be fair, that's a good series. Ending makes more sense when you realize it's not some profound existential epiphany but rather the result of producers running out of funding for the last 3 episodes.
This is basically Sup Forums the cartoon

>beta male sexist
>beta male
So it's cool to insult men by calling them beta which in its nature asserts that men should be striving for traditional male gender roles of being alpha, but trump is sexist because... why? He wants to grab em by the pussy like any alpha would? It's almost like you're ok with traditional gender roles when it works for you, or whenever Tyrone tells you to be. And that happens pretty often since Tyrone is EASILY the biggest offender of sexism in the US. Black men mistreat women more than anyone, they objectify them constantly in their music, and they always call them bitches and talk about fucking them in their lyrics.

But none of those leftie shits would dare talk about how extremely "sexist" black male culture is, BECAUSE ITS SO COOL TO WORSHIP NIGGERS AND NIGGER CULTURE

Nigga 700,000 people die every single year in this country alone from heart disease

Sympathy and empathy are two different words.

Fine, I'll give you that.

Rick and Morty is still trash.

>being outraged and posting on reddit is productive


Niggerlovers are the real enemy.

There are different categories of cartoon. Do you think a sitcom like "Friends" is for adults just because it isn't a cartoon? The reality is it's made for edgy teens who want to go to uni and live the rest of their life in a sardine apartment in the biggest city they can get into debt to afford.
Back to the cartoons, Adult Swim has tons of cartoons that I wouldn't show anyone's kids. Hence the name.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

Furthermore, consider this.

In Rick & Morty, the wife is devastated by the absence of her father, and as a result, becomes a heartless, career-driven, domineering bitch. The only man that will marry her is a pathetic beta male soyboy who she openly loathes and who also loathes himself. Their relationship is pure toxicity.

The son Morty knows that something is wrong—and can only break away from that wrongness and begin his adventures once the patriarch, Rick, returns to the family. Unfortunately for them all, Rick is a rootless degenerate Boomer who already gave up all connections to family and tradition to the point where he has to seek happiness in alternate universes because the one his big-brained thinking has helped create is so utterly miserable.

(Somehow, the daughter Summer is the only healthy one in the family. Her only real complaint is that she wants to spend more time with her grandpa, which is the good and correct urge for any healthy youth.)

The show has thus identified every basic problem in contemporary America and expressed it through the traditional family structure.

But it doesn't actually understand what it's implicitly criticizing, which is why it retreats to nihilism rather than answers. And THAT is why it speaks to something deeper in Plebbit faggots who know they're not actually satisfied with their stupid structureless and progressive lives but who will never have the wit to understand that their beliefs are trapping them in their own nightmare. Because it's easier to say "Yeah, everything is meaningless and absurd, this show GETS IT" than to reject the culture that has created this meaninglessness and seek the deeper answers we've forsaken.

The ultimate tragedy of Rick & Morty is that it asks the right questions—but when faced with the answers, it backs off with horror, and can only respond with the defense mechanism of absurdity that is Pickle Rick.

Fucking Sup Forumsons should kys. They are responsible for 99% of trash posts.

The ultimate tragedy is that there are adults who spend time watching and philosiphising cartoons

le rick and morty xD

Someone get this man some reddit gold STAT!

Liberalism is a disease.

Rage is a hell of an anesthetic

>Liberalism is a disease so I'll post some pornography.

>pierced nipples


You're giving the writers too much credit.

Does this man seem like he has anything profound to say?


Furthermore, consider this.

In Rick & Morty, the wife is devastated by the absence of her father, and as a result, becomes a heartless, career-driven, domineering bitch. The only man that will marry her is a pathetic beta male soyboy who she openly loathes and who also loathes himself. Their relationship is pure toxicity.

The son Morty knows that something is wrong—and can only break away from that wrongness and begin his adventures once the patriarch, Rick, returns to the family. Unfortunately for them all, Rick is a rootless degenerate Boomer who already gave up all connections to family and tradition to the point where he has to seek happiness in alternate universes because the one his big-brained thinking has helped create is so utterly miserable.

(Somehow, the daughter Summer is the only healthy one in the family. Her only real complaint is that she wants to spend more time with her grandpa, which is the good and correct urge for any healthy youth.)

The show has thus identified every basic problem in contemporary America and expressed it through the traditional family structure.

But it doesn't actually understand what it's implicitly criticizing, which is why it retreats to nihilism rather than answers. And THAT is why it speaks to something deeper in Plebbit faggots who know they're not actually satisfied with their stupid structureless and progressive lives but who will never have the wit to understand that their beliefs are trapping them in their own nightmare. Because it's easier to say "Yeah, everything is meaningless and absurd, this show GETS IT" than to reject the culture that has created this meaninglessness and seek the deeper answers we've forsaken.

The ultimate tragedy of Rick & Morty is that it asks the right questions—but when faced with the answers, it backs off with horror, and can only respond with the defense mechanism of absurdity that is Pickle Rick.

Depends on what you mean by cartoon.


>Can do a long melee but can't put his shield in front of an arrow.
Oh look it's the shitpost of war being useless because everyone dies.

In my mind "cartoon" always implies entertainment for children.

I wouldn't consider that webm a cartoon, it's animation/art. And no, I don't want to get into a long-winded discussion of what qualifies as art.

Too many neurons, man. Dial it back about 95% for the uncultured Sup Forums audience.

>Family is ruined by splitting them apart
>Children cope with literal escapism through magical grandpa
>Mother copes with binge drinking and descent into sociopathy
>Father on verge of suicide
>Also a futuristic society composed of Ricks and Mortys shows nigger-tier Morty ascending to presidency via manipulation then enacting violent imposition of socialist policy via airlock rides

And the rest is mindless entertainment. Debate solved, lads.

>circumstantial ad hominem: the post

Harmon is a worthless faggot, he's just the money man. Roiland is the creator and I think he was halfway there but is getting sucked down into right-thinking TV culture rather than following his instincts. Sad!

Fucking hell, I just want to laugh at some jokes. Do you brainless lefties have to dissect everything to prove to strangers on the internet that might have a brain cell? And then when you might be getting somewhere you use a communist flag?



Isn't Jerry the exact kind of guy that would be promoting the whole "I'm with her" mentality?

Why did the left immediately believe that this tirade was targeted at the right wing, when it was pretty clearly attacking the left wing for letting the west slide so fucking far by being weak men.

#1 trending on tumblr.

"beta male sexist"

"I'm going to accuse you of a prejudice while simultaneously expressing the same prejudice towards you."

(I don't have a problem with this being in the show, since when is a teenage girl consistent in her attitudes to, er, anything?)

War IS useless. It is the rich and the powerful who send the poor and the hopeful to die for their own gain.

No war is just, war is always brought about through unjust means, and it never cares who is right. Only who is left.

Only the morons of Sup Forums would hate it.

Besides, noone should like skinhead nazis, they're quite literally untermensh.

Go back to your containment board Sup Forums no one is interested in your 14 year old analysis of cartoons.

Dont see how it was a shark jump, funny ass episode and it developed the characters more.

As an oldfag this is one of the top 10 memes ever created. It is sublime memery.

Modern warfare = all war?
Fighting for a better future for your group of closely related humans is what has driven most conflict over the millennia. It is the exact opposite of useless.

I fucking love this picture. Can I save it?

What is the librul obsession with getting people to ADMIT stuff? They don't even really seem to care about a person's actions so long as the person is admitting that the librul's viewpoint is absolutely 100% correct. I've noticed this in a bunch of those SJW comics too, where it isn't enough that the comic author self-insert beats up the racist/sexist/etc, the victim also has to admit that they are racist/sexist/etc.

>that moment when a Sup Forums ear-rape webm which features niggers and out-of-tune flutes gets more of a laugh than the original animation.

I've been here too long haven't I?

God that episode was cancer, they even shoehorned the "fake news" meme in there.

Where do I even fit in on this spectrum I voted Trump because I realized that libertarians truly were controlled opposition and I'd eat shit before letting the government get another easy win.

Even if Trump sold out the tears he brought was worth it


I wondered when was the season 3 released. Not going to watch it now.
They changed the writers. They added 3 woman in writer's staff

>sells weapons to intergalactic and dementional crimials
>strong anarchist
>believes in family values

How is this show leftist or liberals?

>sells weapons to intergalactic and dementional crimials
Well this is what Obama did.

Thanks I am enjoying the bantz between him and rocket man

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

Rick literally made a clone that was half hitler, how can you even make the claim that he hates nazis?

You fucking Sup Forumstards want every you don't like to be leftist