Should all stupid people be eliminated from the gene pool?

Plato thought pic related, and Socrates said "There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance."
Anyone who harms another person when it is not objectively unprovoked self-defense does so because they are stupid. At the least, if your IQ falls below 100, you should be sterilized. Every person who has ever caused me unprovoked suffering has been stupid. If you think about it, I bet it's the same case with all of you.


I'm pretty stupid, for example, but I like to stay informed.

But stupidity is necessary for ignorance


Ignorance is not the same as stupidity. In fact part of what Plato/Socrates was putting forward was the proposition that people are inherently benevolent and rational, so the fact that they do evil must stem from some deficiency in their knowledge which can be corrected through learning and philosophy.
It seems you are the ignorant one! And perhaps this ignorance is enabling you to promote an evil act... Really makes me think. Nihil sub sole novum.
Next time read more than just izquotes.

if you shrink the government and usher in a new era of right-wing libertarianism, the way the united states was founded to be, then you will inherently shrink the gene pool too and eliminate the stupids from it, because they won't have government to protect their ass everytime they fuck up.

that's why america was so exceptional in the past. that's where "american exceptionalism" came from. because the ones that weren't exceptional died off. this is especially true as settlers pushed west and lived in increasingly hostile and unfamiliar environments and had to protect themselves from savage, aggressive "natives". not to mention the settlers who originally came over here, across the god damn atlantic, undertaking that dangerous voyage with no help or lifeline to anyone else. that takes some serious gumption, know-how, balls and strength.

so yeah, stupid people need to be eliminated from the gene pool, but what happens if you go the big government, nazi route??

you end up with a situation like you have in germany or russia right now, where all of the free thinkers got eliminated from the gene pool. all of the dissedents. all of the people that don't "go with the flow". and result is a totally cucked populace that, in the case of germany, is happy to genocide itself and will probably never meaningfully begin to stand up for its right.

but yes OP, the dumb do have to be eliminated because they're inherently going to cause tremendous, maybe irreparable harm to the rest. NOT by government though, just by nature.

there are Mensa members that believe in man-made climate change, Scientology, the Holocaust and affirmative action.

All stupid people are ignorant*
They don't have to be the same. That we should eliminate all stupid people follows if all stupid people are ignorant. Even if it couldn't be cited that Plato or Socrates agree with the premise, it is demonstrably true that all stupid people cause unprovoked suffering. Think for a second if you've ever known a stupid person not to do so.

there are autists with high IQs that can't tie their shoe laces and for the life of them can't understand the first thing about the world in any sort of real or meaningful sense.
IQ doesn't really mean that much. it means SOMETHING, for certain, if you cannot pass those tests (like the case with niggers), but it doesn't necessarily mean that you are "super intelligent" just because you have a few mental talents and likely are lacking and severely deficient in other areas not covered by the tests.

That there are smart people who are ignorant is irrelevant. All stupid people are ignorant. Regardless, all stupid people cause unprovoked suffering. Think if anyone who has caused you unprovoked suffering has ever not been stupid.

Many intelligent people cause unprovoked suffering, and have more of the means to do so. It is impossible to quantify. You are going by personal experience, which is fine, but it is another thing to say it is 'demonstrably true' - at present, we are ignorant of whether or not it is true. Should we really act on this unproved thesis and sterilize all stupid people?

An intelligent malicious person is more likely to cause unprovoked suffering than a well-meaning stupid one. How do we then quantify benevolence and malevolence? And then ignorance vs stupidity? So many subcategories.
Another thing, sub-100 IQ stupidity hasn't been "bred out" of the gene pool. We've come along this far with it. It'd probably be good to really think about the possible implications and consequences. See Chesterton's analogy of the fence. Intelligence is, for instance, correlated with neuroses and depression. Behavioural disorders can make "benevolent people" cause unprovoked suffering.
You're too reductive. What's your IQ?

>An intelligent malicious person is more likely to cause unprovoked suffering than a well-meaning stupid one.
Meant to say that I propose this as a reasonable objection to your original axiom. Not necessarily that it's true.

>Many intelligent people cause unprovoked suffering
This is irrelevant. It is a converse fallacy. The argument is "if stupid, then cause unprovoked suffering," Your contention would only possibly be a negation of the converse, i.e. "if cause unprovoked suffering, then stupid." What intelligent people do is irrelevant, unless you could show that -all- intelligent people cause unprovoked suffering, and thus that all stupid people causing unproked suffering is an unsound reason to kill only them. So, again, think of if anyone who has ever caused suffering unprovoked has ever not been retarded.

My point was more that the degree, or the possibility of causing unprovoked suffering might really be higher in intelligent people. Also you say your argument isn't "if cause unprovoked suffering, then stupid" but then you go ahead and say this shit "So, again, think of if anyone who has ever caused suffering unprovoked has ever not been retarded."
What did you mean by this?

How can you differentiate unprovoked vs provoked suffering? Is it deserved vs undeserved?

Stupidity is sufficient for ignorance*

Knowledge is the root of all sin. One cannot do wrong if they do not know what wrong is, nor can you be wronged if you do not know what wrong is. The apple eaten is your own cross to carry; do not blame those without sight for the wrongs you see.

Right and wrong are subjective to society. I can be wrong on a math quiz if I don't know the answer, but that doesn't make it right.

I'm not blaming them, nor saying they should be killed as some kind of punishment. I'm saying they should be removed from the gene pool because they cause unprovoked suffering. Their stupidity doesn't mean my experience of their evil doesn't exist.

Ignorance is not exactly lack intelligence. Violence and ignorance isn't exclusive to one type of person, there are cases of highly educated people who've become serial killers. I believe it comes from a combination of things that may include stubbornness, mental laziness, narcissism and yeah stupidity

You thinking that it equals low IQ and knowledge equals high IQ shows your own ignorance.

Plato is absolutely right though, there's nothing worse. My father is the most ignorant person I have ever known, realizing this has left me confused, feeling empty and disgusted. He came to this country during the late 60's and still doesn't know the language

He still thinks like an illegal alien, doesnt know how to use a phone book, can't read a map, never reads directions (led to him completely ruining a satelite dish he assembled/installed, it cost him thousands), will take a wetbacks word as gospel but will ignore anything an educated american will tell him, has never read a book in his life despite knowing how to, will ruin a 15 dollar tool to save a 3 cent bolt.. on top of all of this he will never admit he's wrong and will worm his way out of most incriminating situations

I honestly hate the motherfucker

I'm pretty stupid, but the way our genes work (unless we make every baby a test tube baby), there will always be stupid people.
Genetic mutations naturally occur when two otherwise healthy people have kids.

Should we kill those kids? that's another debate; but the answer is yes, we should

Please read my other responses to this ill-conceived contention. In short, the existence of violent, intelligent people is irrelevant to the fact that stupid people -all- cause unprovoked suffering. Can you think of even one that hasn't?

I'm not sure intelligent parents can have a stupid kid unless it's literally a downy or something.

So, when do you plan to have your sterilization?

Either way, the stupid kid should be turned into sustenance for the other children.

we have plenty to eat without resorting to eating tards

>Should all stupid people be eliminated from the gene pool?

ignorance doesn't =stupidity you idiot.
otherwise you would need to cull 90 percent of the world population.

Why not turn the bad and failed into sustenance for the good? You take your government mandated IQ test at 8 years old, and depending on your score, you are or you are not turned into soup for the whole family.

I have to get this off my chest, he's also a devout catholic but at the same time a polygamist, womanizer and I have a strong feeling he used to be a rapist.
He hid the polygamy for a while, expertly might I add but it eventually got out. Although somewhat shocking at first it's not really a big deal. It's not as uncommon as you probably think

His womanizing and possible raping past.. he's evaded that perfectly to the point where not even us, his family could prove anything

>You thinking that it equals low IQ and knowledge equals high IQ shows your own ignorance.
I have to get this off my chest; I implied no such thing.

potential rapist? god thats a shitty father dude. sorry to hear.
what made you all suspect?

The birthrate is low enough.

Yes, starting with OP

>At the least, if your IQ falls below 100, you should be sterilized.

that's some serious eugenics, Tyrone. you're talking about eliminating half of the population every generation. do you even have the IQ to understand what you are proposing?

We'll not be eating everyone below average IQ. 100 IQ is merely the average right now. It would be further and further below average with each generation. See? There goes another retard, albeit inadvertently, trying to cause suffering unprovoked. You are the first to be sterilized or killed.

Long story but it involved a female friend of the family mysteriously not showing up to my uncles bedside when he was hospitalized (weird kind of blood poisoning due to consuming mollusks harvested from a busy harbor ffs.. the story doesnt end well), the entire family showed up. Except her, when she was supposed to have been there.. my dad coincidentally absent aswell. Last known whereabouts: supposedly picking her up to bring her to the hospital irrc.
The night became morning and he shows up alone and silent

I go to his car to get something and - the passenger side looked like it had been stomped. The vents were broken, buttons the stereo were missing, window scratched, strange stains on the center console (I actually though someone had blown their nose), the rosary that hung on the rear view mirror snapped and dangling from a string.. clear cut signs of a struggle. I couldnt even bring myself to ask.

We never saw that girl for maybe a year after that.