Just found out my dad is a nationalist and is anti EU and Muslim. He told me everything today. Should I report him to the police? He made some off colour remarks about Nazis before but I didn't think he was one. So I'm asking you Nazis what should I do? Can I save him? Why would he even think this way? I always thought he was a good man.
Just found out my dad is a nationalist and is anti EU and Muslim. He told me everything today...
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Is that a PT Cruiser lmao
He's based. If you report him you'll be a cuck
He is a good man hes just worried for his country.
yep report him to Merkels Schutzstaffel
If your dad is a muslim you should definitely report him.
literally this
like who the fuck is she even trying to be anyways?
I was taught in school that nationalism was absolutely abhorrent, backwards, and the first step toward the descent into Nazism. That doesn't sound very good to me. I'm just worried that someone with these opinions might do harm someday, even if it is my father. I don't want him to flip out on some kebab shop owner.
With a nose ring like that, she was meant to be a cow
Just found out? Huh like what?
you would rather the kebab shop owner bomb your dad and rape your mother right?
>EU flag
>Asking leftist advice on Sup Forums
You have 10 seconds to prove you're not a shill
He is British
He made a lot of Nazi jokes and would watch some documentaries and books about them but I thought it was just a historical interest.
He told me that England is and should be a white country and that mass immigration brings a risk of replacing "culture" and that London being majority foreign is a "travesty". I always looked up to him, but now I'm re-evaluating what I think of him because of his backwards beliefs.
I never really discussed politics in depth with him. We got on the topic of immigration and Brexit.
thats a nasty fucking slag
tea and crumples are not going to fix tht
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Nice larping retard. I think you know that you can't report him for that.
emigrate to NZ and get some oppressed polynesian dick, thatll teach him!
Muslim culture is what actually backwards
You're dad looks pretty hot, op
Wtf were you on /lgbt/ for
May I ask what country you are from?
>He told me that England is and should be a white country and that mass immigration brings a risk of replacing "culture" and that London being majority foreign is a "travesty".
He's right.
I was thinking this but, but i actually took the bait
your are hanging around the goat anus to much and drinking to much camel urine
Do you think England should not be white?
Why are you more concerned about random hypothetical kebab shop owners than your own father? Scumbag.
Yes, but then he said Muslims were violent and their ideology was destructive and their culture would replace ours, which was somehow "superior" (Implied). This is hate speech. This dehumanization just leads to discrimination and murder. It's hard to think, maybe I have this hate in my blood too? I've had friends of all sorts, I love them all regardless of kinship. If I marry a non white (or non British even) woman, he might not approve. I want him to learn about the wonders of other cultures.
Almost got me with this bait
No tats. One stupid nose ring. Would dip
I don't think it should be anything. I think it should just be whoever wants to move here and is willing to work. It doesn't matter if England is white or Indian or Slavic to me, what matters is the people themselves and what they bring. England won't magically stop being England because Indians are here. They only add to the culture.
Idk what he must have gone through to convert to islam.. As an ex muslim myself, the entire reason i left was because there was absolutely no proof that any abrahamic god existed and that islam is founded on keeping the masses ignorant and ruled by fear. To voluntarily go into that, with the information available about it in this place and time, is definitely concerning.
If i were you, contact your local police department and drop them an anonymous tip. Just to ensure he isnt about to do anything silly.. To convert so quickly and secretly that you, his own daughter, was unaware of it, is bizarre, and desu highly irrational.
Let the police know of the situation and perhaps they might be able to investigate things a little
Do you think England will be the same when it's 70% non-white?
>What matters is the people themselves.
Awfully racist thing of you to say OP.
OP I'm going to report you for being a faggot
You should just stop being a whiny faggot and be greatful you have a dad that takes pride in his country and wants whats best for it. Forget all the shit you learned in school because it is literal shit. Follow his example or be a cuck the rest of your life whatever you prefer, either way you'll probably just get hit by a truck of peace in the long run.
Sure i'll bite your bait.
Muslim ideology is destructive and inferior to western ideology. Look at the middle east and how it has been in turmoil for thousands of years.
Look at how Saudi Arabia is just now allowing women to drive.
How can one look at the Islamic countries of the middle east and say "This seems like a fine way to build a society"
Just to get a feel of where you stand on things before I ask more questions, let me ask this; do you think it acceptable that white people moved to South Africa in such numbers that they took over African lands and enforced their own laws on the natives?
Your dad has lived his life son, he's seen the damage the EU and Muslims do, he's seen the other countries that would revel at any demise to his nation he has seen with his own old God damned eyes who really is looking after him and that's his country. Not Muslim invaders who heavily tax non Muslims (jizya) and prevent them worship when in Muslims lands ? No not them but they demand less taxes more free money and more mosques off you and your white ilk kid. You should get behind your father he may not be the wisest but he is a hot dang diggety he'll of a lot more wiser than you kid.
>nose ring
this is a abstract kind of shilling
>they only add to the culture
paedophile gangs, acid attacks and IEDs for everyone.
Your father is a better man than you ever will be, I would be proud to be able to call such a person my blood
>south africa
why do people post under this euroflaggotry
didn't Afrikaners actually protect the native Khoisan from the Bantu?
Because it makes for tasty b8, LARPing as a leftist European super state. Faggots still give you serious replies
Everything truly flies over the American head doesn't it? Fucking hell.
Are you okay if youre a femanon hiding your sexuality? Thats Muslim culture. Are you okay with not wearing lingerie? Thats muslim culture. Are you okay with strapping a bomb to your kid if you dont like the next country? Thats Muslim culture.no no youre absolutely right user. Muslims arent backwards how could all of Sup Forums be wrong. Thanks for opening our eyes.
>I don't think it should be anything. I think it should just be whoever wants to move here and is willing to work. It doesn't matter if England is white or Indian or Slavic to me, what matters is the people themselves and what they bring. England won't magically stop being England because Indians are here. They only add to the culture.
They don't add, they replace. You just don't see it because your thinking is short sighted.
Yes, the land you walk on will remain, but it will no more be English than it is Saxon.
Don't get so hooked in to it mate, OP is just baiting is all. Now is your opportunity to practice your arguments against a non-opponent, so practice. Don't just waste your efforts with low grade angry responses lad.
Yeah, you should definitely give him up to the Sharia police
Your father is correct. Its not hate speech. Its the truth.
You should report him to your country's European federalist party. He just needs a little re-education.
>>report your own father
literally kill yourself
I'm going to be honest, I only opened your thread to look at the slut.
Yes go on report him
Yes, the p'an Atwell iirc. halfwits who don't learn history and apply their moral judgements on days of yore need throwing out of helicopters teebee haitch.
>actually believing OP
>not seeing the sarcasm in
Are you retarded?
Ah, yes.
you should kys unless you're a transplant match with your dad then just get in a coma.
>Just found out my dad is a nationalist and is anti EU and Muslim. He told me everything today. Should I report him to the police? He made some off colour remarks about Nazis before but I didn't think he was one. So I'm asking you Nazis what should I do? Can I save him? Why would he even think this way? I always thought he was a good man.
Just kill him then and join your Muslim brothers, quit bitching and take the plunge.
If you report him, you deserved to be raped by all black men within 5 miles.
You should learn by his example
> EU Flag
> asking for lefty advice on fucking pol
You have 10 seconds to prove you are not a shill, otherwise
No user, why not join him?
Trust your own father more than public education (propaganda).
They have taught you many lies since you where a child, question them.
Copy and pasted from last week.
Go get a real job you fucking gypsy.