Explain yourselves you fucking retards
There are people on Sup Forums who unironically deny evolution
Other urls found in this thread:
They look totally the same you fucking racist.
>You are thinking from the wrong end.
>Imagine this..and as somebody posted already this is complex and tiresome to explain so just a short hint:
>No DNA KNEW where to evolve.
>>be raptor
>>have scales
>>be born with a genetic defect where those scales are more lifted from the body at your upper arms.
>>wind can get under those scales and gives you just a little bit of advantage while manouvering when running.
>>get more food because muh better hunter
>>rinse and repeat
And this would take how long exactly? I want to know how many coincidences like that do you think would produce functional wings, and how long it would take.
As you can see in the "new" evolution theory says that all this happened quickly so that's why there's no transitional fossils... so which is it?
>>there's no transitional fossils
>why are you saying this over and over, I don't get it.
Can you show some that have a creature evolving a new complex organ, or a creature transitioning between species?
If you are insinuating what I think you are then I have a question for you. How many other species of animals do you see on planet earth that have such varied states of evolution that also co-exist in the same historical time span and environment?
>genetic variation means evolution
What's the DNA say? Human? Welp, your theory is fucked.
Try this on for size OP
Yes, sharks.
>there are unironically people here that believe that men mutated from bacteria-fish-amphibians-lizards-mice-monkeys-men.
Tbh this is b8
Don't worry, they cant. Somehow they "just haven't been discovered yet."
i think ayys came and seeded white people
It works better if you don't announce you're baiting, user
You consider humans to animals. And that is the first step of being wrong. We as humans, are not in the race anymore. We can change our world into what is good for us, we do our own evolution. The technologic evolution. We are not bound to this planet anymore. Not really. Animals however keep it traditional.
In the wild there are so many species, and that vcan be proven quite easily, that are bound to evolution. How can u unsee that?
Did you see ?
Apparently the new theory is "evolution only happens very quickly in brief periods when there's no conditions to make fossils, then stops happening when the conditions return".
What about them?
The one on the right is america now (well, at least part of it). The one on the left is america within 50 years.
There. Evolution.
Somehow you guys are in denial even if being presented with such (see horse).
But who am I to judge, I suggest believing in an ancient book and somebody intelligently designing in a few days, makes much more sense.
We literally have hundreds of transitional fossils. I think at this point it's important to establish what you want transitional remains to look like.
Is that an abo?
Honestly, i'm not religious. I am agnostic though after realizing Intelligent Design has more evidence than evolution.
>>We literally have hundreds of transitional fossils.
Yet you're not showing a single one.
>(see horse).
So a Rottweiler is a transitional fossil between a Chihuahua and a Space Dragon (to be discovered)?
Reminds me of how somehow life began from non-life. Supposedly lightning struck mud and created the first organism. Yet 100 years of experiments in pristine laboratory conditions haven't been able to replicate it.
There are no transitional fossils. At all.
Could be RNA world.
Could be something else.
Could be pansperia.
Truth is, we won't know unless we find another planet like early earth.
Which means we won't know for a while.
life began in the oceans. Quintillions of atoms shifting, changing, combining and recombining for billions of years
See here to get an idea of it:
>Which means we won't know for a while.
you mean forever
Thats be Devo Lutions youtube.com
Good thing bacterial dna doesn't change and it will never become immune to antibiotics.
That stupid flu virus that believes in evolution and changes every year.
unfortunately, yes
So... no evidence. We have no idea. Just guesses, per usual.
Again you only think from the end.
Also you sound either dumb or under 25:
Your brain doesn't seem to be able to even wrap your head around evolution properly because every comment you write shows you didn't even understand how it works.
You think evolution is like poof it's there..but that's creationism.
I will stop discussing with you as you seem to not even be able to process my comment about the raptors having feathers, croatian chimp user.
Evolution doesn't even btfo god, if at all it shows the incredible beauty and diversity present in our world.
I know croatians are very christianic, get rid of your confirmation bias and you may see clearer.
you mean, no evidence that meets your unreasonable demand
There is some evidence, but obviously it's going to be very difficult to prove something like this
use your logical brain, it makes sense
>The absolute BEST the abbos can offer up, professionally finished by the best stylists available.
>Still looks like a low tier hooker I could fuck for less than 200$.
>>I will stop discussing with you as you seem to not even be able to process my comment about the raptors having feathers,
You didn't answer anything in
>believes some magical spirit intelligently designed everything
>doesn’t wonder what designed said intelligence
NO YOU'RE A FUCKING COLORBLIND FUCKING WHITE MALE!! Obviously the left one is more beautiful because is an oppressed POC. I want to smash the teeth of that other ugly privileged fucking white.
>you mean, no evidence that meets your unreasonable demand
I don't think its unreasonable to have science, you know observation and experimentation to prove something.
try $40
There isn't a single Aus About that isn't mixed and looks human.
It makes me think back to when Cook first came here. People constantly talk about how cruel whites were for colonising various places but can anyone truly blame them? They arrive in a foreign place, with their little knowledge about earth and it's many creatures and come across an animal that resembles a human yet looks more like an ape. It communicates through clicking and humming noises and has no civilisation whatsoever besides poorly fashioned tools.
Now these explorers are supposed to treat them as equals? Why? Where is this moral barrier that allows the mass slaughtering of apes but not the blacks? Does it exist between species? That's obviously not true due to all of nature.
Why is it any more wrong to colonise the Aboriginal or Negro than it is to murder monkeys and apes? Why is okay to say "I wish to protect my family" and "I wish to protect humanity" but not "I wish I protect my race"? Even nationalism or ethnocentrism is repugnant to the average person because of current morals that seek to eliminate 'discrimination'. To eliminate discrimination is to limit thought.
I fundamentally reject this. I guarantee, I would bet my life and everything I own, that in the future it will be commonplace to look back at people today and say how disgusting and uncultured they were to 'cannibalism' and 'enslave' animals. They'll talk about how sick and evil people would own dogs and cats as property and many would eat cow's flesh. These moral-grandstanding, anti-racists have such a narrow view of life, morality and history
but you're asking for proof of something that happened billions of years ago
All we can do is offer proof of what's happening today and extrapolate backwards. We also have some experimental results that indicate a billion year life span of the earth, so we know what our time horizon is.
But even if our theories are a bit wonky or we lack sufficient evidence to prove every single minor detail, the theory makes logical sense. The laws of probability confirm
Nothing evolves, everything a soecies can be is already within that species.
There was never any ape like creature that became a human, it just nonsense science from the 19th century like phrenology.
Christcucks won't read their own Bible, much less any books about biology, physics, geology etc.
I'm about to BTFO Christcucks forever, If you don't want your fairy tale rekt don't click on my links.
This is a pretty interesting documentary about fossil evidence detailing the evolution of pterrosaurs.
are white people the same species as us?
What happened to your leaf flag?
I'm not Canadian.....
why are other countries so intrigued by our abo's there's really not much to say about em
Mice. Rabbits. Most species of rodent, really. Deer. Bears. Could go on.
Let me explain evolution to you.
There are retarded people living in Croatia. One year Turkish army comes and rapes everyone and everything for a thousand years. Raped Croats evolve in to Bosnians.
I see you.
You can play hard to get, it'll be our little secret.
fuck off back to Buzzfeed faggot
Dude, I live in KANSAS for fucks sake, I hate liberals, and I hate bible thumping retards that think niggers and Whites are "God's" children. Fuck because MLKoon was Baptist he swayed many people to support niggers.
Who the fug knows what "early earth " was?
All we have is theories from crackpot tenured azzwholes.
You sure have a lot of faith in nutjob "science".
Monkey head Darwin the chimp said that the cell was the smallest part of life.
It's been proven wrong but all you bellybutton gazers think you're like Mr.Spock the science friction nonsense character as if you know anything.Just because chimpface British social engineer trickster dork came up witha nutjob "theory" that sounds good to wing dings who pay for mandatory educated garbage in garbage out 2nd tier science.There are tons of little machines that are in ONE cell.Fuck science.It's witchcraft that rings us 5G AI Surveilance state cashless societal cell phone panopticons GMO food (or doof) that our bodies don't know what to do with.
Fuck the religion of science and mental midgets who daydream that they figured out reation of a world where they have precise machines on a planet full of food.Well it was food before mass prouction and adulteration by Science Diet Injections and injunctions ...Evolutionism is a religion of death and imigaination.
Darwin was wrong about the cell ...Let it rest it's a joke Like Piltdown man.But there is a sucker born every minute that swallows sophist social engineer cum .Don't flatter yourselves.The azzwholes will fuk us up soon enopugh with CERN.You don't know shit about creation or what early earth was like ya pretentious shitz.
This is how off Darwin was The cell is extremely comples youtube.com
Cymatics. Vibration Bringing matter to life.
>There are retarded people living in Croatia. One year Turkish army comes and rapes everyone and everything for a thousand years. Raped Croats evolve in to Bosnians.
>wind can get under those scales and gives you just a little bit of advantage while manouvering when running.
Good luck explaining how the 100 trillion other transitional forms were advantageous, better than this particularly ridiculous scenario.
>how long does it take
>when will the armor build be ready
You are asking all the wrong questions, all from an intelligent design standpoint and from the end.
It depends on a gazillion of factors.
You should understand one thing:
It is complex. If you can acknowledge that you are progressing further.
This whole ID thing is your brain trying to boil down stuff to make it more easy to understand.
Our brain is built like that: to act fast, judge fast and oversimplify to find solutions fast.
I will give two examples to show you:
Let's assume lifted scales provide more agility to raptors. But they also make it more easy for bacteria to get under those scales and cause deadly infections.
Than that evolutional advantage would have a throwback..let's assume it gets 2 degree hotter and that specific bacteria isn't able to survive that increase in temperature. Back again.
Make up your mind. I don't believe in god unquestioned but if there is anything proving how beautifully efficient nature is it's evolution.
And fractals.
>You are asking all the wrong questions
Definition of "wrong" is "the ones you don't know how to answer" isn't it.
I answered your question but I said they are asked from a wrong point of view.
Same as you asked how DNA knew where to evolve to.
It shows you haven't fully understand the concept at all.
Basically you can breed with any of us, can you not?
The genetic allels responsible for our different appearances are simple stuff genetically, that's why we are basically identical when it comes to DNA.
>And this would take how long exactly? I want to know how many coincidences like that do you think would produce functional wings, and how long it would take.
>As you can see in (Cross-thread) the "new" evolution theory says that all this happened quickly so that's why there's no transitional fossils... so which is it?
I want a mathematical analysis of how likely it is for a feather mutation to appear, and then how likely it is to appear again and again and again until it's actual feathers, and then all the mutations that are needed for a limb to become a wing.
Then calculate how many generations it would take, statistically, for all these mutations to appear in the right succession, and how many years.
I have literally never seen this calculation being done for anything even a little bit more complex than "lol fruit flies" or "lol bacteria".
It’s pretty obvious there are definitely subspecies of humans which we colloquially call race.
Your answer is millions of years and not 7 days.
Again you don't understand:
You mistake a defined outcome with a designed process.
That's because you are grown up in a christian environment where everything was created by god to begin with.
You still cannot get rid of that loophole in your brain user, I think it doesn't make much sense to go further until you break that barrier.
May I ask how old you are? Because I am pretty confident in knowing the answer.
I can confirm the user who started this thread is indeed a highly rascist Alabama klansman and a known bigot. gtfo rascist we don't tolerate your kind on Sup Forums
>>Your answer is millions of years
Show me the calculation.
There are women living right now who have a mutation that gives them 4 cones in their eyes (regular humans have only 3) and of those women only one’s 4th cone is functional, making her a tetrochromat, she can see 90 million more colors than any other human in the world.
>I have literally never seen this calculation being done for anything even a little bit more complex than "lol fruit flies" or "lol bacteria".
You got the time for evolution to do it's thing and you to observe it, otherwise your wish is as retarded as your white nigger country
But seriously though, the equations for computing what you ask are not dissimilar to the ones used to power weather forecasting and the longer range "Climate" predictions. And we all know how reliable they are
It's all best guess based on observations bro
Genetically it isn't.
I will show you my fat evolved dick, loser.
I'm out, you subhuman chimpbrain.
But that’s wrong.
>that's why we are basically identical when it comes to DNA
that's why EVERYTHING is basically identical when it comes to DNA
fixed that for you son
>It was the normal condition of most mammals in the past
Looks like it's just random atavism, sorry.
[citation needed]
>>But seriously though, the equations for computing what you ask are not dissimilar to the ones used to power weather forecasting and the longer range "Climate" predictions. And we all know how reliable they are
So? Are you saying that no one ever bothered to do them for any substantial change? I would just like to see them.
If you're wondering why I'm even mentioning it, it's because I think the calculations would show such a ridiculously high amount of time needed for such changes that would completely contradict the usual timelines.
UGLY NIGGER evloving in a cute White girl
at what level ?
and can you press B to stop it ?
how dense you are ?
The equation you seek is pic.
w=average fitness of population
E and cov=population mean and covariance
The covariance term captures the effects of natural selection; if the covariance between fitness (wi) and the trait value (zi) is positive then the trait value is predicted to increase on average over population i. If the covariance is negative then the trait is deleterious and is predicted to decrease in frequency.
The second term (E(wi Δzi)) represents factors other than direct selection that can affect trait evolution. This term can encompass genetic drift, mutation bias, or meiotic drive. Additionally, this term can encompass the effects of multi-level selection or group selection.
Your citing a source that cites a source that is a study on the evolution of color vision in mammals to prove me that evolution isn’t real.
I want to nibble the hairs off her lips
Cute. Post more
I will marry that princess of left.
Evolution is a verifiable FACT. Anything else is propaganda until demonstrated by peer review.
blue eyes are a fairly recent mutation
They're genetically no different RACE IS A SOCIAL CONSTRUCT. I can't believe we'd get this kind of racism on a site like Sup Forums where are the admins? Everyone downvote this. Obviously the woman on the left is a beautiful Nubian queen and carries herself with dignity and poise. Any man would be lucky to let a black bull impregnate her fertile womb and raise her child.
yes it's a fact
in a mattter of fact amuricans DOES look similar to elephants whales seals or hippos
undeniable proof
the theory of genesis taught in schools doesn't make any sense
the "hunter-gatherers that first developed agriculture 12,000 years ago" stuff doesn't make any sense or fit any of the evidence
it's not hard to notice it and start dismissing all of evolutionary theory if you're religious due to just that
This is a choanoflagellate, it's a single cell organism.
What I wonder if those people find their own race to be attractive.
Inside seas sponges, there are choanocyte cells that look pretty much identical to choanoflagellates.
These are sperm cells. You were one of them at one point. Noticing any similarities?
Lol, its incredible. By liberal logic left pic is every bit as beautiful as right. And left is super cultural while right has no culture and just steals other peoples.