which country would win the official cuck championship? i expect a tough race between sweden and germoney
Which country would win the official cuck championship? i expect a tough race between sweden and germoney
Other urls found in this thread:
>not mentioning Canada
>using a nuflag to hide your identity
I suspect that you are A FUCKING LEAF
prove me wrong, OP, prove me wrong
nah im brazilian but each time people see my flag they start to offend me
>not being able to handle the banter
you have to go back faggot
Definitely Germany or USA. Sweden has never had a swedish Prime Minister/Chancellor, and Sweden didn't start the """refugee""" crisis.
Sweden also isn't >le 56 face.
Female Prime Minister/Chancellor.
not UK? no?
SD getting majority next year, digits confirm
Plot twist: it's France and it will always be France
Seriously Sweden and Germany are not even that bad when compared to France. France was like Sweden is now already in the 1970's
There is not a single western country in the world that is so chucked by jewery that its people circumcise their sons to mimic their masters, just the US. Also Brazile tier occurrence of Rassenschande
UK has a terrible police state, wouldn't investigate the Rotherham gang because of 'muh racism'. The BBC knew about the Saville scandal but kept it under wraps.
The Americans may be tearing down their monuments but we have a Police force that actively hate us and worry more about hate speech against muslims.
Kekistan. you people pleasure yourselves with ignorance and watch woman like me fuck niggers.
Koska ollaan vitun kuses yms. yms.
>woman like me
Tee se oikein nimettömänä. Tee se kauas..... Probably a shit translation both ways but, heh.
Se on aika itsestään selvää.
eunuched states of imperica
Ei ole
Ei oo kiinnostust/jaksamust/motia.
Pidä se turpa sitten kiinni
USA by a mile
'Koska ollaan vitun kuses yms. yms.'=Because we are fucking and so on........'Tee se oikein nimettömänä. Tee se kauas'=Do it right anonymously. Do it far......I ment- Do it right user, do it the long way......Basically google translate is confirmed shit.
Eli ei ole syytä sanoa että olisi mitenkään aisuroiva valtio
Kiitos selvennyksestä
Stick to English please...
our prime minister is a lesbian croatian, we coming for that title.
An American calling a Swede "cuck", is like someone who is 5'2 calling someone who is 5'11 a manlet. Sweden is really bad, but it can't even be compared to the US.
That's what I'm saying.....sinä aasianpuhuva gook
In North America? definantly USA/Canada.
Usa when it comes to demographics, Canada when it comes to cucked politics.
In Europe it is
France when it comes to demographics
Sweden/Germany when it comes to migration and degenerate politics.
Britcucks, Netherlands, Poland will always be cucks due to nogunz.
you what mate
oy, vey. divivde and conquer, good goy.
>In North America? definantly USA/Canada.
Hey retard, which others countries compete in the NA category?
>Britcucks, Netherlands, Poland will always be cucks due to nogunz.
Because of them having cucked gunlaws, apart from that they are one of the best European countries if you ask me.
Ching chong bing bong hao mao
Fuck off, retards.
>insulting eachother on Sup Forums is now D&C
Mexico or well you are correct, The united states is my favorite state in Mexico.
тлoyкп вщгyи cиoлыз
1) Sweden
2) Germany
3) France
4) Canada
5) USA
6) Every other country in the EU
7) UK
England by far.
Madafaka are you da insurtiering de eshian beoboles? Fak tu yuo bic boi.
fuck you nigger, kill yourself
t. Part and Parcel
Sweden and Germany both have rising right wing parties.
Britain, Canada, and the US are not even worse off considering ethnical displacement by the numbers, they don't have nationalist parties to reverse or stop the trend.
What you guys think about Norway? Is it too fucked or there is hope?
Ireland has a gay Indian PM and doesn't even have its own currency.
Not only did the krauts roll down the red carpet under the eiffel tower but the brit bongs were pushing in your french stool for hundreds of years before that. Now you are the EU's prison bitch. You are undoubtedly more cucked than us.
s-shut up
How is France always faring better in these threads? Must be, because you are ignorant of the history. They have had their mass-immigration already, with the exact same effects it had like Germany experiences right now, except it happened before you were born.
Germany won in 2015. Sweden won in 2016. Pic related. Pol will vote for the annual "most cucked" country for 2017 at the end of the year
Britain is the same. Netherlands are also scarcely mentionted, they also started early. I think Rotterdam had a Muslim mayor way before London.
amerikikes deserve their own category, they are the home of the cucks
Norway definetely has hope. We're not in the EU, we're not taking migrants, we have our far right party in govt, and they have recently given us the harshest immigration-policy in all of europe. Comparable to the visegrad countries. Our government is uncucked, our people are cucked af.
USA, I make upwards of 200 a day fucking bitches while their husband or boyfriend timidly sits in the corner. It's a fucking epidemic here. Half the time I come in to do massage and they beg me to fuck her so they can watch.
I think it's porn, they get super aroused from transferring the porn watching dynamic into the real world with their SO as the actress.
In the world USA, in Europe its between Sweden, Germany, France and UK.
Fuck off Pippi. I work on a ferry between Norway and swedistan and havent even seen a white swede for weeks. Im just happy the shit current at large is in your direction. They come to norway to see nice landscape actually.
All prime ministers have been ethnic Swedish men.
SD gets 35%.
Why would you take a ferry between Norway and Sweden? You just drive across the border. Only muslims are stupid enough to take a ferry.
came here to say this tbqhwy famalam
We have a little something called the Oslo fjord that is very hard to cross in a car if you dont have bible powers or is suicidal.
I wasnt comparing Sweden to Norway you retard.
The semi-finals would be UK v Sweden and USA v Germany. Sweden would demolish UK 5-1 and Germany would take USA 2-0, then the final would be a close-fought battle that Sweden would take 2-1 and the 3rd place play-off between UK and USA would go to the US with a 1-0 win.
Allmost every country west from my country is a cuck.
thats what happen when you live in the 3rd world
Even Sweden doen't allow muslims to rape little girls for 16 years without doing anything.
Enjoy your ISIS soldiers