Anyone else tired of these Sup Forums "memes" and is finding them cringey all of the sudden?
Did I grow up?
Anyone else tired of these Sup Forums "memes" and is finding them cringey all of the sudden?
I doubt you grew up. I'm 36 and I can't get enough Sup Forums memes. I'm married, well employed, happy. I've got one kid and another on the way. Pretty mature by anyone's standard. But I keep checking Sup Forums for the laughs every damn day.
I find them pathetic and poltards in general.
And according to your gif your sense of humour is lower then shit
>39 here
>2 kids
>But I keep checking Sup Forums for the laughs every damn day YES
>and news is real-time
>amazing place
Sup Forums is not worth browsing or listening to anymore. Outlived its usefulness and its humour. reddit partially to blame, but only in the sense that it really illuminated the fact that the horse is now dead and beaten, and that the joke has "worn off".
time to go your own ways, anons.
You've lost your passion for life user. Nothing is going to fill that black empty void. No matter how much you try.
Well, one of us is wasting his time in a place he hates. The other is having a fine evening enjoying his Sup Forums memes. I think we know which one has better taste judgment.
its 2017 even memes will be no fun anymore some day like pc games
It's not you that has changed, it's the memes, Sup Forums memes are getting stale. It's hard for 2017 memes not to suck compared to 2016.