Sup Forums - the anti human fun board

>Looking at porn is wrong.
>Smoking is wrong
>Drinking is wrong.
>Actually trying to understand god and the massive delusion of religious people with science is wrong.
>Having fun while young is wrong.
>Aborting unwanted children is wrong.
>Getting yourself tatooed is wrong.
>Being confident in your non cis sexual orientation is wrong.
>Being proud of your race and color that is non white is wrong.
>Not being xenophobic or racist is wrong.
>Going to uni is wrong.
>Being an actual well balanced human being with good values and morals is wrong.

Sup Forums is no fun. kill yourselves retards


>Actually trying to understand god and the massive delusion of religious people with science
>Being an actual well balanced human being with good values and morals

>the world consists of 12 things

fuck off commie

this reminds me of porn..

who agrees?cuck issues

You can wank it once in a while but it's so easily available and kids can be exposed to it just through a quick google search. Think how many 4channers and millennials grew up watching internet porn since they were 12. Think about why there's so much deviant shit going on and beta male behavior. Constant dopamine rushes from orgasm with no actual reward and constant exposure to imagery escalating in sexuality and extremeness will fuck up your brain. Porn might not be the cause of it, but it probably plays a role.

Drinking and smoking etc. is all about moderation. Be responsible, don't get too deep to the point where you willingly try to give yourself a blackout just to look cool.

I don't care about abortion, tattoos are mostly stupid but I don't care if people get them, sexuality belongs in the bedroom.

Of course other races can be proud of themselves. I wish more were so they could actually do something with their societies instead of just scapegoating whites.

It isn't. I have a great love for foreign cultures, just not every single one. Some are better than others.

Going to uni isn't wrong, majoring in a stupid major and going into triple figure debt is. Go if you're capable.

Religious shit is mostly just contrarianism or appreciation for Christianity and it's values being the building block of Western civilization rather than sincere belief.

I'm bored that's why I typed this shit nobody cares though

i care user

>What are the 12 tablets of Rome?

You're full of shit, buddy: the Z generation who was exposed to porn the most is conservative as fuck.

Millenials, on the other hand, were NOT exposed to much porn when they grew up, because the internet was fairly new.

Shut the fuck up and get out with your bullshit.

>but i wanna be a degenerate hedonist and kill myself at 35 when i realise i wasted my entire life please pol dont take this away from me