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Kick out the jews.
Well they saw what happens when you are nice with them, cf. Londonistan.
I both like it and hate.....I like it more though.
Didn't they send in a bunch of Han-Chinese people to Muslim populated areas to basically breed them out?
You're pretty retarded if you think the chinks are going to do that, they are the jews of asia, jewing us out of jobs and houses
It's actually a hoax that China denied
>Kick out the jews.
Where are all the white women on twitter talking about Muslim rights here?
Good for them.
Don't like it? Stay in your homeland of SandNiggerabia.
SandNiggers tend to blaspheme the Prophet's Name quite often when getting shitfaced.
And, they get shitfaced quite often, for holypeople.
>B-but Muh Prophet!
Yeah. Your BarTab, sand nigger.
There's barely any Jews over there, Jews would stick out like a sore thumb in China.
>There's barely any Jews over there
When you hear them squeal, you'd pretend there weren't any outside of Isreal, just to make them Shut The Fuck Up for 5 minutes.
Of course, they never do.
Jew churches welcome everyone, as long as you're a Jew.
Didn't weibo do some jewy crack down on anti-muslim "hate speech". I really have no idea what the Chinese think about Muslims desu it seems all over the place.
you're doing it wrong u fucking fag
No. They sent the extra single men to Africa to create a chinkangian society
we have yet somuch to learn from asians
haha good luck telling china what to do.
Wiggers btfo
China has been doing similar things to all religion. Since they have state-atheism, although it isn't as strict as it used to be. As long as you go to a worship building under the surveillance from the Communist Party, you are allowed to worship there.
Stop reading Koran
Chinese are smart. They understand how averages work, unlike stupid white women.
>Sup Forums is unironically against freedom of religion
even stormfags aren't this authoritarian, wtf happened?
Fuck off Muhammad.
The left moved to unconditionally support Islam in all cases, regardless of guilt and regardless of the potential threat to the other protected minority groups they cherish.
As a reaction the popular right moved to oppose Islam in all cases under the subtle assumption that whatever the left like, must be bad.
Are they using this to rally the left into a war with China?
Most of the tards here are literally wannabe fascist. Pol is why we need the Antifa. Words don't work with people like this.
I don't know but I don't like it
based insects
> Implying Islam is a religion
sheep fucker gets it