hello how to fix USA please?
Hello how to fix USA please?
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Deport ALL non-whites and ban all non-white immigration
I just wish they would stop pretending it's anything other than bouncing on an imaginary dudes dick. It's damn sure not dancing.
I don't see any Pakistanis up on that stage hmmm really cooks my kebab
It really babas the ganouche.
I was not ready for that audience. Those parents need to be gassed, who the fuck thinks that is something appropriate for children?
wow jesus christ, apocalypse cannot come soon enough
Nuke NYC, Long Island, and LA.
But that's Russia.
It's Romania, retard.
This is in Sweden and no I'm not joking
Well how do we fix our countries?
they are busy fucking their relatives
We know that's not true, Sven, because the audience was white.
Remove Jews.
Yes please am from long island can confirm it needs to be nuked
this fixes the world.
Free market will fix it trust me
primed at an early age for black cocks. The white race could be more speedily genocided by means of propaganda.
"its like watching somebody heap up their own funeral pyre"
Get out the death squad and open fire on everyone there, it’s to late for all of them
Grew up in jericho i confirm this anons statement
I'm not very good at geography. What did he throw in a bin? Estonia?
top kek
>laughs in weeb cosplay/LARPing
Those kids be like, ew, put away dat scrawny ass filthy kikelings
I recently moved to Denver, spics are nowhere near as bad as the niggers and jews
Guys WTF is this what white people call culture?
made in america
jew+nigshit=US culture
why is USA obsessed with fat ass
This reminds me of a really good hard hitting video that I could never find again.
The title was like really short, it was "Why?" or something and the video was of a high school twerking contest in a gym. The audio was an excerpt of a radio interview of a man (that I looked up and since forgot the name of), he was Christian and written books about degeneracy and during the interview he was giving disheartening predictions about women falling away from traditional wholesome values and debase themselves with glee.
It was an eerie video that I wish I bookmarked or saved.
America please fix your women
This is from Russia
Mudslimes fuck off
no choice. everyone is obese
the lord is my shepherd
>bongs still pissy
Feels good to destroy the bong empire twice
>christians, stop being moral or I call you muslims
this, shorter skirts please
But twerking is from the us
I think that's Romania actually, you can tell because all the women look like camwhores.
let north korea nuke you
Black people
I wonder if USA will go down in history akin to Sodom and Gomorrah
Isn't that in Iceland? or Ukraine?
Kill the communists already and tell your women they'll meet the same fate if they don't do as you say.
Violence is the only effective means of altering political policy. Typing on the internet is bullshit. Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun. Those who want to change the course of nations must kill for their causes and be willing to die for those causes as well.
Act or shut up. There is no in between.
Remove Jews from all aspects of media and culture
Here's what fixes this...
Hardship, suffering and the return of natural order...
I really wonder what's the context of that webm.
How did it happen? Why? Was anyone talking or laughing? Was there music? Who was filming? What did these cunts get out of shaking their asses? Money? Who enjoys this?
thats not USA thats europe, pajeet
That's not in the USA you dumb fuck
must be easy to be tailor in USA
everyone is squared as a fridge
it is Nicki Minaj personal instagram.
over 1 Million views.
>Nicki Minaj
That is your problem. That thing does not represent the USA.
If they were a musical group, they'd be called Bad Facial Hair.
She's in TV everyday and millions people take "inspiration" from her
Just because your basement dweller ass doesn't like her, it doesn't mean she doesn't "represent" America
Only he can save us now
America should be cut off from the World no Communication and block anything coming out of that Country
The context abdul, give me the fucking context, what was the point of all this, who likes and watches that?
A sleepover party at her house.
>Who watched it
USA girls aged 12-25
not liking ass is an objective measure of LOW TEST
>basement dweller ass
Why dont you go fuck some more kids, benito
I don't like jails.
Where's the fun in shaking your ass like a fucking baboon what the fuck man, women are fucking gay as fuck.
Remove niggers
They're fucked bro. Why do you think we're spearheading the sexbot initiative with Japan?
Mudslime pls. You're jelly as fuck that you aren't in the middle of that BRAP queen/slam pig party getting a face full of american burger ass clapping on your face.
Fuck off
do you enjoy flatulence?
Nuke the fucking place
Non-whites like Muslims are less degenerate than white leftists. Half of the white race is filled with liberals and Marxists. Deporting non-white people won't save your problem.
That degenerate nigress doesn't represent America, or American values.
creepy af
Are other countries really so butthurt about how great we are, they actually think this is true?
They believe that fat ass will evole in special kind of wings called simply "asswings"
Took me a while to spot the difference.
yes pls then we can finally get control of the marxism
Holy shit, thank you I just couldn't find that video anywhere. I need to start digging into his book now, cheers.
Thats australia lol. You can see the afl advert in the top right corner
well I don't see it
check out (((((((((muh greatest ally))))))) dumb paki shitter
only saudi araabia and israel think you're great
All we got to do is sterilize all the blacks and injuns and genocide all the nonwhites.
once in a while i get reminded why i come to Sup Forums
you didn't see this degeneracy in the west before the jews flocked over here from europe..
>hurricane thread
Burger af
what about southern women fucking slaves?
Those videos are all in Russia by the way.
american equilivant is with 10yo girls.
all on instagram