>tfw you realise God exists
Tfw you realise God exists
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God has forsaken us. We will all burn in hell.
you didn't realized his existance not even by the simple fact that everything exist?
Thanks for this thread.
Sup Forums BTFO
>Muh magical sandnigger in space, the (((god))) that does not belong to me
Of course He exists, He just didnt come out of hiding yet, we're still way to retarded.
What are you even on about, deus vult?
God doesn't exist and Christians are fucking morons. I miss the days when Christians we're openly mocked on the internet and called out for the morons that they are. We need to go back to those times.
Yowza there goes your eternal soul user
I've seen this thread pop up every so often for the last five years. Makes me warm.
There is no empirical evidence to support a "soul".
Yeah I'm sorry but if you praise a fucking sand nigger on a stick your not white.
This is why we hate all leafs. Everything they post is faggot shitposting
Do you think you'll outgrow being edgy or ignorant first? Proof of god is dead simple
>things exist
full stop, mate
Sigh why am I not surprised
Praise jebus
How is the fact that things exist proof of God?
>tfw you realise Allah is that God
Nice grammar argy
>>tfw you realise God exists
How do you go from being rational(being an atheist) to delusional retardation(being religious).?
When we fulfill the task he gave us.
Ready to face my judgement.
>being rational
pick one
Atheist are just narcissistic egomaniacs who can't accept the fact that there is something greater than them. They're also jealous of all the attention and praise our Creator gets. They even go to the extent to completely deny God's existence out of their butthurt.