When will Sup Forums take the multi-racial pill? When we all mix there will be no more race so there for there will be nothing to fight over.
If aliens came to earth and tried to conquer us then we would all put our petty differences aside, unite and fight them off! Is this not what you white nationalists are doing in Europe? Why not take another step forward and unite the world!

LOOK! Your idea of Nazism is bullshit! Even they were not as brainwashed as you diluted white nationalists!

>Fighting against COMMUNISM together is the same as ooga booga muh dick orgy bix nood
Fucking Anglos, man

can i have some of these drugs? they seem powerful.

>If aliens came to earth and tried to conquer us then we would all put our petty differences aside, unite and fight them off!
If we're talking about ideal situations, one would hope that they fought against our Jewish overlords and their multicultural fodder masses, destroying each other in the process.

While white people live comfy lives progressing and breeding more white people.

Not an argument. And drugs help you think and come to deep insights if you use them properly

The aliens IRL would wipe us ALL out for Earth. They would not see us as separate, rather us just infighting and would see this as an advantage for them. Like how in the late 1500's the Irish clans fought eachother so us Anglos took advantage of that and conquered Ulster and later the rest of the Island.

All the races may not be equal, i agree on that, but we CAN be! And when we are then we will do great things. We will be set and ready for the stars.

Sup Forums, you do not try to grasp life, you will strangle it. If you keep a loose grip on life then you give life room to breath and grow. Stop holding so dearly onto race, let go of it.

>The aliens IRL would wipe us ALL out for Earth.
No I don't think you understand friend. Such a situation would be the ultimate opportunity to get rid of both aliens and human undesirables. Always use each situation to your advantage.

>surprise that countries used colonial troops/foreign volunteers to fight wars
Open a history book faggot


>using colonial and foreing troops as cannon fodder.
british education

There will always be undesirables, always. Just like there will always be upper, middle and lower class. So where do you stop? Endless infighting between humans. Better to unite. Even hitler understood this. He understood you can not get rid of class so instead the next best thing to do is to unite the classes. With race, we can physically unite by race mixing.
In an alien evasion, if we do not unite we would all be wiped out.

>everyone should look the same
>everyone should think the same things
>if everyone was indistinguishable from each other people wouldn't fight anymore
op is an autistic child

>nothing left to fight over
>implying people won't fight over resources
>implying people won't fight over religion
>implying people won't fight over politics

Idiot slide thread shill.

Well, if we go by your logic then
>It's 2100, 100% of the population is white
>Since we're humans, there will always be a need for a social hierarchy.
>Easiest way to differentiate from lower to higher ups was skin color because duh
>2nd easiest way? the next most obvious physical trait, attractiveness
>suddenly, if you're ugly you're literally treated like blacks were back in 2017 many many years ago
>yfw you realize the only reason you had any status whatsoever is because there were people of other colors giving you a boost.

Good job at lying again, kike. The third reich was not in favor of race mixing. It accepted other races that wanted to fight and followed the ideology on the merits of their own race, not so they dilute the Aryan people.

Fucking lying cunts.

what is this fucking stupidity

that had nothing to do with what i said at all

You just have to go with the times. The human race is evolving above their primitive compulsions. Racemixing is essential to achieve this.

well you succeeded in sounding creepy as fuck. thanks for trying to decide the lives of millions

I don't know what you are talking about.

ok Tariq

>muh Nazis are white supremacists
>had niggers in the army
>allowed race-mixed filth to stay in the Reich
>Hitler sucked Muslim cock
>Hitler was a fucking weeb
>Himmler jerked off to bhagavath gita
Germans were always cucks. Fuck them, especially the Nazis because they were supposed to be racist but even they couldn't keep themselves from being tolerant regressive cucks.

>everyone should be the same shade of shit, this is essential and evolution
what gives you the right to decide that for anyone except yourself?

>Everyone should stay segregated and divided
What gives you the right to decide that for anyone except yourself?

You're fucking retarded kys faggot

based nip

Not an argument


Also don't forget
>Lebensborn provided welfare to its mostly unmarried mothers, encouraged anonymous births by unmarried women at their maternity homes,