What is pols love affair with Iran about? Is there anything redeeming to their society, or is it just some Left-Wing #NeverIsrael thing?
What is pols love affair with Iran about? Is there anything redeeming to their society...
lesser evil of the majority/minority shitskin religion
>islamic shithole
>lesser evil
Yeah, okay.
its that we have no business in Iran or Iran's society. doesnt concern us if they leave us alone, and they do. israel, on the otherhand, was given their own ethnostate and STILL can leave everyone else alone. i prefer iran over israel. i prefer the 9th level of Hell over israel.
they like to pretend that iranians aren't sand monkeys but tanned people who magically were untouched by the brown hordes surrounding them.
pic related
not controlled by the JewSA
They chant death to america before breakfast, and all kids are taught to hate you. Not only that, but they are helping the Russians to corner the gas market and force you to Second World status
kike spotted
>nazi prefers cocytus
of course you do, traitor.
mudshit spotted
> Iran has the second highest number of transgendered people in the world
Enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Also they are pretending to be civilized
trying to help. it's similar to kim threatening nuclear holocaust but best Korea because the geopolitics around the situation are fun.
iran isnt flooding europe with arabs and niggers, are they? israel is tho..
>inb4 wordpress
>let soviets have half the country during ww2
>coup democratically elected government
>bomb/invade all their allies
>mindlessly support their biggest enemy
>changing topic with muh transgenders
What does that have to do with that webm? Also contradicts earlier posts that they are some supposed backwards Islamic shithole like greatest ally Saudi Arabia.
Fuck off zio-kiwi, you are in every thread.
There is no love affair with Iran, it's just /sg/ shills and literal Iranian diaspora. It's pretty easy to spot an Iranian diaspora. They will harp on and on about the jews and call you a jew for disagreeing with them. They will repeat this over and over again like they're trying to fit in. It's like someone gave them a script and told them to repeat you hate jews so the white boys at Sup Forums will like you.
Everybody hates jews, but the difference is white people hate jews for destroying the white race. White people can articulate why they would accuse you of being a jew shill. Iranian diaspora, with their lower IQ, can't. They just think anyone posting anti-Iran stuff is automatically a jew. Iranians and Iranian shills don't care about the white race. They're fucking sandniggers, why would they.
Iran is trying to stop the civil war that started the current immigrant wave and is flooding Europe with immigrants, Israel on the other hand is stoking the fire.
Same story in Libya.
Kill yourself kike.
>iran freed its prisons and sent the garbage to europe
>iran is helping us
nice proofs there mehmet. Now hows about you go bang your sister, like a good little mudslime, she's in esterous
oh, and
> only one Kiwi supports Israel
proofs of what?
Nice try but Iranians are aryan therefore white and some of the most successful immigrants in the states..
You are right.
Everyone posting anti-Iranian propaganda isn't a Jew, they can be dumb 80iq fox news drones too.
Burden of proof is on you faggot.
>still changing subject and avoiding replying when he gets btfo
Yeah, this is the good old zio-kiwi I know.
If you can't read simple English and infer logic, I'm afraid we can't converse, abdoolah
t. shitskin
You're not very good at English, or Logic, are you mehmet?
t. Shitskin
I am whiter than you'll ever be, mr. Jew..
i made two claims. which one do you want proofs for?
for me its mostly about hating kikes
Nobody gives a shit about Iran here because they're retarded dune coons with their retarded sandnigger religion. The only positive things we can say about them are that they generally keep to their shitty sandnigger desert and the kikes hate them.
>Hah you don't even speak your second language perfectly
t. monolingual peabrain
Not an argument
What logic? That the guy claiming Iran is flooding Europe with refugees yet haven't posted any proof or arguments is wrong?
There is no conceivable way you can convince anyone on this board other than your Iranian brothers that Iranians are white. All it takes is one photo of random people in Tehran to prove you wrong. Or a visit. Or an encounter with a typical Iranian.
Now please, go search deep into your cherry picked photos of the whitest Iranians and tell me they represent all of Iran.
t. abdoolah bin garbagi
Why not both, my brown goat banging friend
No collages of tiny pictures please, you can give that to your mother to put on the fridge
try again abdi
Islam turned them into goatfucking pedos and enshrined pedophilia and sex with animals as law. Until Iran throws out islam, I will view them as no better than a goat with semen in its arse.
Israel has been shipping migrants to Europe and Scandinavia for years
see? its not just the liberal diaspora Jews behind white genocide via immigration. All roads DO lead to Soros...but Soros leads to Israel.
Dont bother looking for proof or examples for these kikes, they wont change their opinion.
i know youre right but gotta try
Retards here have the perceived image of Iranians being some long lost white diaspora, when in reality they are just as brown as anything in the middle east
Well first, Iranians are indo-european and the original aryans. 2nd, the north/northwest of Iran is way whiter than tehran and the southern/southeast regions that border pookistan and afghanistan. Iranian DNA is mostly from the Caucasus (Georgia, Southern Russia), and those people look pretty white to me. If you consider southern europeans and greeks to be white, then Iranians should be white too. I've seen italians that looked way darker than an iranian. And I myself am a fair-skinned aryan from the north who practices zoroastrianism. Checkmate, burger..
Good luck.
>niggers illegally enter israel
>israel says alright m8 you're going back to africa
>euro semen slurpers REEEEEEE and say don't be racist we will take them
how is this israel's fault again?
thank you
>israel is sending migrants to sweden and europe, even paying them to go there
>how is that israel's fault tho?
>they BTFO slutty women
>they BTFO Jews
>they defend their culture against foreign influence
Gee why would people here like them? Hmmm
iranians who are not mudslimes are pretty damn based, worked with 2 of them.
I think its because gays are illegal, but transsexuals aren't.
So if you are gay, you just say you are a woman instead.
>defend their culture against foreign influence
They didn't defend themselves against islam very well, all to their detriment
Free the Palestine from zioNazi! Down with israHELL!!
did you even watch your video? it's about dumping africans back in africa, there is ZERO mention of europe. this is typical of your kind, you just google 'ISRAEL SENDING MIGRANTS' and then copy paste a link. pathetic little weasel.
You forgot the part where Israel continuously support the rebels in Syria thus perpetuating the refugee crisis while Iran and its allies are trying to stop it.
And now they are opening another pandoras box supporting independence in Kurdistan which could well lead to another war and another refugee crisis for Europe.
I guess its easy to sit and be a ziocuck and supporting policies that lead to the destruction of Europe when you are across an ocean.
We have one?
Must have missed the Dead Sea cosmetics scam.
Kikes sent some of their fresh out of IDF fags over to sell overpriced cosmetics to the elderly and dumbshits.
They were given explicit orders to target and upsell demented old ladies, tie them to high interest payment schemes to grab all their retirement funds.
Now targeting fat deadshit Polynesian retards in malls is one thing.
Targeting the elderly is fucking kike tier degeneracy of the highest order.
As far as I'm concerned, the whole country can hang.
The Iranians and Palestinians too.
Hell, throw the Saudis, gulf states and every other people of the holy land up on that gibbet.
Whole region should just be preserved for history and used for resources.
Incorrect use of the first and second world reference, but the point you were trying to make is understood all the same
Free Palestine from the JEW
what is
not only have I proven Israel pays refugees to enter Europe and other white countries, but Israel also illegally smuggles niggers into parts of Africa. if you have no problem with illegal migrant smuggling surely you have a problem with Israel sending migrants to Europe and Sweden?
>we have one
Yeah, this guy:
>As far as I'm concerned, the whole country can hang.
>The Iranians and Palestinians too.
>Hell, throw the Saudis, gulf states and every other people of the holy land up on that gibbet.
At least you are consistent, I cant respect that.
The difference between Saudi/gulf states/Israel and Iran is that Iran is sticking to their own region while Saudis, gulf emirates and Israel are fucking people globally.
To be fair that's whiter than the average group of Israelis. Definitely whiter than American border states.
Because of the Aryan meme which means Iranians are white nordic Europeans.
I'm not kidding, stormfaggots actually believe that.
Kill all Palis, you too, Abdul. You're not fooling anyone with your meme flag
Good to see Chris Kattan still getting around.
Free Palestine from israHELL
>haha arabs occupying Iran, which once was Aryan land, is proof stormfaggots are dumb
low IQ jew why even post here when you know youll just get BTFO every time? tell me. how much are you paid?
Thats because gays get killed so they become women instead... pretty fucked up really.
>euro semen slurpers
Who jus happen to be Jews pulling the old "fellow white people" routine. Oh wait I forgot those Jews hae nothing to do with le based Israeli Jews and cuckservatives like manlet Ben Shapiro or the neocons.
Fuck you JEW
Jew destory ALL Arab natuonal and cause the refugee!
It's pretty clear that you are Iranian. I have no simpathy for jews, but you are deluded if you think you are not just as shit as anything else in the region
no fuck you, paki blackie nig-nog
Israel could kill every Pali in 1 single day, maybe 2, and I wish they would
you cant argue it even in your photo are whites among them.
soon we will trump these Zionists...both in Israel and the diaspora.
>implying the refugees are even mostly from syria
anyways its complete buck passing either way. israel supporting the rebels doesn't mean europeans have to accept refugees, that's entirely up to europeans. do you think netanyahu has a gun to merkel's head and is saying 'take the migrants or else'? even ZOG JEWNITED STATES OF AMERICA isn't taking """refugees""" like you are. take responsibility for your own issues or you will stay cucked forever.
also by your logic iran is "perpetuating the refugee crisis" too by propping up one side. if both sides fight it will continue, so better to just let one side win and end it. so iran could just support the rebels with israel? this is fucking kindergarten logic. both israel and iran are pursuing their own interests in the region. they dgaf about so called refugees (again, most of whom aren't even from syria so moot point). if anything, a growing muslim population in europe helps iran, even if simply by destabilizing the west.
Fucking KIKE
today's iran is shit. its full of arabs. ancient Iran however was Aryan. the word "iran" even means
>land of the Aryans
Make Iran Aryan Again
You realize its an israeli shitposting terrible pali memes right?
name these jewish leaders of european governments
>inb4 a handful of no-name NGO operatives
Its funny how everyone wants to be seen as white so that they feel less inferior.
Surely you can relate since your entire county labors under the delusion that a bunch of reject poles and Russians have an ancestral birthright to a middle eastern desert.
Judging by the poor standard of English and the need to hide a flag, I am sticking with my hypothesis it's some shitskin. Muslims are so crap I prefer the handwringing merchants to them.
Light skin does not mean white, Muhammad.
I know inconceivable for shit skins.
>implying Iranians look different from arabs
Most don't. Even the "native" ones. It's like pretending there's a clear ethnic distinction between people living at the border between France and Germany. They interbred for centuries.
You are the Iranian living in Finland, aren't you?
I am Palestinian FUCK YOU
do you see the people in pic related here or nah >they look like arabs!
get your eyes checked rabbi.
>I prefer the handwringing merchants to them.
Bad choice.
>linda sarsour
How are they arabs? Because they follow islam? Religion doesn't magically change your race. We've been the same as we have been for thousands of years
are you danish on both side of your family?
That's extreme cherry picking. Look up any video in Iran and 99% of people will look like arabs.
I can find pic of blue eyed Africans as well, doesn't mean that the average African has blue eyes.
Also why do muslims accusing anyone who dislikes them to be a jew? I am Christian and French. You gave us plenty of motives to hate you
Merchants tend to bring prosperity, muslims tend to bring destruction. I don't want either influencing my nation, though. There's more msulims out there so I support the other side, whoever they may be, Heebs, Buddhists, whatever. You're a Scandinavian so it's forgone that you will opt to support islam, 'nuff said.
Kikes are the root of the cancer behind all this leftist bullshit about accepting refugees because of white guilt or whatever.
>Israeli Jews create refugee hordes by fomenting war in the Middle East
>diaspora Jews make sure those rapefugees get easy entry to the west and plenty of gibs when they get in
It's a system that works too well to be a coincidence.
Says the Gypsy LOL iranians will ALWAYS be better and more "white" than eastern eurocucks Subhuman. Persians are ayrans while you Subhuman Gypsy deserve to get shot.
Because the youth of Iran are abondoning Islam and Religion all together Shia dominance over the ME and eredicating the Sunni's will destroy Islam, besides that Iran has the same problem as China they have a quickly growing already gaint underground Christian community.
i didnt say theyre arabs. user did here who said today's iranian majority isnt arab? no one did. in fact ive already said iran is a hell-hole run by arabs, when original Iran was Aryan land..not arab.
keep up.
Yes, why?
Are you a dumb american mutt on both sides of your family?
Lol says the russkia, you Mongolian Subhuman are dumb and deserve your land to be taken by Iran, China and musilm People.
>scenario A: iranians were beautiful wypipo who intermingled with arabs to the point of becoming indistinguishable from them
>scenario B: IRANIANS ARE PURE but just happen to look like arabs
either way they ain't white.
You can keep Muslims out if you desire.
Merchants will sneak in and subvert.
History has proven this time and time again.
Merchants bring Muslims you stupid bong. They're the ones telling you prosperity is dependent on importing shitskins.
So you are the magically non arab Iranian? What a lucky find. Post pic with and censor it how you want to avoid doxxing and let's see if you don't look like an arab
I can agree with that sentiment.
It's certainly factual, it's not like Shia terrorists are blowing themselves up anywhere other than the middle east.
And there is that little niggling root for the underdog instinct that crops up every time Iran gets accused of sponsoring terrorists by the cunts who bankroll Sunni terrorism globally.
Iran also has a pretty good reason to be pissed with the US, considering the shah and all that CIA fuckery back when that lead to the Islamic Revolution.
I kinda hope they do have some nukes tucked away somewhere, just enough to get some M.A.D. with Israel.
Unlike the previous M.A.D. cold war, I can see those jumping jihadis pulling a Dr Strangelove and riding missiles straight to hell.
who said I'm Iranian?
>hurr durr i cant debate you so ill just ask you to post a picture so i can dox you
go back to Sup Forums kid.