So whats happening here?

So whats happening here?
Over the last few months bosnian croats have been terrorizing bosniaks in Kiseljak.
Barring children from attending classes, kicking them out of school busses, attacking and destroying property of bosniaks and most recently at a wedding they attacked a vow minister because they didnt want her non croatian name on their marriage contract.
These are not coincidences and with Kolinda spreading an anti bosnian narrative about 10000+ terrorists living in bosnia i am forced to bwlieve that something big is up.
In truth, I'm not a muslim and I despise sandniggers and vahabis and extremists, but most of the muslims in bosnia are bro-tier and dont even practice the religion apart from bearing different names. And I fear that this kind of treatment can only do harm to this already fucked up country by antagonizing more of these "muslim" into a conflict, and we do not need this.
Id love for bosnia to be carved up by serbia and croatia as much as anyone else here, but for that, you need to embrace bosniaks as your own and im certain that in a generation or two youd find most of them converting to the more appealing orthodoxy or catholicism.

So whats your take in this, croats bosniaks and serbs of Sup Forums?
Is there an agenda in place?
What is your solution to this mess we have made 20 something years ago?

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck off ahmed

Please. All u BiH fegs with ur gay fag in first sentence are u Croat, Serb or shitslim

Say who you are in ur first sentence*

I'm a serb, born and living in Sarajevo
Having 0 issues with croats serbs or muslims on a day to day basis here, and thus I'm just annoyed by idiots fucking things up more then they should by applying the wrong approach to the muslim problem

As a side note, there are about 800-900 potential muslim extremists in bosnia, all tracked or in house-detention/jail
We shouldnt do things that might worsen this

You are still young, and as I can see, larping as a some kind of yugo or whatever. The thing is, if you give Bosniaks a space, they will eat you up. No way you can get along, no "we wuz brotherz n shiet" stories. You are supposed to support Croats, I dont have to explain you why since you are browsing /pol.

I don't care

I'm not larping as a yugo, I'm 26, was a kid during the war.
I do agree that the federation of bosnia & herzegovina is mostly croatian clay, herzegovina especially, but back when ustashe were a thing, muslims and croats got along just fine, my only issie with them is obviously the crimes they commited against serbian people.
But im more worried about muslims than I am about ustashe, and I cannot possibly see how is terrorizing muslim kids ever a good idea. Muslims in say france or germany or sweden, UK are a much smaller chunk of the population, yet they cause infinitely more issues, because of their hatred for the so called infidels. This hatred obviously isnt nearly as prominent in Bosnia, but it could become a thing if these anti muslim trends keeo growing, they wont stoo and think
>Oh maybe I am a degenerate and should convert
Instead they will start believeing their parents and elders that all serbs and croats are out to get them, and retaliate
It would be a disaster

Yes there are actual leftover Wahhabis in Bosnia, a lot of them. Stop lying.

Are you Eastern, Serb Sarajevo, or legit Sarajevo?

Did you and your parents stay in Sarajevo during (((siege)))?

Noone asked for your input, Burger.
Im notbsaying that there are none. They do exist, in a minority but are a threat because they as always target young men and keep recruiting them with more sucess than I would like to admit. However they are not the worst there is
Atleast for now, their numbers are too low to causenany damage. They mostly cause trouble for non wahhabi muslims for the time being and if anything help many of them stay clear from any sort of extremism by displaying how retarded they are. Wahhabis and peoole who actually wish to conductnterrorism or go and fight for isis are not the same group, even tho they do overlap. When i say 900 or so, i mean the latter, more extreme group, andbim not denying that there might aswell be more of them in hiding, but 10k is a ridiculous proposal.
Legit Sarajevo. My parents even thiugh they have serbian names and are orthodox, consider themselves sarajlije above anything else, so they didnt leave during the siege and my father foughtnto defend sarajevo. I was here too and vaguely remember some of the events.

Do you want Bosnia to cease its existence and be partitioned?

ajmo na fuka, pa te vodim u kiseljak.


Ubi se ako si Sarajlija pre Srbina

hey I am Bosnian, are there many Turks/Arabs there? God damn it I am beginning to think that "Bosniak" may fill the category of a "muslim living in Bosnia" ...that'd be shit as we're slav or whatever.

>Over the last few months bosnian croats have been terrorizing bosniaks in Kiseljak

1960 called, it wants its headlines back

And id be up for it
Maybe you cpuld prove the existance of muslim extremist children there to me
My parents are, not me. But im not really able to move away yet
Im still getting my masters degree here.
And sadly, more and more. There are daily flights from dubai here now, so most of the tourists are arabs and burka ninjas. I generally dont support the general idea of bosnians/bosniaks since i dont consider this country to have any legitimate soveirgnity, its just segregation based on religion, and that religion is barely half the population of it.
This is why I'm a bit worried, yes

Arrived home so my id changed, this is OP

Nobody cares.

> but most of the muslims in bosnia are bro-tier and dont even practice the religion apart from bearing different names
This is definetly true, they are nothing close to sand niggers. But, there is that part of Bosnian muslim wannabes, Arab influence is growing stronger, there are growing number of extremists and that shit need to be cut from beginning. It's fine for now but i hope muslims dont start with their bitching and spreading cancer again or they are fucked. I tend to believe Croats and Serbs are smarter this time and know what is real cancer of this beatiful country.
>Ja sam rodjen dje dzamije nema, muslimane mrzim od malena.
>Aoj bule dje su ti dimije, kod cetnika oko redenika.
>Spavaj mirno Fato, sve ti je poklato
>Samo Mujo nije, visi kraj kapije.

Balkan people are savages almost as bad as niggers.
We dont expect much from you.
If you're a nice guy just leave that shit hole.

I onda se pitate što se neko ovdje radikalizuje? Možda da manje pljujete po nama samo zbog različitog identiteta, tolki nebi posegli za Arapima.

Alijini Srbi. S tvorcem Islamske deklaracije i mudžahedinima protiv svojih. Divjak, Bogičević i slični.

Iskreno se nadam da će Srbi znati s takvima kao i mi sa svojim izdajicama u BiH koji su potkopavali Hrvate u BiH.

Prvo izdajice pa neprijatelje.

Mislim da nisam jedini koji žali što ti i tebi slični niste pobrali metak ili granatu u Sarajevu.

Jebi si mater sa unitarnom BiH, Dobrobašnjima, rajom i centralizmom.

Pradjedov prvi komsija u selu mu je bio musliman, odrasli zajedno, isli u skolu zajedno, jeli rucak zajedno. Prvom prilikom ga je izdao, iscupao mu brkove golim rukama, osjekao glavu i bacio pred djecu. Dan danas znam mnogo muslimana, nemam nista protiv njih, jedan mi je bio na krsnoj slavi ali nikad vise povjerenje.

i agree Bosniak muslims are tame as fuck, barely even muslim and pretty white
I swear i see more ninjas in Ljubljana then i did in Sarajevo where i only saw normal hijabs
and we just got a street renamed to "đamijska ulica" (one of the biggest mosques in europe was built here recently, saudi funded of course)

"Bosniak" IS a Muslim living in Bosnia.

Even though many of them are descended from Muslim converts who were expelled from Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Montenegro when those countries were liberated and cleansed of muslims.

Bosniaks were fabricated in 1993 and Holliday Inn.

i have distinct memories from my elementary school when they told us not to call the čefurs "bosanci" but "bošnjaki" because it was more appropriate i guess
it's also when the pro-islam shit started

"bosniaks" is pretty much a term for cowards and traitors who betrayed their own kin and backstabbed them numerous times through history
no one should ever make a deal with any single one of that scum, they're the lowest of the low

There was a proposal or something for the street change name, care to provide sauce?

Didn't hear that it was renamed yet.

"Bošnjak" term was unsuccessfuly tried by Kalay and Austro-Hungarian administration in BiH. To divide and weaken Serbs and Croats by transforming them into Bosniak Catholics and Bosniak Orthodox, even when in Herzegovina. That failed abysmally.

Islamofascist Alija and his gang of savages then hijacked the idea in order to misrepresent their desire to create a unitary state of Muslims under a pretense of a civic and secular Bosniak state. They had Croat and Serb Judas, too, like OP's fucktard parents, our meme "ustaše" in BiH, and some
retarded modern "Bosniak Catholics" and "Orthodox" sellouts.

They failed. They have their 23% of BiH and any attempt to increase it will lead to their extinction.

>LJUBLJANA – Ljubljanski mestni svetniki so na današnji seji s 24 glasovi za in devetimi proti podprli predlog občine, s katerim bo Ljubljana dobila Džamijsko ulico. Predlogu so nasprotovali predvsem v SDS in NSi, pa tudi v četrtni skupnosti Bežigrad. Zaradi polemik okoli določitve imen ulic je sicer še pred današnjo sejo odstopil svetnik SDS Janez Moškrič.

There would be peace in Balkans if everyone listened to anti-Yugoslav options post-WW1, or listened to Stojadinović pre-WW2, or implemented Pavelić-Stojadinović Agreement post-WW2.

I ja sam čuo za dosta slučajeva, obrnutih, slični smo, mentalitet je sličan...nekad je motivisano religijom al većinom je problem "narodnosti".

Pizda materna, pa še najhuj sam sm čefur ahahah jebem jim mater

sve dok se identifikujes kao "bosnjak", ti si izdajica i sa tobom nema nikakve saradnje. mada bih i u tom slucaju bio oprezan...

Coming from the man that cant protect their woman from sandniggers,sit down son.

>slični smo
>mentalitet je sličan

Insert deadSerbsWW1.jpeg
Insert deadSerbsWW2.jpeg
Insert SSHandžar.jpeg
Insert SSKama.jpeg
Insert CrnaLegija.jpeg
Insert ABiHMujahedeensGhazis.jpeg
Insert Serbheads_in_a_box.jpeg
Insert Kravice.jpeg

Neće vam nitko ovaj put u Hrvatskoj dočekivati izbjeglice, slati lijekove, hranu, oružje i propuštati mudžahedine

>you need to embrace bosniaks as your own
No, we don't.

Treći entitet WHEN?

>Neće vam nitko ovaj put u Hrvatskoj dočekivati izbjeglice, slati lijekove, hranu, oružje i propuštati mudžahedine
mene zanima zasto je tudjman bio toliko glup da im sve to dozvoli?

What a cool language, sounds like it just rolls off the tongue all smoothly and such. Wish I had time to learn it

>croats have been terrorizing bosniaks in Kiseljak
>I'm a serb

Kills Bosnia, grabs 1/3 of the land then calls himself Bosniak. Now, that's what we call being a degenerate Serb.

>So whats happening here?
Croats being croats
pro tip: you gotta kill them all

Vidimo se kad skupimo cetu,tesko vama ustase.

Ja ih i neću jebem ti život i volim muje..i ima nas koliko hoćeš takvih. I sad cherrypickaš jer nas prezireš, iako je istina da su svi radili zločine i ne opravdavam nijedan sa ijedne strane.

nobody gives a fuck about Bosnia
kill yourself

Cijena hrvatske neovisnosti, priznanja na Zapadu (petrodolar i petromonarhije su u krevetu sa Zapadom i anglocionistima).
Hrvatska je propuštala oružje, municiju i volontere dok je ABiH i džihadisti ubijala, odrubljivala glave i protjerivala Hrvate u srednjoj Bosni.
Kad je rat trebalo privesti kraju, sukob Bošnjaka i Hrvata je stao, NATO je zbombao Srbe, organizirao one akcije u RH i BiH i sveo RS na 49%, zaustavio Hrvate i Bošnjake pred Banja Lukom.
Rezultat je Dayton, Milošević je Amerikancima "garant mira i stabilnosti na Balkanu".

Drugi ID.
Vidis, sa ćaćine strane u selu, ustaše su 67 članova moje uže i šire porodice pobili. 67 ljudi mog prezimena je nestalo za sat vremena. Ipak, nekako im praštam. A zašto? Zašto me jedan pradjed boli više nego 67 drugih.
Zato, zato što ja znam da me Hrvat ne voli. On je došo, i znalo se što je došo. Sa vama sa ne nikad ne zna, "napaćeni bošnjo" medi kad priča, ulizuje ti se, laska ti, uvjerava te da je dobar. Sve dok ti ne dođe iza leđa, a kad dođe iza leđa tada postaje najopasniji, krvoločna zvijer koja ti zabada ne nož, nego mač u sredinu kičme, sve zbog kompleksa.
Ipak, treba to pokušati razumjeti i putem genetike i potomstva. Poturice su potomci najvećeg srpskog i hrvatskog šljama, onog koji nije imao obraza, časti ni morala, onog ko je prodao susjeda, prijatelja, brata, vjeru i državu, onog ko je preuzeo dušmansku vjeru zarad spasenja rođene guzice.
>Jabuka ne pada daleko od stabla.

>Vidimo se kad skupimo četu ustaše

Srbi iz Srbije a pogotovo Beograd i Vojvodina su najveće pičkice. Odziv na mobilizaciju u Srbiji 1991. = 7%

Pjevali ste o miru, prosvjedovali protiv rata a mi smo čistili Srbe izvan Srbije.

Vi ste raspale pizdurine.
Deset puta zajebaniji su bili Srbočetnici iz Krajine i Šumske nego JNA Srbi iz Srbije.

Znači trebam prihvatit da sam šljam i ponašat se tako?

objasnio si druze, bolje nije moglo biti receno
zao mi je sto ti se sve to desilo u porodici ali sta ces kad zivis okruzen krvolocnim neprijateljima

Ne trebas, svako nek' se bori za sebe. Samo nemoj traziti da te prihvatam, necu da imam posla sa vama, pustite i nas i Hrvate da se odvojimo a vi radite sta ocete.

*sigh* bosniaks...

Looks like NATO birds shall fly over Belgrade once again. Rightfully so DESU


gas yourself tonibler, or whichever diaspora you are

Svi su pravili zločine a u 100 godina se postotak Hrvata i Srba prepolovio a Bošnjaka udvostručio u BiH. Bili ste debela manjina prije WW2, sada 50%

Ti si ona građanska, unitaristička bošnjačka opcija. Mrkva ili med.
HC balijanderi su batina ili ocat.
Mi bi trebali biti magarci ili muhe da nasjednemo.

NATO supported this 1992-1995 in Bosnia

Google Islamska Deklaracija Alija

Published in 1970., in a supposedly anti-national and atheistic country which somehow created new nations and one based purely on religion.

It goes into detail how Western/European government systems, secularism and liberalism are incompatible with Islam and how Muslims(Bosnia)/Bosniaks should strive to implement a system based on Sharia; and impress it on all citizens in Bosnia.

That was the Bosniak leader, his son leads them today.

Military parades held by Jihadists and Mujahedeens, ritual decapitations, torture and sadism. All of them were given citizenship.

As one can witness, the degenerate Serb doesn't like the truth. He doesn't like losing wars neither, but as a degenerate Serb he has gotten used to it by now.

that's why you're diaspora now :^)
but i can sense your butthurt over miles away, so tell us, what have serbs done to you and your family?

>what have serbs done

Degenerate Serb dindu nuffin. I guess that's why they call you niggers of ex-yu. Which is ironic, because the Serb deems himself to be the jew of ex-yu. Partly because of the 6 gorillion.

why not tell? is that much serious? :^(

As I said, the degenerate Serb dindu nuffin. And when degenerate Serb dindu nuffin, NATO birds fly over Belgrade. It's bound to happen again, it's a mere question of when not if.

your dad got killed? your mom got raped? tell us, pls

Oj Alija Aljo male su ti međe

da si ost'o sa nama bile bi još veće


i knew a croat in america whose father got killed in the war. He was very nice to me in person. Found his youtube once and saw his ridiculous fetizisation of everything ustase.

what a cuck lol

>A Serb calling Croat a cuck

yea this right here. exactly this

i don't personally think croats and serbs are going to care much for the hate in 50 yars, but muslims in general i just don;t know

the kid was a pussy and all about bratsvo jedinstvo bullshit at school, in america

in private he would pretend to be some kind of ante pavelic on the internet

im pretty sure thats the definition of a cuck

>his nation is like five times more left wing than Serbia
>dares question why someone calls it a nation of cucks

Well, Serbs are the definition of cuckold then.

>Kebabremovers got removed and are still getting removed since 1914

>"Won" WW1 - Serbia got smaller, less Serbs remained

>"Won" WW2 - Serbia got even smaller, even less Serbs

>Loses all wars in 90s - even fewer Serbs remain, Serbia was returning to 1878 borders but retards in Vojvodina played it wrong

>Chestbeating about courage and warmaking, almost 10 million Serbs worldwide couldn't produce the same number of soldiers as 4 million Croats in Croatia.

>Dezerters, traitors, pacifits, commies.

>Supposedly against NATO and West, Germans and Austrians (muh Habsburgs and Nazi villains and oppresors), huge diaspora in USA, Britain, Germany, Austria

>Brought to power and elected exclusively euroatlantic integration candidates since 2000

>claims serbia is 5 times more right wing than croatia
>has a lesbian PM from croatia

>more right wing than Croatia

We just had a family law that declared that family is only heterosexual married couples with children.

We rehabiliated Ustashe like Lukas, Budak and Stepinac.

We removed Tito.

We will remove ethnic minority guaranteed parliament members soon

Meanwhile, in Serbia, a lesbian USA graduate is in power. Tito mausoleum, Tito descendant Joška Broz, Streets named after Croatian locations.
Opposition is led by half Turk NATO cuck Jeremić, Half Albo half Gypsy Borhan Tadiqi, a literal Gypsy Čeda Jovanović, British Ambassador favourite Janković etc. etc.

Oh, please, do tell.

even their most famous youtuber is a gypsy, they got like half million of them.

>half a million

Double or triple that, really.
Several hundred thousand of self-identified Gypsies.
But Serbia assimilated a huge number of Gypsies, who took surnames like Tadić, Jovanović, Nikolić etc.
You can see it in the streets and everyday life, even in the most developed parts of Serbia like Novi Sad or Belgrade.
Half Turk, Half Gypsy hybrids.

People make fun of Starčević and Sakcinski calling Medieval Serbs and Dynasties Croat, but I am betting there are more biological descendants of them in Croatia than in Serbia.

really makes u think

so this should convince us that you arent a bunch of gypsies? some "test" of a few people.

5 stars = Over 1000 samples

from which parts of the countries?

How the Fuck Should I Know ?
probably all

>i agree Bosniak muslims are tame as fuck, barely even muslim and pretty white

Found the čefur. You need to go back.

You know both you Serbians and Croats are actually a bunch of retarded cucks.

The split created between you by NATO when yugoslavia fell apart is kept alive today because you idiots can't stop and think for one god damn second for whats going to be best for your future generations, and instead of coming together as allies and helping each other creating 2 strong countries. You chose to fight like a bunch of retarded africans over who is the bigger nigger.
This shit none of it matters the only thing that matters is securing a prosperous future for your people. Stop listening to the propaganda on both sides and start listening to your fucking brain for once.

What worth will there be of being a serb or croat or hatred when you are all distopian countries flooded with shiptar and god knows what other shit the westerners come up with?

Take macedonia as a lesson and balanda up.

Lmao this is literaly Avaz and klix propaganda. GTFO you fags, you won't make Bosnian Croats leave their cities just beacuse you wrote a few fake articles about muh ustashe and muh discrimination.
Also we are building Pelješki most and there's nothing you Turk rape babies can do about it.

just looked up on klix, they make a article about the bridge atleast 2 times a day, top kek

They piss me off as well with the damn bridge, just build it and get it over with lol.

Serbian bantz music is god tier

i dalje samo sa 7% uspelo je novi cmar Hrvatima da napravi ali moja generacija vise nacionalisticka nego prosla koja je bila u ratu.

why don't you mention that we had the large protests??
After Vucic put that Croatian lesbo as a PM.

Thank god.

Fuck that border crossing at Neum. Most retarded shit I've ever seen.

Daily reminder that Bosnia should be divided between Croatia and Serbia

Ljetos kreno iz Stasevice do Peljesca, jebem ti boga u picku i Neum 15 godina na granici cekanje.

>Instead they will start believeing their parents and elders that all serbs and croats are out to get them, and retaliate

Remember this, there can't be radicalization if there's nobody to radicalize ;^)

Can you please give me a quick rundown on the balkan clusterfuck ?
Why are bosniaks a minority in bosnia ? Why doesn't the 80% serb part of the country go to serbia and the majority croat part to croatia ? Who hates who and why ?




Bosniak aren't minority, according to latest demographics they barely cross 50%, Serbs make 33%, Croats about 15-20% depending on who you ask. It's a fake, made-up country that Communists gave legitimacy to. Sadly I dont see it falling apart in the next 20-30 years atleast, and even then it won't end without bloodshed.

>most of the muslims in bosnia are bro-tier

lmao, blue-pilled delusions. All muslims deserve the bullet.