Sweden just fully banned their most famous book

''Swedish authorities are removing some editions of the classic children’s book series, Pippi Longstocking,from libraries over concerns that a term cited within the books could be perceived as racist.
The series of books by Swedish author Astrid Lindgren,which first began in 1945.The stores have been adapted to film and TV in the decades since they were written and translated into dozens of different languages.
The council of the Botkyrka municipality is “destroying” the books after removing them from libraries.

This is literally Bolshevism-tier,not only censorship but full ban and then destruction of their own books.


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The actor playing Pippi made a porn video few years back. Such a nice milf. Came buckets for that video

The term translates into negro king, or king over negros. They still have the new books without the term, but destroying them is just utterly disgraceful. Botkyrka has 0% swedes at this point, it's the future of Sweden.

>Pippi Longstocking

That was a good book series. Fucking cunts.


its the same with Tintin when he visits africa, all africans had the black face look going on (not sure if Tintin said something racist).

i still think censoring this stuff will do more harm than good. you gain nothing from erasing history. your just making sure people will repat it in some form in the future.


I remember this case. This happened in 2006 or 07. The funny thing is the guy is a manlet and not even that muscular.

This is so authoritarian,this isn't even liberalism anymore,this is Communism,why aren't people complaining? You can't just burn books because muh feeling in democratic society

Got a link Finnbro?

It's not going to stop there, Europe. You should be running.

She was obviously very awkwardly flirting with him. Women are often insane and very cringe-inducing when they flirt.

i have a friend who is 2 times bigger and wants to be a cop. LMAO

He looks normal to me. Mots people that work in construction look like that.

rip Pippi Langkous ;_;7

Hmmm....I guess you nordcucks do have a few accomplishments. I loved these books growing up.

Oh, Sweden needs to die.

book burning

And nobody thinks it's wrong that they're editing someone's artwork???

....really jogs the nog

Farienhiet 451 lives

shame. i like pippi.

soruce. for science of course.



There were more actresses playing Pippi over the years,but I think he means this one


All hail our new Nazi hate symbol!
Nazi Pippi knew how to properly vet immigrants (that thing on her shoulder).

>over concerns
20 bucks say these "concerns" are coming from white lefties, most probably women.

Literal book burning.
Sweden is gone.

did she get BLACKED?

Tintin in the Congo was racist as shit. Because it was written by a Belgian at the height of Belgian colonialism.
It was banned in the uk when I was a kid 20 something years ago.

No one is complaining because there's literally no Swedes anywhere near this place, and politicians doesn't view suburbs as part of Sweden, they view it as nations within a nation. If you know what milticulturalism truly means, then from their point of view, it means every culture has to govern itself seperately from the state, decide what they themselves want that maybe white Swedes doesn't.

The people in Botkyrka advocates for this, because they consist of niggers and sandniggers who wants to enforce their views onto the system in charge, and our state lets them.

Sadly so does the people.

>gook with outdated memes

My daughters love Pipi. I just bought them 2 more Pipi books.

I got the sweedish series for them and they love it....but being a cucked American I noticed things in the TV series I hadn't notice when I was a kid, such as Pipi's underwear shows, that I didn't think would be okay by today's standard.

Plus in one episode, pipi makes up a word : spunk
>she goes all over town saying SPUNK trying to figure out what the world means.

Who would have thought that the story of an abandoned pirate's daughter could be problematic.

>pepe longstockings

Is there Shadman porn of this character?

How can a country's government hate its people so vile
You swedes need to murder all the cucks & feminist sinking your ship
Times running out

Hitler was evil! He killed jews and burned books!

When we do it its okay doh

Press S to spit upon Sweden

Pippi no!! I remember watching her cartooon show when i was a kid ):

Oh Sweden...

How the book is supposed to be racist to the point of being banned?

I haven't read the article, but I know what it's about. In this "universe" pippi got a father that comes now and then and he's a pirate and also a King in I don't remember africa or something, so he is lit the king of negroes.
>King Of Negroes
>This triggers the swedes

It's just fucking sick you, that they can do this, to an innocent thing like a line of childrens tales and tv show. Fucking sweden man. I don't remember, but I think they have been shitting on something of her other works as well, for retarded shit like this. The sweet old lady she died a few years ago, well it's prolly a decade+ or something


she is over 9 years of age and not married yet

Sort of, his Wendy's mascot girl is close

Her white father is a slave owner, calls himself the King of Negros.

How do we stop it. I'm kind of autistic about art. It needs to be protected, no matter how shit. I don't even know what this is. Fuck this makes me sick.

>tfw Pippi will never be your gf

Astrid died 2002-3 i think. atleast she wont be alive to watch her work getting shit-cannad. wonder how long until they start Calling her a racist.

then he rejected her and she took vengeance

fucking cunt i'd have ball gag spitroasted her after for fucking with me

a reminder that commies won't stop until all traces of the past are erased, then they will make their concrete eastern block shit to replace it.

The maybe more spooky shit, is that they have been destroying historical artifacts from the viking age, because
>that's racist

cutest pippi but Annika is best girl.

>this girl is "white"
>meanwhile shitskin brown subhumans are "people of color"

man it's a lot longer ago than I though, shit time flies

Also ''racist'' scenes from her movies and series were removed by Sweden too,like this one

Nudity and underwear of kids was very common in Swedish childrens' movies, no one gave a damn 20 years ago even, but since today's world is sexualising kids I guess it has become more of an issue. Heck, the movie Madicken even has a few minutes of full frontal nudity of two girls below 10, would probably be impossible to film today.

What is it going to take for the majority to stand up to this bullshit destructive force?

The mass media are playing their part by largely ignoring this shit.

"Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent", but what other solution is open to use except violent insurrection?


at first glance i'd swear that was an australian

>The council of the Botkyrka municipality later admitted that they were replacing older versions of the books over perceived racism.
>Newer versions of the books omit the phrase “king of the Negroes” or “negro king,” replacing the terms with “king of the South Seas.” The term was originally used to describe Pippi’s father.


>King of the Niggers

Does that make her Queen of the Niggers?

It’s McCarthyism if anything

Nothing is holy to the eternal Sw*de. I loved this show as a kid. How they can ban and literally burn this innocent classic is beyond me.


Astrid Lindgren wrote in a letter back in 1957 she dislikes nationalism and segregation of races.

They haven't banned the book. They just removed certain words that were deemed to be extremely racist.

They've done the same with Disney cartoons, Tin Tin among other old popular cartoons.

No no that was part of the flirting. He needed to ask if she was gonna cuff him and then she would have and then while in the back of her car he would have said I have an itch... Down there and she would have tried to help etc etc

she should have a black bf

i dont know whats going on but SVT (our main fake news program here in sweden) have gone all out about "rasiscim" against asians.

people got mad about a show were 2 White people were wearing chiness clothes while eating in a chiniess restaurant. svt caved in and removed the episode.


also i like where that fan fiction is going

My mother used to read me the book pipi when i was a kid and i can agree its the most racist white washing book my people have wrote.

Im not glad its dead but im glad its gone.


People are sacrificing their children for their regimee.

Children getting raped, tortured and murdered and not only peple don't react is the biggest red flag you can get to realize a society is gone.

When you read things like "Family forgives the rapist/murderer of their daughter" or "Woman marries the murderer of her husband and son" you better see the call for damnation there.

more like princess.

you're missing the wider subtext here Sup Forums.
rayciss like you will be quietly removed and eradicated from society, without further ado. No publicity, no struggle, no screams - just, one day/night, soon, you too will be carted off to the municipal not-correct-thought glue factory.

Her father is the King, would make it rather incestous if the daughter was the Queen. However I do believe she visits him and his slaves in one movie, and is in charge of the niggers at one point. So you are somewhat correct.

Pippi is truly /ourgirl/

Great themesong:

They did this to us with Noddy m8. And even rewrote some of the Famous Five books too. I really don't know why they bothered, the references were mild and entirely part of the magical reality settings. Kids aren't thick. Not to mention this is how things were back then; what is the point of blackwashing history? It's not like neo-nazis have kids books evenings where they breathlessly intone "nigger" from the hallow verses of Noddy falling over and dropping his porridge?

>dune coon

it's a fucking white nation you mongrel. What did you expect, "how to marry a finish girl" in 1940?

top kek

>white lefties


Lurk more, kid.

Im a finnish expat working in morocco you dumb cunt.

They showed here a year ago old Finnish comedy classic "Pekka ja Pätkä Neekereinä" (Pekka&Shorty as Niggers) on YLE (our BBC) and it roused a social media shit storm but can't remember anything beyond that. It's basically blackface movie.

I read these when I was a child, they were great. She goes adventuring on her dad's ship and visits a tropical island, you would think a so called feminist government would recognize the value of that... so long ago written a good role model for girls, and boys also enjoyed the stories, too. What the fuck.

>but im glad its gone.
funny, that's what the dune coons will be saying about you.

>Tfw Finns live in Morocco and Moroccans live in Finland now

>funny, that's what the dune coons
I work in their country and they are the most generous people i ever met, they are poor but would still go out of their way to make you feel welcome in their home.

I'm blackpilled as fuck.

Moroccans even do the stabbings here now.

That is what I was implying.

Pippi is /ourgirl/

Salami tactics m8. They never make a big enough move for you to justify pressing the button.


>Finnish Puukko handling degraded so much that we have to import our stabbings


This is basically Orwellian 1984.Are there any free speech laws in Sweden at all?

To be fair the shot/book is kind of racist.


at 0:12 "my dad is a nigger king"



Step 1:

>Burn your books
>Ban your own shows
>Ban your own movies
>Ban guns
>Ban as many outdoor activities as you can
>If you can't ban them, then constantly ostracize and pathologize anyone who still watches/uses/does them

Step 2. Then minorities:

>Oh thank you, oh you are so generous and conscientious for doing this Mr. White man. I can't believe you are so kind and efficacious! I'm so glad to be a part of your open and diverse society. I will stop rioting and committing crime and become an integrated part now. Thank you Mr. White man.

Or not....

why are the Swedes always so racist to the Finns?

Because they long for their old empire, but realize that Finns have more potential for an empire than Swedes

Keep the books and get rid of the people it offends. Problem solved.

Fuck me, now I feel like a pedophile for watching her do porn.

>im a self hating fin who lost his balls to momma merkel and germany

you're either a woman or a fucking tranny aren't you, sick weirdo

They aren't people