Americans have lost entire states to Mexicans in the south

>Americans have lost entire states to Mexicans in the south
>There's approximately 80 million Mexicans/Hispanics in the USA if you count the illegals, according to ann coulter
>The report foresees the Hispanic or Latino population rising from 16% today to 30% by 2050 -- that's only counting the legal ones
>Non-Hispanic Whites are projected to no longer make up a majority of the population by 2042
>Hispanic population are set to become 30~40%, counting illegals, of the USA population in less than a century, they were 2% of the population in 1950

>Black percentage will barely rise from 12.9% to 13.1% in 2050

Yet every single American thread on Sup Forums is about Blacks

What is going on?

Other urls found in this thread:

Huge problem.

Pass Raise act.

No amnesty.

Roll back birthright citizenship.

Most of us probably live on the east coast where the problem is more black than brown

>Most of us probably live on the east coast

Americans have absolutely no fucking right to call Europeans cucks if this shit is true.


Niggers are a bigger problem, believe it or not.

Their demographics look pretty shit, but they have vast swathes of land, lots of areas where you can't even see any civilisation if you look around, and have gun and free speech rights. And are more conservative. Our demographics could become like America's, and, being on our small island with no gun or free speech rights, we'd be a bit fucked unless we want to fight against Muslims on the streets like a Gangs of New York scenario with chavs vs Muslims.

Americans didn't make Hispanics bend the knee because liberals would scream RACISM! even if they acted like the historical German Americans (i.e. pissing off everyone around them)

just see the fucking insanity right here


Exactly, reminder Spics will he the ones to culturally and economically subvert this nation, not some uppity niggers that while a problem would go extinct without welfare. While Spics get voting power and vote for welfare therefore allowing niggers to thrive.

We're being replaced, miroslaw
Do not cry for us though, we brought this upon ourselves.

Hey, it's not for lack of trying. We just voted in a guy who promised us a wall, though we may not even get that now.

Worse: by 2050, white birth will be less numerous than hispanic ones.

if that shit goes down nigel expect some hot blooded americans to come to smash some paki.Don't worry,we'll go home.

I will also say every single 'murica Fuck 'yea' is posted by a spic. While we all jump on nigger hate cause why not, Spics make up a huge portion of American Sup Forums.

Well you begin by addressing the issue of immigration and making compromises early, just like Trump is doing. And not kicking the issue down the road for 16 years like we have been doing this whole god damn time

Thanks. We also have the chavs on our side.

>tfw no qt latina gf

also this
>Population growth is fastest among minorities as a whole, and according to the Census Bureau's estimation for 2012, 50.4% of American children under the age of 1 belonged to minority groups.

That land belonged to Mexico anywaay, so who gives a fuck.

Doesn't work that way. Americans would be happy to give California, New Mexico and Arizona to the Mexicans if they would stay there, but they won't.

>le 30 million illegals meme
>le growth despite declining birth rates and declining immigration additionally to high levels of obeseness
The Hispanic population will stabilize at about 25%.

That's not even accurate anymore. Hispanic birth rates have fallen far too low for that to happen.

Just Southern California. They can have that

>according to Ann Coulter
Why believe that skeleton witch?

Sup Forums is full of spics just try creating a spic hate thread there fill be tons of shilling for spics in it almost all by spics themselves.

>gets all his opinions from comedians

Some beaners are shit but a lot of them are genuinely good people that dont have the violent criminal tendencies niggers tend to have. Plus latino women are hot as fuck

>That land belonged to Mexico anyways

No it didn't, every country has lost clay including yours as well.

>Imagine being this retarded

Mestizos have never integrated unlike Italians and Irishmen who did that in a short amount of time. Nobody wants more of them, I'm starting to think that pro-spic shills are mestizos themselves.

Niggers have under replacement birth rates and are constantly killing each other. They are also usually contained in cities and the south. Mestizos have literally turned multiple white communities into majority spic ones in less than a decade. Face it, Mestizos are a bigger problem then blacks now. If we don't pass the RAISE act and return to European Majority immigration. America will literally become another Brazil in our lifetimes.

heres the thing.

Spics actually work hard and do honest work most of the time. Plus the girls are pretty damn hot too.

Niggers just fuck around and make trouble.

No they don't, I could hire some Slav or school kid to moe my lawn and they work harder then spics ever could. You're just a pathetic aussie faggot justifying the invasion of spic hordes to America just because of le hot women and shit. Most white americans secertly despise spics and don't want them to flood our country. That's why a lot of us want to cut immigration from Latin America and return to European immigration. Because Euros actually gave a shit and assimilated to American culture unlike spics who have integrated us to their Negro-Amerindian culture.

This, fuck spics, they are shit

>I'm starting to think that pro-spic shills are mestizos themselves.

Weren't most of your gang problems caused by Italians and Irishmen for a few decades though?

>Between 2000 and 2010, the country's Hispanic population increased 43% while the non-Hispanic population rose just 4.9%
>In 2009, 37% of immigrants originated in Asia, 42% in North America, and 11% in Africa.

you really think there's nothing to worry about?

and isn't the only way to change this by removing the immigration act of 1965? is there a chance this will ever happen?

>Spics hardworkers
>Do the jobs we don't want too

What a meme, first generation/illegal spics are hardworkers because they just took a huge pay raise. They made the jobs not worthwhile to do by inflating the labor market and driving wages down.

They were limited to New York and were never in large numbers. Most of them did integrate in a short amount of time despite being heavily criticized. Mestizos on the other hand have been here for 50 years and never once assimilated in the majority. In fact they made whites in the southwest integrate to their culture.

The RAISE act would make European/Anglo immigration the majority while making spic migration almost completely non-existent.

Fuck you niggerhater, I live on MS-13 Island

Spot on. My oz fag bro is an abo. Frankly oz kids need entry level work big time. Govt loves nigger dick unfortunately

What's the RAISE act?

I made a paste explaining it in detail here:


Mexicans are cool. Their music women and food are awesome. Plus they work hard and are 98% christian. Ill take it. Better than the savage wogs

Because there's an insane amount of amerispics on this board.
Pro-tip for non-Americans: ANY poster under an American flag you see defending spics, is a spic.

A lot of them ACTUALLY think they pass as white also, it's hilarious. No, you don't pass as white at 80% euro admixture, which is what the average "white" Hispanic in the US has.

mestizos are better than nigerians any day of the year.

>Are in small numbers
>Most of them usually work at doctoring fields
>Usually stay in cities

>Are in large numbers
>Flood into cities and towns making them spic majority
>Don't integrate
>Always talk about how they will make the gringos a minority

Yeah I'd choose the former or just no immigration that isn't European at all.

Religion to a nonwhite is like taking a shit, once you flushed it you forgot it ever existed.

Also a PSA for non-Americans, euro Americans don't differentiate between the shades of bean, at all.

These two posters are most likely "white" hispanics (i.e. still mixed) thinking they are/act any different than "mestizos".
you're not

I'm not a mestizo at all, most of my ancestry comes from Austria, Germany and Italy.

what the chances of this passing, by the same (((politicians))) that have been allowing this catastrophe to happen?

We'll have to vote out all the Rhinos in 2018 and replace them with people who are apart of the Trumpism agenda. (Yes Trumpism is basically larger then Trump himself now) We did it with Moore, I don't think it should be too hard here.

I know a guy from argentina who thinks he is white because he has brown hair instead of jet black hair, his skin is not even pale or anything either hes just straight brown

Same. It fucking sucks here

>most mexicans are native american
>just going back to land
manifest destiny 2: the chief strikes back.