Dragon Ball Super ep 49

Trunks vs Dabura edition

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why is Trunks' hair blue?

Where's the raw, let alone dub?

Subs when

Wait, what?

Fuck, I thought I hit s for sub.

Because Sonic's arms are blue, Chris.

>Still no nameless background anthros in the city like the goold old days

I keep thinking theyre going to return some day.

I did, can you explain it then?

I also know that the God Ki is different because its an other way of dealing with Ki, like Gods do. It's like they made their Ki "calm".


Remember super perfect cell>50% gohan. He only lost because vegeta distracted him.

Like one more hour

Cell ain't shit, weakest SSJ2.

Buugenics, user.


Reminder 50% SSJ2 Gohan >>>>>> SPC.

He failed to survive against Gohan when he could survive against his equal FPSSJ Goku.

(Last thread 404'd before I finished typing, so I'll just post it here.)

Jesus Christ. Why is this so hard for people to grasp?

Toriyama fucks up with regen abilities.

If Cell regenerated the way he explained it, he wouldn't he regenerated from his legs up. He would have regened from the core outwards.
Goku fucking vaporized every cell that his kamehameha hit, just like Gohan did, expect Gohan got every single cell with his attack, not just the waist up.

Fuck, he even fucked up Piccolos regen.
Piccolo said during the Buu arc that he can regenerate as long as his head is intact. He is even reduced to a head and comes back moments later.
Yet on Namek when he gets a beam through the chest, he is instantly out of commission for the rest of the arc.



Join My Group, FIX TRUNK'S HAIR IMMEDIATELY, TOEI!!!, and Sign Our Petition NOW!!!

F. Trunks became a lolicon -.-

>super perfect cell>50% gohan
Nice headcanon

Want to pick this up, link me to the best subs.

Female Saiyans when?

Fight me irl

>Whis yapping on about how changing time is bad because butterfly effect

I feel like theyre kinda forgetting that Trunks future is a parallel world.


puede alguien pasarme los subtitulos porfavor?

I wish Gohanfags would leave.

Regen uses up ki, we can see this in Piccolo vs Raditz, Nail vs Freeza and Cell vs Goku, Piccolo couldn't regen on namek since he was ultra weak.

Probably the more ki you have, the better your regen, so Piccolo in buu saga can regen from just a head no problem, something I doubt he could do on the saiyan saga.

I kinda wonder if that story about Dabura will eventually be relevant in the plot about Black.

ayy lmaos

they went to the same place as all the non-toad NPCs in paper mario.


Pretty much every female character in the series has been, or become, an annoying bitch. Pan is no exception. Pass.

Donde carajo esta Gohan?

post it with this next time ON DRAGON BALL ZEEEEE

SSJ3 Goku > Broly M10 > SSJ2 Goku = Majin Vegeta > SSJ2 Kid Gohan > 50% SSJ2 Kid Gohan > Full Power Bojack = SSJ2 Teen Gohan = Dabura > SPC

refresh these sites


Why is he so perfect?


>they revived all the humans with wishes but not the fur people
How racist

he wasn't even really relevant in xenoverse despite apparently being the brother of one the main villains that game had.

Whis doesn't know this, remember his time travel is perfect same timeline.

But Oolong and Puar and Korin and Shu came back to life.

As RoF had one nameless background furry. It was only one though.

EVERYONE! I am going to hand-write to TOEI about this matter, and I have just called their 1-800 number and left a message last night. I will call again middle of this coming week if they do not call me back.

I am urging everyone in the group to write and/or telephone TOEI as well, and INSIST and DEMAND upon them to Recall Everything Dragon Ball Super, including the cartoon and video games, and Change Trunk's Hair Colour Back Immediately!!!

Also, copy and paste the following true statement in your letters and telephone conversations:

"The very sight of Trunk's Blue Hair makes our ally, Christian Weston Chandler of Ruckersville, VA, suffer from consistent Sensory Overloads. Upon seeing them, his brain immediately shuts down into a momentary to lengthy (depending on how long he is forced to displeasingly endure the horrific sight) state of mental paralysis. Combined with his Autism, he only gets more angry as each day passes with this Blue Hair still remaining. Either the Change back to him having Purple Hair IMMEDIATELY, or he and our THOUSANDS to MILLIONS of allies in the Dragon Ball Loyal Fanbase will only get more Angry and Outraged to the point of coming right over there to your office and doing something Very Bad there."

I am looking for an english one.

>Trunks killed Majin Buu

How? Oh right this is super fuck making sense.

spic subs might not be the best but boy the are fast, you'll have to wait more for english subs m8

I mean, unless all the anthros who came back were just people in fursuits.

But he didn't? He killed Dabura and Babidi BEFORE Buu was brought back to life.

You faggots are funny but you know damn well the color change is stupid, especially since Kid trunks wasn't changed.

Trunks killed Dabura and Babidi by going SSJ2, which makes sense because Dabura was on par with Cell. He never fought Buu.

I know it's a preview that doesn't show everything, but why doesn't Goku go SSB against Black Goku?

I thought it wasn't like that.

wtf is this?

I was misinformed and take it back.

It's Dragon Ball.

Because Goku needs to hold back against everyone now.

gracias user

they'll get better in some days.

Say what you want but trunks doesn't fuck around.
If he had the same amount of training as goku or vegeta the series would be over by now

Spics are the ones that enjoy Super the most.

Trunks blocking Dabura's petrifying spit with ki

At least he has that in common with his GT self.

He's using ki to block Dabura's attack. Somehow no one ever thought about doing it before even though they use ki for everything.

Or you could just learn Japanese like me.

Why would him, it's Goku, he wants a good fight, what if Black was buu saga level, he would easily one shot him.

Remember U6 tournament.

that drawing is fucking amazing

>He failed to survive against Gohan when he could survive against his equal FPSSJ Goku
I take it you never read the manga nor watched the anime. You can see Cell regenerate from his torso. Whatever regeneration thing he has, he needs his entire body to be destroyed or else he regenerates. Goku blew off the top half without harming the bottom half. Gohan knew better & destroyed the entire body.

He got great fashion taste.

For what purpose? This is a show for a male audience.
Besides, if Toriyama really wanted he would've introduced one by now.

>Resurrection F happens in Trunks' timeline
>Trunks vs. Frieza ends with Trunks killing Frieza before he leaves his first form

Whatever happened to puar?

Nothing. Hes still around.

>blocking with ki
ultimate lolwut

>For what purpose? This is a show for a male audience.
Did you seriously just ask that, you flaming homosexual?

If so then I wonder how much Ki Cell had after. Maybe the Zenkai made up for it but surely regenerating every cell minus a small cluster is taxing.

It's been awhile since I watched dragon ball since I was a kid back then but shouldn't goku know Mai,Pilaf and the dog?
Why hasn't he said anything?


Get out.

haven't watched any episode of super and I don't plant to.
I would only pick this trash is cell came back.
what are the chances of having cell back?

Is it just me or do none of those work

>For what purpose? This is a show for a male audience.

He probably doesn't remember them.

Have we truly reached that degree of Sup Forumsutism?


There is nothing gay about Shirtless Goku big chest, strong arms and perfect abs.

Is this movie content?
Because it sure looks good enough to become anime content.

I prefer Note myself. I actually like many of Heroes' OCs like Note, Froze & Genome.

There is no human on earth who can approach Chris-Chan's level of Autism.

He's a fan of DBZ apparently, I actually have to wonder if he would react like that if he found out about the return of Future Trunks.


No, its from one of the earlier episodes.



he's shooting ki blasts to deflect the spit.

Yeah, we know that SPC was the weakest SSJ2-tier fighter.

But would there be a character stronger than Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Super Perfect Golden Cell?


I wonder if Frieza Corp's still active. No Dragon Balls = no revival unless they find New Namek. Frieza Corp was nearly done anyway, I doubt they'd survive until Trunks' adulthood.

He would masturbate, because his excitement would translate into a sexual one no matter the context of it.

You have plenty of female saiyans in non-canon material. No reason to bring this useless stuff into canon, Pan is more than enough.


This explains things the best. One remaining torso = enough to regenerate from.

Yeah because we need instead CABBA, THE MOST GENERIC SAIYAN IN THE 12 UNIVERSES(no tail)

>Note and Beat will never be in XV2