WTF I hate EU now
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communists hate feeding people. Have you learned nothing OP?
stop eating soy
Oh I agree, it's a shame that the communist EU keeps benefactors such as Monsanto out of the parliament
As if an unelected bureaucracy deciding what your elected officials vote on wasn't enough. 1776 worldwide bitches.
I agree, I wish we had it like in USA where monsanto lobbyists can rub shoulders with parliamentarians
I have studied crop science and so far there is no evidence that gmo crops adversely effective the human body. Yet people are still scared shitless of the stuff.
user you're too thin, they don't understand
False. Fuck lobbyists. Especially trial lawyers. But the EU is indefensible shit.
Monsanto exposed me to agent orange. check out what they did to Anniston Alabama "the most toxic town in America" . VA scumbags tell me to stop drinking and smoking cause my red blood cells are too large and have weird respiratory problems. screw these scumbags.
I swear Americans are all brainwashed
Even on this board, you all support free market and you all hate Islam
It's about time you wake up. Socialism is good, and Islam is not your enemy
The Russian or Netherland cuck.
says the guy who knees 5 times a day and prays to a magic cube.
The roundup thing isn't directly about the gmo crop itself.
The claim is that what they're doing is poisoning the earth with roundup so only gmos can survive in the soil.
That those plants that survive in the soil grow and have the pesticide inside them in a way that can't be removed.
So you end up consuming that pesticide, except YOU were not genetically modified so that pesticides over time don't do any harm to you.
I'm not saying any of this is true. But I would say this: there's no profit-motive for them to make GMOs that are actually good for us on an individual level, our stores still sell "low fat" garbage because people are stupid enough to believe that means it's good for them, right?
If people were smart they could demand something like potatoes that are much more nutritious than any potato around today. They're not, though, so the only thing companies are motivated to do is stuff like plants that grow faster.
It could very well be that, in making the plant that grows faster, you make fruit and vegetables that taste shittier and are less nutritious, right? So even if the GMO is safe it isn't necessarily good.
I hear avocados were basically bred for shape and size and taste much shittier than they used to, for instance, but I don't think that was GM as much as traditional breeding. It still supports my point, I think.
Muslims are less brainwashed than Americans
You're all neocons or libertarians, fucking degenerates
Are you impying Monsanto means well, and is not all about profit margins?
>Study in the US
>Be educated
Pick one.
But you probably did so on a Amerilard college, hah. You've literally got the most useless degree in the whole western world then.
If you think this is just about GMO's, and not about pesticides, then you're fucking retarded.
>They're not, though, so the only thing companies are motivated to do is stuff like plants that grow faster.
and bigger. americans confuse quanitity with value very often.
Not sarcastic at all. On the topic of strange things, keep talcum powder away from your woman. In the last 2 years 60 million + has been awarded because the companies making it knew decades ago it causes ovarian cancer. Maybe you already knew that, but the lawyers have been advertising 24/7 on this for awhile now.
>Islam is not your enemy
ok Mohamed
gotta love how the EU can just make rules without even so much as giving EU member states, let alone their people, a say.
You're French.
>Norwegian colleges
name one that matters on the world stage, fucking one.
It's retarded Norway, no point in trying.
He's not. He's a disgusting sandnigger. Don't associate us with this filth
Of course Monsanto is trying to make profits. They also make the bedt agricultural seed product. Honestly this is probably the EU beating Monsanto up so it will agree to be bought by BAYER at a lower price.
I am white
My name is not Mohamed
>cares more about fucking food than the influx of shitskins
Shut the fuck up and learn to read.
Can't always get your way Soros
>patented genetic DNA
>plants become forcibly sterile in a couple generations so you buy more seeds
>gmo plants can cross polinate various plant species altering their own DNA structure
>the new hybrid plant is automatically patented as a derivative work
>pre-loaded with germicide insecticide anti mold, resilliance against elements of nature (including water rot or snow)
>ability to live without water for months and months
>roots can hibernate to re-grow into a new plant even if stalk is ripped out of ground
>stalk can also re-root in certain instances
they say its been tested but they havent been widely tested over decades
the side effects are trumbling when one considers that in the 80s we still thought lead was safe in paint and gas
in the 90s all of our childrens toys and baby toys from china were loaded with mercury and lead
in the 2000s we learned about BPA in plastic
you think we fucking understand how to play god with genetics??
how will our bodies react to a alien object that isnt naturally synthesized into human bodies?
scientists can only study GMOs legally in the USA
our meat is banned in canada and eu/uk for a reason!
we need at least 100+ years of testing and we barely have 5 years worth of forced consumer testing
Where did all these braindead Monsanto shills come from?
1. Live in Saudi Arabia for a week and observe their brand of punishment.
2. Live in Venezuela for a week to experience the wonders of socialism
3. Come back to Sup Forums waiving the white flag like the stinky Frenchman you are admitting defeat.
It was in highschool my Norwegian friend.
monsantos fuckery is one of the top sources of xenoestrogens (ie; the chemicals alex jones says make frogs gay) in the water other than bpa plastic
Venezuela is shit socialism economically speaking (otherwise it's ok). My brand of socialism works just fine, trust me ! =)
What's up with Saudi Arabia ? They are your allies :D
Fucking kek
they literally have a internet defense force
try not to mention them directly because they have bots that crawl the net for the name
we just refer to the whole ordeal as GMOs to prevent aggro
Yeah sure thing, Mahmud Dupont.
Don't try reverse psychology on americans to double down on a topic, it's counter productive.
Monsanto a shit still, they sell long term poison as food.
always blows my mind how many monsanto shills are on Sup Forums
its even worse than the jidf days
>me lik da joos
>>plants become forcibly sterile in a couple generations so you buy more seeds
They drooped this thing as it reduces plants performance. Now they just send blackwater thugs after farmers refusing to pay royalties.
Monsanto shits on the free soy market by making it so you cant seed any soy in the USA other than monsanto soy beans. If you start trying to plant your own variety they'll hide a few monsanto plants in your field and "discover" them later and then accuse you of stealing their patented mcSoy seeds and take you to court. Fuck this company seriously I want to try what another kind of soybean would taste like and they make it almost impossible.
>tfw you are not a poor poo farmer so you can keep buying monsanto mutant seeds and products each season for unprecedented reliability and profits
its not like I'm eating this soy anyway
i love you based monsanto pls never leave me bby
I think there is a GM potato that has less or none of this toxin that is in potatos and still hippies still freaked out over it and I think they pressured Mc donald's to not use it in their fries. Most farmers have been not been saving seeds well before GMOs, because of hybrid crops and it's a huge pain to organize and store a massive amount of seeds.
It's because goys must be fed only this kind of GMO xenoestrogen soybeans for their health and safety
Fucking over large corporations is the only good thing the EU does